
  "As Nanotechnology moves beyond reliance on proteins, it will grow more ordinary from an engineer's point of view. Molecules will be assembled like the components of an erector set, and well-bonded parts will stay put. Just as ordinary tools can build ordinary machines from parts, so molecular tools will bond molecules together to make tiny gears, motors, levers, and casings, and assemble them to make complex machines."

K. Eric Drexler

Nanotechnology is the ability to manufacture objects and structures with atomic precision, literally atom by atom. This would mirror the abilities of living cells (which do exactly the same thing, although based on evolution and not design). This technology will have tremendous potential; simple applications involve the creation of new and powerful materials, perfect diamond in bulk quantities and a tool to manipulate objects on any scale. More advanced applications would involve massively parallel nanocomputers, self-replication and more or less bright nanodevices able to interact with their surroundings.


•Self-assembling consumer goods

•Nanocomputers millions of times faster than today's microcomputers

•Artifical Intelligence

•Safe and affordable space travel

•Eradication of many illnesses, life extension, and cybernetic enhancement

•No more pollution and automatic cleanup of already existing pollution

•No more famine and starvation

•Reintroduction of many extinct plants and animals

•Terraforming on Earth and on other planets


More information on Nanotechnology:

  1. Nanotimeline

  2. "Kadath in the Cold Waste"

  3. "The Nanofuture at Cornell University"

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