Demo Mission 1 by Legend Slayer 100 Ton Maximum Drop Weight 3 Drop Slots Available Objectives: 1. Destroy Natural Gas Pump and and HQ Building at Camp "Alpha" ---- Defended by 1 Striker, 1 Harasser, 1 Saracen, 2 J. Edgar, 3 Cannon Turrets 2. Capture Component Warehouses at Camp "Beta" Supply Base ---- Defended by 1 Uller A, 1 Commando W, 1 Condor, 2 Cannon Turrets 3. Move Surviving Force to Extraction Point ---- Defended by 1 Rommel Other Points of Interest 1. Camp Charlie - Contains a capturable Container Stack with 2 C/Streak SRM's ---- Located at northwest corner of the Island ---- Defended by 2 J. Edgars 2. DropShip Landing Mesa - Contains two capturable Container Stacks holding a C/ER-PPC and a C/Light Ultra-AC ---- Located at center southernmost part of the island ---- Undefended Opposition: Mechs * 1 Uller A (Clan, 30 Tons) * 1 Commando W (IS, 25 Tons) Vehicles * 6 J. Edgar (Hover, 25 Tons) * 1 Striker (Wheeled, 35 Tons) * 1 Rommel (Tracked, 65 Tons) * 1 Saracen (Hover, 35 Tons) * 1 Condor (Hover, 50 Tons) * 1 Harasser (Hover, 25 Tons) Defense Emplacements * 5 Cannon Turrets Shown below are the General and One Mech strategies for Demo Mission 1. If you have a strategy for any MechCommander mission that you would like posted, E-Mail it to me. Make sure to include the mission number and the strategy name. Demo Mission 1: General Strategy This strategy incorporates any type of lance configuration. Outfit your Mechs as you see fit. I would advise bringing along at least one Cougar for some heavy hitting ability. Make sure to pack a lot of firepower. You can use your artillery anytime you like. The DropShip deposits your lance in northern corner of the island. Head south and you should encounter a ridge with a road running along it. A Striker light tank is patrolling the road. If you have a jump capable Mech, jump the ridge and blast the Striker from point blank range, as it carries only LRM's. Otherwise, either blow up the woods to the west of the ridge to go through quickly or follow the ridge north-east until it ends and follow the road back. At the junction, follow the road south-west. A Saracen and a Harasser should come up from behind, close in and destroy them quickly, but don't touch the Fuel Truck, you'll need it later . Then keep heading south-west on the road until you find a dirt road leading north. At this point, 2 J. Edgar hovercraft will engage you from the south. They sport C/Pulse Lasers and are very fast, but try to fight at long range anyway. After destroying them, follow the dirt road north to reach Camp Charlie. Destroy the two J. Edgar's defending it then capture the container stack. Next, Follow the paved road south-east until you reach another dirt road, this one leading north-east. Follow it to the top of a hill that overlooks Camp Alpha (Objective 1). Now you can either stay at long range and destroy the Cannon Turrets, or rush in and capture the Turret Control Tower. I would advise capturing it. Then march into the base and polish off the two defending J. Edgar's. Destroy the Gas Pump (keep away, very explosive) from long range then destroy the HQ. Also of interest in this base is a Supply Bunker in the northern corner of the base. Capture it. After this, return to the crest of the hill you assaulted the base from. To the south, a Commando W stands powered down, defending the entrance to Camp Beta (Objective 2). A Condor hovertank patrols the road leading into the base. The Fuel Truck you spared earlier should be right next to the Commando. Now you can either artillery the truck, or blast it from long range. The resulting explosion(s) will eliminate (99% of the time) the Commando. Now move in and engage the Condor at close range, it shouldn't last long. Now go south and west and follow the edge of the Forrest around to the left to assault Camp Beta from behind. This will let you engage the defending Uller A without having to also deal with the Cannon Turrets. As soon as you see the Uller, make your MechWarriors aim at the head. They should move to optimum range and stand still to get better aim, this is good. The Uller should also stand still. Can anyone say ARTILLERY? After eliminating the Uller, move into the base and capture the Turret Control first, then proceed to capture the three Component Warehouses. Go due south of the Camp Beta backdoor and you should reach a mesa with a DropShip pad and some Container Stacks on it. You HAVE to have jump capable Mech to reach it. Jump up, capture both stacks, then jump back down and head toward the Extraction Point (Objective 3). En route, you should meat a Rommel tank. Move to optimum range and engage. Now head back toward the Extraction Point. Mission Accomplished. If you still have an artillery strike left, go ahead and destroy the little sports car and house back by your drop point. Demo Mission 1: The One Mech Challenge Strategy For this one, take