Mechwarrior II: Mercenaries, from Activision The Unofficial FAQ Last updated: Nov 1, 1996 This FAQ is an unofficial collection of common questions and answers and information about Mercenaries. It should not be considered representative of Activision whatsoever. See these sites for Official Mercenaries Information: Activision's Mercenaries Page Activision's Mechwarrior2 Customer Support Dan Kegel's Mercenaries FAQ Mercs 1.05 Patch Download Also be sure and check the README.TXT, HELP.TXT, and INTERNET.TXT files that came with Mercenaries. If you disagree with any of the answers I present here, or would like to offer additional information to be added to the FAQ, please let me know. What's New About the game How fast a machine is required? Which version is faster: Dos or Win95? Does the game support Direct-3D? How does the sim engine differ from Mech2? What mechs are included in the game? What mechs were left out of the game? Which Battletech Technical Readouts are the 'Mechs in Mercenaries based on? How does it compare to the style of Mechwarrior 1? Bugs, Problems, and Complaints Why can't I flip directions or add a CTRL-modifier to my control configuration? What's wrong in the mech editor? What's wrong with the Control Configuration? What's wrong with the Instant Action? What's wrong with MercNet? Are there bugs in any of the missions? Why won't it do 1024x768 under Windows 95? Why are all my favorite mechs no longer included in the game? What post-production help and documentation is available? What patches are available, and what do they fix? Control Configuration How do I get my 2-joystick setup (stick, throttle, and rudder) to work? The Simulation Have weapon ranges changed from Mech2? Can I now destroy mechs by taking out a leg? How do I get aerospace support to work? The RPG How does salvage work? What mechs have people been able to salvage? Can I take missions outside of campaigns to earn extra bucks? Can you continue the game after the final mission? Mech Editing Can I use my custom mechs from Mech2 or GBL? How can I change the mech's engine rating? How do I delete unwanted custom mechs? Network and Multi-player games Is there a Win95 version of MercNet? Do I need multiple CDs for a network game? How can I get a list from which to choose a mech while in MercNet? What MercNet servers are available on the 'net? How do I use MercNet with a direct internet connection? Undocumented features What are the cheat codes? What easter eggs are in the game? How can I re-enable the Image Enhancement mode from Mech2? How can I get the game to report my frame-rate? How can I customize my HUD layout? What tools are available for editing missions and mechs? Can completely new mechs be added to the game? Net references What Activision people involved wih Mercenaries are on the net? What newsgroups are avilable for discussing the game? On what ftp sites can I find Mercenaries info? What web pages are there about the game? About the game How fast a machine is required? Here are the recommendations made by Activision in the README.TXT file: ProcessorSpeedsResolutionGraphics Options 486any320x200none Pentium60-75 mhz320x200none Pentium90-133mhz320x200all 640x480all but shadows Pentium150-200mhz640x480all Pentium Proany640x480all Crayany1024x768all Here are some reports by gamers: CPUVideoMemOSResGraphics Optionsresultid P-133Stealth 64 VRAM32meg EDODos 7640x480all but ground detail"good"willday P-90Stingray 32 PCI16meg EDOWin95640x480all"lagged"nhall P-133Millenium32megDos in Win95640x480all"very smooth"rflor P-133Dynamite/12848meg?640x480some detail"almost happy"boogie29 P-1202meg VRAM?Win95640x480all"decent"casper P-133ATI 3D24meg??all"smooth"radick P-166Stealth 64 2meg VRAM40meg EDOWin95640x480all"kinda slow"shaitan P-90???640x480none"ok"dank P-166Millenium 2M32meg EDODos1024x768all"like beauty"SM_Slimee P-133Hercules Dynamite Power32meg EDO?640x480all but ground detail"quite acceptable"akcobra P-133Stealth 3D32meg EDOWin95640x480all"crawls"jgranto P-133Stealth 3D32meg EDODos640x480all"nice and smooth"jgranto """""""" Which version is faster: Dos or Win95? There have been conflicting reports - some find the DOS version is faster, while others find the Win95 version faster. It seems to depend very much