1. To rename a file:
mv junk precious
This renames the file junk as the file precious.
2. To be prompted when using the mv command:
mv -i draft1.txt part1.txt remove part1.tx?n
This command prompts you to confirm that you really want to move the file draft1.txt to the file part1.txt; a file with that name already exists.
Entering n cancels this action: a y confirms it.
3. To move a file to another directory:
mv precious treasure
This moves the file precious from the current directory to the directory treasure.
4. To move a file to another directory and rename it:
mv jewel casket/amethyst
This moves the file jewel to the filename amethyst in the subdirectory casket.
5. To move and rename a directory:
mv vr1.1 ../environments/virtual_rooms
This moves the directory vr1.1 from the current directory to the directory ../environments and renames it as virtual_rooms.