the Cougar J armed with the PPC stripped from the Firestarter W, the Streak SRM and Guardian ECM from the Raven A, and three C/LRMs. Or you can try a lighter Mech if you think you're a hotshot MechCommander. From the starting point, head south until you hit a ridge. A Striker armed exclusively with LRMs is patrolling the road parallel to the ridge. Jump the ridge and destroy it at close range with your streaks and PPC. Now head south-east along the road at the intersection till you meet a Harasser. The Harasser sports only SRMs, but is devilishly fast. Take it out as fast as possible. If you go too far south, you'll meet some Cannon Turrets. Don't engage yet, you'll assault that base later. While you are engaging the Harasser, two J. Edgar hovercraft and a Saracen will move in on you. Move north toward the ridge and engage the Saracen at nominal range. If you see a Fuel Truck, let it go, you'll need it later to sow some destruction. The J. Edgars should reach you by now. Very fast and with clan pulse lasers, they can get annoying VERY quickly. Keep moving while bombarding them with missiles and PPC bolts. Now go back to the intersection and head south-west till you reach dirt road leading north. Follow it till you are standing at the edge of Charlie Camp and are not in range of the two defending J. Edgars. If you don't feel like taking them on, plant a small artillery strike near them so they are just inside the circle. To close and you'll destroy the Container Stack you came to liberate. If you decide to conserve your artillery, fire a barrage at the closest J. Edgar and then back off. Keep moving and blasting till you destroy them. Now go capture that container stack. From there, head south on the paved road until you reach another dirt road leading northeast. Follow it to the top of a hill overlooking Camp Alpha. Since you destroyed all the defending enemies earlier, you will be able to dash/jump in and take over turret control. Off to the west two more J. Edgars wait powered down. You can use an artillery strike right between them if you want. Or you can lure them into the crossfire of your newly acquired cannon turrets. Finish them off, then destroy the Gas pump and HQ. There is also a full supply bunker holding a C/ER laser (it must be pretty small to be 'full' when it contains only a laser ) that is ripe for the pickings. You should now go back to the hill east of Camp Alpha. To the south, you should see a Commando W parked next to the Fuel Truck you left alone earlier. Using an artillery strike isn't necessary, just take out the truck with your LRMs. Hopefully the Commando won't have time to power up before you destroy the truck. If it doesn't, it won't even know what hit it. If you're lucky, you will get to salvage some of it. If not, at least you don't have to pay for extra repairs. Now move south to the ridge overlooking Camp Beta. You should see a Condor Hovertank patrolling the road. Go west until you find a pass through the ridge. Go through the pass and engage the Condor by running parallel to it at nominal range and proceeding to turn it into a smoldering pile of junk. Don't get to close to the entrance. Now follow the woods bordering Camp Beta around to the west. You should find the back door. Now for the hard part. A Clan Uller A waits to finish what its comrades failed to do: destroy you. If you have enough armor left, it shouldn't be a problem. Get it's attention. You'll know when you have its attention, because it will power up and start pounding you. Now run south while firing at the Uller. Once you have lured it away from the base, dash back in through the back door and capture turret control. Forget about shooting at the Mech, and just wait above the two newly captured Cannon Turrets until the Uller follows you back through the base. Run back to Camp Alpha and let the turrets shoot at it. At Camp Alpha, run back to right underneath the captured supply bunker until the Uller gets in range and starts firing. All this time, your cannon turrets should be blasting at him. Run and jump all over the place to avoid getting hit, just keep your little friend in the cannons crossfire. He should die in no time at all if you pitch in your token firepower. After the Uller is eliminated, you can go capture the component warehouses at Camp Beta at your leisure. Objective 2 completed. Now all you have to do is get to the extraction point. But first, head to the bottom center of the island to capture the container stacks on the DropShip Mesa, you will need a jump capable Mech for it though. Between you and the Extraction Point, a Rommel waits downtown to ambush you. If you feel up to it, just walk up to him and blast him into next week, otherwise you can lure him through the gauntlet of cannon turrets like you did to the Uller. After disposing of the Rommel, you can head to the extraction point to complete the mission.