on the individual hardware. I've also seemed to notice more reports of hanging, crashing, and sound problems with the Win95 version, but this is only my impression. Does the game support Direct-3D? No, the game does not currently support Direct-3D. A version supporting the Direct-3D API, and/or a version natively supporting one of the new 3D chipsets, is rumored to be in development, but there are no definites. In his Mercs FAQ, Dan Kegel says: We haven't announced 3D card versions of Mercenaries yet. It's fair to assume we're working on something, but for now stick to the software only version. Writing a well optimized Direct-3D version or a version tailored for a particular 3D card would take some time. (ref: Kegel FAQ) How does the sim engine differ from Mech2? There are three new effects available from the "Combat Variables" settings: Particles (ie missiles have smoke trails) Multiple Lights (ie weapons illuminate the surroundings) Shadows (ie mechs have shadows on the ground) Mechs now fall down if one of their legs is destroyed. However, the mech is not yet considered destroyed. You still have to destroy its other leg (or a torso section, etc), at which point it will, as before, explode. Also, the Artificial Intelligence of the enemies has reportedly been improved. Fred Berganio comments: I think AI has improved a lot! They won't charge directly in on you anymore, and their lead aim, particularly with PPCs is frustratingly, good! They maneuver a lot better and more, and seem (to me) to be harder to hit, particularly the lighter classes, which will dance around you until you get a few solid hits on them. Mechs using jumpjets will maneuver more in the air, always trying the DFA move. (ref: fred.berganio) Jack Mamais further explains about the AI: Actually, AI has improved a great deal. Lancemates stop shooting if you walk in front of them now. They might hit you one time but they instantly stop after that. Other AI changes include the fact that enemies (and lancemates for that matter) can group weapons and fire at individual body parts. Mechs can also lead better with their weapons (check out the Awesome from the first FCC mission) and they dynamically group on the fly. It's true the earlier pilots are kind of sorry but better pilots become available with time. Check out Daniel Wilkes as a lancemate, he is available early and I used him through the whole game. He is a very strong pilot. (ref: bearkhan) What mechs are included in the game? The game includes the following mechs, available for piloting at least in Instant Action and MercNet games, if not in the campaign game: (in order as listed in the game) 2750/3025 Mechs MechTons Annililator100 Assassin40 Atlas100 Awesome80 Bombardier65 Catapult65 Centurion50 Cicada40 Clint40 Commando25 Crab50 MechTons Cyclops90 Dragon60 Flashman75 Highlander90 Hunchback50 Jenner35 Jaggermech65 Javelin30 Orion75 Panther35 Quickdraw60 MechTons Sentinel40 Stalker85 Thug80 Trebuchet50 Urbanmech30 Victor80 Vindicator45 Whitworth40 Zeus80 -- -- 3050 Mechs MechTons Battlesuit1 Hatamoto-Chi80 MechTons Hornet20 Mauler90 MechTons Raven35 Wolf Trap45 3055 Mechs MechTons Battle Hawk30 Grim Reaper55 MechTons Mongoose25 Rakshasa75 MechTons Salamander80 -- Clan Mechs MechTons Cauldron Born65 Direwolf100 Elemental1 Executioner95 Firemoth20 Gargoyle80 Grizzly70 MechTons Hellbringer65 Jenner IIc35 Kit Fox30 Kodiak100 Linebacker65 Mad Dog60 Naga80 MechTons Nova90 Phantom40 Stormcrow55 Summoner70 Timber Wolf75 Warhawk85 -- What mechs were left out of the game? The following mechs were included in Mech2 and/or Ghost Bear's Legacy, but for various reasons were not included in Mercenaries: Missing Mechs from Mech2/GBL MechTons Tarantula25 Rifleman IIc65 Warhammer IIc80 MechTons Marauder IIc85 Battlemaster85 Incubus30 MechTons Horned Owl35 Stone Rhino100 -- See also: "Why are all my favorite mechs no longer included in the game?" Which Battletech Technical Readouts are the 'Mechs in Mercenaries based on? This answer was posted by William E. Ward III, of The Rare Mech Times They are loosely based on TR3025, TR2750, TR3050, TR3055 and TR3058 (but closer to actuality for the TR3058). Since that is EVERY one of the Technical Readouts except the Revised (which I can't comment