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BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Revenge
Released for PC in 1991 by Infocom
Written by Westwood Associates - Distributed by Mediagenic

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CHR Title ScreenComments
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Where to find Crescent Hawk's Revenge

MechCommander should have been Crescent Hawk's Revenge 2 - it's that good, and that similar. The plot: Jason Youngblood, fresh from saving Pacifica from Kurita invasion in Crescent Hawk's Inception, now leads the Crescent Hawks in battles against Kurita raiders, but eventually fights alongside them against the Clans. The entirety of Inner Sphere history from 3029-3052 is covered in passing, culminating in the climactic defense of Luthien. The game featured excellent graphics and a huge range of 'Mechs and vehicles of every era and tech level, plus digitized voices accompanying the combat. Artillery, satellite recon, Beagle probes, and airstrikes were available, and lances could be controlled completely or broken down to mech-by-mech directions, with movement, target, and even permission to overheat as possible orders. Gameplay was real-time, not turn-based, and it could get hectic in the extreme. Missions unfolded logically but were immensely difficult to master - everyone gained a new respect and loathing for massed Elementals versus 3025 mechs. Upon completion, the game reverted to a somewhat overrated "Training Ground" mode (the Grounds were on Pacifica, where Jason retired as Training Master, fittingly) which allowed for player-selected enemies and goals. Trivia Note: along the way, we learn the noble but tragic fate of Gideon Braver Vandenburg, leader of the Blazing Aces mercenaries from MechWarrior 1: he died in his Phoenix Hawk, kicking Ghost Bear butt in a 5-on-1 fight.

CHR Box ArtHelpful Hints
Stats on the Advanced Inner Sphere Mechs

Title Screen (48k)
Box Image (28k)
Powerhits: BattleTech Box Image (137k)

PowerHits: BattleTechIn-game Screenshots
Inner Sphere 3029 Map (27k)
Mech Hanger (62k)
Memorial for the Dead (52k)
Busy Firebase (44k)

Win95/98 CHR Desktop Theme (requires Plus!) (443k)
Winning Saved Game (enables Training Ground) (3k)

Where to find Crescent Hawk's Revenge

Looking for CHI, CHR, or MW1? You can do it the legal way by searching for Powerhits: BattleTech - good luck! Or, you can follow one of these links to find them. These will take you to several Abandonware sites, where you can begin your search. NOTE: I do not condone software piracy. Abandonware, however, is a special case. Abandonware must meet all of the following criteria: 1. The program is no longer commerically available for purchase. 2. The program must be over 5 years old (some say 4). 3. The manufacturer no longer supports the program in question. Some sites differ in their versions of these guidelines, and some are more or less scrupulous than others, but all adhere to some form of these rules. I say again for the timid: Abandonware is still technically piracy, and therefore illegal, but I have to repeat the Abandonware credo: "Better spread than dead!" If nobody stands to profit by it, then it can only serve to help spread the influence and good press of those involved - in this case, FASA and BattleTech, and Activision and Westwood (since Infocom and MediaGenic are kaput). Here's where the letter of the law and the spirit of the law part ways. NOTE: I am not responsible for what appears on these websites, nor am I responsible for what you download off of them - if you find illegal software, viruses, corrupt ZIP files, etc., please contact THAT SITE'S webmaster, not me. That being said, rarely will you encounter problems with any of these.

Televar's Cool Stuff - MechWarrior 1 and both Crescent Hawk games are available here, plus PowerHits: BT (CHs under B for BattleTech, MW1 under M, and PowerHits: BT under "BattleTech Compilation").
http://come.to/televar - added on 3/31/99

Abandonware Requiem - MechWarrior 1 and both Crescent Hawk games are available here (CHI/CHR under "BattleTech 1 and 2").
http://requiem.qis.ca - added on 3/26/99

Portal Downloads - MechWarrior 1 and both Crescent Hawk games are available here.

Abandonware Ring - The place to go for tons of old software; search here only if the link(s) above die.

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