Demo Mission 2 by Legend Slayer 150 Ton Maximum Drop Weight 4 Drop Slots Available Objectives: 1. Eliminate Guards at Forced Labor Camp ---- Defended by 2 Uller J's, 1 LRM Carrier, 2 Missile Turrets 2. Destroy Clan Administration Building ---- Defended by 2 Cougar A's, 3 Pop-Up Missile Turrets 3. Destroy HyperPulse Transmitter ---- Defended by 1 Vulture A Other Points of Interest: None Opposition: Mechs * 2 Uller J (Clan, 30 Tons) * 2 Cougar A (Clan, 35 Tons) * 1 Vulture A (Clan, 60 Tons) Vehicles * 1 Bulldog (Tracked, 60 Tons) * 1 Rommel (Tracked, 65 Tons) * 1 LRM Carrier (Tracked, 60 Tons) * 2 Aerospace Spotters (Tracked) Defense Emplacements * 2 Missile Turrets * 5 Pop-Up Missile Turrets Shown below are the General and One Mech strategies for Demo Mission 2. If you have a strategy for any MechCommander mission that you would like posted, E-Mail it to me. Make sure to include the mission number and the strategy name. Demo Mission 2: General Strategy This is a general strategy designed to encompass a variety of Mechs and weapons variants. In the pre-mission area, select Mechs and weapons configured to your fighting style. There are no specific choices for this strategy. After your lance is dropped off, follow the road you start on till you hit a curve. Wait for the Bulldog to come into visual range, then engage it. Your best bet is to stay at long range and whittle away at it's armor because it sports a close range Heavy Autocannon as a primary weapon. After you dispose of the tank, head west at the turn in the road. You should find a Rommel tank guarding a small port. Close in and destroy it quickly. Now you have two options. If you have a jump capable Mech you can walk your Mechs up the hill to the east of the Forced Labor Camp (Objective 1) and then jump over the wall to capture gate control and turret control and storm the base. If you don't have a Mech with jump jets, then you can either shoot at the wall in front of gate control until it crumples then rush in and take over or destroy gate and turret control, or blow up the oil refinery at the south-east corner of the base which takes down the walls nearest it and then take over or destroy the turrets and gate. After you are in the Forced Labor Camp, you have to eliminate the guards, which happen to be 2 Uller J's and a LRM Carrier. If you can get the Ullers to stand still, use a small artillery barrage to soften them up. Otherwise aim for the cockpit/head and concentrate your lance's fire on one Mech at a time. Finish off the LRM Carrier last. Objective 1 complete. Now you can exit the base and proceed north until you run into some pop-up missile turrets. Take them out from long range if possible, otherwise rush in and kill them quickly. Now follow the road north-west and take out the Aerospace Spotters that are patrolling the area. Always be ready to run your Mechs out of range of an airstrike if the Aerospace Spotters get a lock. It's best just to keep your Mechs moving at all times. Now, head north to the top of a hill that is just west of the northern base. You should see 2 Cougar A's guarding the Clan Administration building (Objective 2). If you have LRM equipped Mechs, fire at the pop-up missile turrets from your current position. If you can't reach one, move close enough that you can hit them without taking return fire. Now that the turrets are gone, you should use your remaining artillery strikes on the 2 Cougars unless you want to have some up-close-and-personal fun. After being softened up, the Cougars should head through the gate to come out and engage you. If you use artillery, so will the dreaded Vulture A. Once again, make sure to stay on the move and concentrate your lance's fire on one mech. You should take some damage or even lose a Mech if you engage the Vulture. If you want to avoid this, plant a large artillery strike at the northern most intersection of the base when the large artillery timer over the Cougars is at 8 seconds. If you get lucky, you will get a head hit and salvage the Vulture relatively intact. After disposing of all the threats on the map, destroy the Clan Administration building (Objective 2) and the HyperPulse Transmitter (Objective 3) to the north-west. Mission accomplished. Demo Mission 2: The One Mech Challenge Strategy Want to beat Mission 2 with the smallest amount of force? Then this strategy is your key..... First off, buy a Commando A from battalion inventory and outfit it with a C/ER-PPC captured from a container stack in the first mission. Put Mantis (or your personal favorite MechWarrior) in the hotseat. When the mission starts, run your Commando to the far south-east corner and wait till the Bulldog has stopped. Then walk up to the little ridge below the tank and fire from your current position. If you do it right, the Bulldog should just sit there while getting hammered. Now run to the loading docks right below the Forced Labor Camp (Objective 1) and keep moving at long range until you kill the Rommel parked there. Go up top of the hill just east of the base and blast a hole in the wall right in front of gate control with your ER PPC, run through, capture turret control first then gate control, and bolt back to the south-east corner of the map where you hid from the Bulldog. If you do it fast enough, the Ullers should ignore you and blast away at the gate. The turrets should take care of the Ullers and the LRM carrier....objective one complete. Next, head north and take out the pop up missile turrets from long range so they can't hit you, they don't have to be open to be destroyed. Head north-west from there and take out the airstrike spotters. Then head due north and get a good view of the base from the hill there. You should spot the Clan Administration building (Objective 2) with two Cougars guarding it and some pop-up missile turrets. Next head south to the ridge then west and get some more recon of the base from a hill to the south of the base. After scouting the base, head east then south and park just outside of your base on the road leading into the Forced Labor Camp with your captured turrets. Put a large artillery strike right between the two Cougars. When the counter reaches 8 seconds, put another large artillery strike at the intersection in front of where the Vulture sits (you cant see him, but your sensors will pick him up). If you time it right, you should catch the Cougars and the Vulture with your artillery strikes. If you are lucky, you will get a head shot and kill the Vulture and his little buddies immediately. If you are not lucky, it gets tricky. The surviving Mechs will spot you in front of your base and head down to take you out. Run behind the oil refinery to the south of your base (stay as far away from it is you can, its VERY volatile) and wait. The Mechs will come down to get you and get softened up by your missile turrets then stop right next to the refinery to blast at you. Take their fire and wait till they are right next to the refinery. If they are to far away, it wont work. Now fire your ER-PPC at a fuel tank. The whole complex should explode and take the damaged Mechs with it. Then head back up to the northern base and destroy the Clan Admin (Objective 2) and Hyper Pulse Generator (Objective 3). If you want to kill the rest of the turrets, stay at long range and blast them with your ER-PPC. Once the HPG falls, Mission accomplished....