on, money's been tight the last few months, so I haven't bought the latest Btech stuff...) and TR3057 and TR3026, which don't have mechs anyway. The TR2750 gives the Highlander, Flashman, Mongoose, Crab, Sentinel, Thug, and Bombadier an intro... The Crab and Sentinel appear in TR3050 as well. The Mauler and Wolf Trap are TR3050. The Hatamoto-Chi is a Charger variant that also came out in TR3050. The Hornet, Annhilator and Raven are all "Specials" in that they originally came out between the 3025 and 3050 books, but the first TR to have them was TR3050. They first appeared (in 3025 tech only) in the Wolf Dragoons Source Book. The Dragon itself (as opposed to the later Grand Dragon) is TR3025 only. The Grim Reaper, Battlehawk, and Salamander are TR3055. The Rakshasa is an Inner Sphere copy of the MadCat (Timberwolf) that was first created in TR3055 as well. The Direwolf (Daishi), Elemental (Toad), Excutioner (Gladiator), Gargoyle (Man-o-War), MadDog (Vulture), Nova (Blackhawk), Stormcrow (Ryoken), Summoner (Thor), Timber Wolf (MadCat), Warhawk (Masakari), Firemoth (Dasher), Hellbringer (Loki), and Kit Fox (Uller) were the "Classic" omnimechs introduced in TR3050, when the Clans were introduced. The Cauldron Born is TR3058. The Battlesuit is not in any TR, other than a mention that the IS was attempting to rapidly develop a system like it in TR3050. It is in the rules, now, however, and has shown in the new Draconis March Field Manual. The Kodiak is also TR3058. The Kodiak and Cauldron Born first appeared in the Invading Clans Sourcebook. That should account for every mech in Mercs. However, with that, this caveat should be seen. The is probably the same mech as TR2750, but the Crab should have FF, The Sentinel should have a SSRM-2 and a UAC-5, the Bombadier should have DHS, AMS and Ferro, IIRC, the Highlander should have a Gauss Rifle, the Thug should have DHS (GAWD is it over heatsinked!) and Endo, the Flashman should be extinct, etc. (Not that I'm complaining. I love the Flashman, and begged to have it in). The ones that were TR2750 except for the Mongoose have been "Dummied" down to TR3025 tech by FASA in the TR3025-Revised edition (the one I don't have) and these may be correct to that. Also, all but three mechs that were in TR3025 were included in TR3050 (others were added, but only three were removed), and all of the ones that would ever be in MW are in the group that is in both (ie., only the LAMs were present in TR3025 but not TR3050). The mechs in TR3050 had upgraded tech, however. (ref: wew) How does it compare to the style of Mechwarrior 1? I'm not very far in the game, but it doesn't seem to have quite as rich an environment as Mech1 did. There's no inter-planetary travel, no bar, and contracts are not negotiable. Also, there doesn't appear to be much of a background story - nothing driving you as a character, except just being a mercenary and "making money". We'll see how that changes, if any, as the game progresses. Jadam observes: The original MW #1 was superior to this MW2 in a number of aspects (and even it was criticized at the time for having lack of story depth): You could bargain to try and get a better contract price. Travel, and travel expense, were an issue. You could move from planet to planet. Some planets didn't have repair facilities; some didn't have contracting offices. You could get better deals on mechs on some planets, and better prices selling mechs on other planets. --This added to the "atmosphere," and helped give the game more depth. If you said "Repair All" and some parts weren't available, it would tell you as much. (This one might be better listed as yet another bug in MW2.) (ref: jadam) None of these aspects are present in MW2 Mercenaries. Problems Why can't I flip directions or add a CTRL-modifier to my control configuration? In Mech2, you might recall, there were two columns on the control config screen: one that let you flip the direction of some functions, like the torso twisting, from Up/Down to Down/Up, and another that let you assign a keymodifier to the input device or key (ctrl, alt, or shift). In Mercs, those two columns appear to be absent. They don't show up on the config screen at all. However, it appears that the functions of the columns