Wars in the Inner Sphere:

Crescent Hawk's Inception Hacking Guide

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Many thanks to Jonathan Schattke, who researched this guide (his homepage is at http://www.ripco.com/~wizwom).

You'll need a decent hex editor, such as HexWorks 32 - after that, you're on your own. Enjoy!

Battletech hacking notes:
MAIN disk
$10,$3 Base mech designs
$0	Offset list (these designs are not fixed length).
$1A	CHAMELEON string, null terminated
	Armor Max Values
	Structure Max Values
	2-byte actuator tags?, $CF - no hand, no LA, $FF all
	Number of heat sinks in engine
	Null-terminated list of ammo values
	Walk, Jump
	Weapons list.
		Location (offset to put bytes)
			$33 Right Arm
			$3A Right torso
			$41 Left Arm
			$48 Left Torso
			$4F Left Leg
			$51 Right Leg
			$53 Center Torso
			$55 Head
			$FF to tag end of weapon list & design
		Weapons, per list, +$80 to tag end of location
GAME disk
$16,$E Character data, saved game #1
$16,$7 Character data, saved game #2
+$C	1st character, characteristics, 0 B D 0 C
+$10	1st character, skills: blade bow guns gunnery piloting tech medic
+$17	1st character, weapon (see crit chart)
+$1E	2nd charater starts...

$16,$D Mech data, saved game #1
$16,$6 Mech data, saved game #2
$2B 1st mech Name
$AA 2nd mech Name 
+$10 Mass
+$11 Armor values, R. Arm, R. Leg, R Torso, Head, C Torso,
	L Arm, L Leg, L Torso, R Torso R, C Torso R, L Torso R
+$1C I.S. values, R. Arm, R. Leg, R Torso, Head, C Torso,
	L Arm, L Leg, L Torso
+$24 Actuators, 2 bytes.  $FFFF=all
+$26 # of heat sinks in engine
+$27 Weapon Ammo, 10 bytes
+$31 Walk move
+$32 Jump move
+$33 crit charts - LA7, LT7, RA7, RT7, LL2, RL2, CT2, H1
	(+$80 - destroyed)
	$01 Knife
	$02 Sword
	$03 Vibroblade
	$04 Shortbow
	$05 Longbow
	$06 Crossbow
	$07 Pistol
	$08 Rifle
	$09 SMG
	$0A SRM
	$0B Inferno
	$0C Laser Gun
	$0D Laser Rifle
	$0E	- blank -
	$0F	- blank -
	$10 Small Laser
	$11 Medium Laser
	$12 Large Laser
	$13 PPC
	$14 AC/2
	$15 AC/5
	$16 AC/10
	$17 AC/20
	$18 Machine Gun
	$19 Flamer
	$1A LRM 5
	$1B LRM 10
	$1C LRM 15
	$1D LRM 20
	$1E SRM 2
	$1F SRM 4
	$20 SRM 6
	$21 Kick
	$22 Heat Sink
	(after that, it's a lot of garbage.)
+$45 Maximum armor, as per armor
+$50 Maximum structure, as per structure
+$58 Maximum ammo, as per ammo

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