Filename completion with the Korn shell

Filename completion with the Korn shell

Filename completion is only available if the the environment variables EDITOR and\\or VISUAL are set to either emacs, gmacs or vi. For example:


The value of the VISUAL variable takes precedence over the value of the EDITOR variable.

To complete a file or directory name with emacs or gmacs set press the ESC key twice.

   $ ls -l on<ESC><ESC>line_help

If the filename is not completed enter more characters until the filename can be uniquely identified.

Directories are shown by the trailing / character.

To complete a file or directory name with vi set press the \\ (backward slash) key.

   $ ls -l on<\\>line_help

If the filename is not completed enter more characters until the filename can be uniquely identified.

Directories are shown by the trailing / character.

List possible names

To list all the possible names of files press the ESC key followed by the = key.

   $ ls -l S<ESC><=>
   1) SIRS
   2) Solaris

Directories are shown by the trailing / character.

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