are, in fact, still there. That is, you can click in the locations of the columns, and produce the same changes as you were able to in Mech2. You just can't see the results of those changes, at least without exiting the game and looking at the INPUT.MAP. It's a royal pain in the ass, and I think, a major oversight. I made it virtually impossible to move some of the config settings around. I'm not sure what else to say about this bug, except that I'm surprised it made it out of quality-assurance. One way to get around the problem is to manually edit the INPUT.MAP file to add the modifiers you want, or to flip the direction of a function. Be aware, though, that this file is replaced whenever you change your active configuration from the game's control config screen. I think, but I'm not sure, that the four config setups are saved in GIDDI/CONFIGxx.CPC in a binary format, and the chosen one is then used to produce the INPUT.MAP file used by the game's input routines. My solution to the problem was to config my controllers with Mech2, and copy the GIDDI/CONFIGxx.CPC and INPUT.MAP files back to the Mercs directory. This so far as worked just fine, as it appears the file formats are virtually identical between the two games. This will hopefully be fixed soon in a patch. What's wrong in the mech editor? There have been several reports of bugs and other problems in the mech editor. Here are the problems I've encountered with the mech lab: It no longer seems to keep a list of the mech's installed weapons. It looks like I now have to click on each body section to see what's installed there, and try to keep a running list in my head. I couldn't find a way anymore to delete arm actuators, but I'm not sure if that's even very relevant anymore. The concept of "upgrading" heat sinks isn't clear to me, and doesn't appear to be explained at all in the manual. I had problems where I would try to add double heat sinks, and it would say I needed to upgrade my heat sinks first, but when I selected Upgrade heat sinks, it told me it couldn't upgrade them, or there were none to upgrade. When I added endo-steel, or ferro-fibrous, the list of criticals to add to the mech overwrote the text of the longer lists of equipment (ie ammo). Also when I added endo-steel, I couldn't find a way to _undo_ that change, short of adding all the criticals, and then deleting them. I couldn't seem to do very much else in the lab until I had allocated those criticals. I couldn't, for instance, change my armor or engine rating. It couldn't find a way to change the type of mech I was editing in the lab, as I could in Mech2. It looks like I have to exit the lab entirely in order to edit a different mech. It didn't seem to have the heat and other data on the weapons available while editing, which makes it much more difficult to design mechs that don't overheat. Weapon groupings aren't saved with the custom mech. They're only saved in the campaign save-games, so you can't preset weapon groupings in Instant Action or MercNet. It appears to save (at least coming from Instant Action) the mech as an additional variant, _even if I've made no changes_. I enter the lab, then exit the lab, and I have a new variant saved on disk. John Chih-Wei Tang had this to say about the mech editor: First of all, there's this occurance of weight peeling off mechs. I would buy and customize a mech, and it would show up 75/75 tons. After one battle, that number turns into 61/75. And then if you fit more stuff onto it, it drops YET AGAIN after the next battle! Then there's another huge (and fatal) problem with ammunition. It never tells you exactly how much ammo is left, nor does it ever really chage you for ammo. You just buy the ammo racks, which are replaced if they're damaged. But the odd thing is that once you start replacing these racks, your mech gets heavier and heavier. And you get proportionally more and more missiles or shells. At one point I had 1380 LRM5 missiles, and my mech was 10 tons overweight. 'course that's the point at which the game crashed each and every time when I try to use the LRM5. And there doesn't seem to be a way around either of these problems. It seems like with the weight-loss problem, Mercenaries is taking weight off for the armor lost during the battle, but never adding them back on when it's repaired.. and similarly for the ammo, it leaves the old space in there somewhere (you don't even see it in the critical chart).. so the mech gets heavier and heavier. You can't even attempt to re-customize the mech and remove the space reserved for the ammo, because they take it off the customization list! (ref: johnct) Carlin also mentioned the problem with ammunition: Ammunition bug - This one really hurts gameplay. On any mech that carries ammunition, if the ammo gets damaged, an extra ton is added upon repair. The damaged ammo isn't replaced, an additional ton is added ignoring the maximum weight. This really sux because while you can remove the ton of ammo added for replacement, you can't remove the damaged ton, making the mech non-customizable for the rest of the game. The only way to deal with it is to a)Use only energy weapons, b)Get the design the way you like it and never change it again, or c)Sell the mech and get another one. This bug was amusing at first, but now I find it maddening. (ref: markcln) Michael Wang mentions a problem with ES and FF criticals: The killer problem for me is the bug with assigning crit slots for endo steel and ferro-fibrous armor. Let's say you are customizing a mech that already has endo steel. You want to move the pieces around for better crit slot placement (e.g. sticking them in arms rather than the torso). So you delete the endo steel (if you delete one piece, they all disappear) and notice how the tonnage used goes up (as expected). Then you double click the appropriate equip item to add it back on, struggle when the addition process since there's a bug where it doesn't track your mouse click correctly so you end up having to click all over the place to move the pieces to the designated crit slots, and after you've struggled with that, you notice your tonnage used hasn't gone down. Oops! (ref: mwang) And here are Paul C. Mrstik's observations: I must confess that I cannot for the life of me figure out why they had to change the well-tested and familiar (and user-friendly) 'Mechlab of MW2 and GBL to this surprisingly incomplete and non-intuitive monstrosity that plagues Mercs. If case you haven't tried it yet, I'm referring to the fact that (as several others have already noted), the many 'Mechs are first listed in alphabetical order as opposed to tonnage, and the tonnages are listed on the same screen. Thus inless you happen to know offhand, you have to first select each 'Mech (and go to a separate screen) in order to check its tonnage. This I could live with, as I personally have played the board game since it was released and am familiar with most of the units by name and tonnage anyway. But the actual Mech editor is unexplainable. First, there is no general data list. Where you used to be able to see the following inportant information at a glance: Engine (tonnage allocated, rating, and type) Heat Sinks (tonnage allocated, NUMBER, and type) Jump Jets (tonnage allocated) Internal (tonnage allocated and type) Armor (tonnage allocated and type) Weapons (combined tonnage allocated) Ammo (combined tonnage allocated) and Used and Total Mass. . . now there is no such listing. I haven't found a method to determine the number of heat sinks you've got on a given design short of counting the critical spaces you have assigned. And this isn't exactly as easy as it sounds, since the actual Battletech table-top game rules are followed in the Mechwarrior games where "A number of heat sinks equal to the engine rating divided by 25 (round down) are assumed to be an integral part of the engine. These heat sinks are only destroyed if the engine is totally destroyed, and so cannot take critical hits." For example, if the player adds 5 heat sinks (for a total of 15) to a Battletech carrying an engine rated at 210, 8 of these sinks (210 / 25) are considered integral to the engine and do not have to be assigned critical slots. The other 7 are the only ones actually assigned. No more nice presented figure to show max. heat dissipation capability. Ugh. Just as frustrating is the lack of a Weapons and Ammo List. As others have indicated before me, there is no way to see an itemized list of a 'Mech's Weapons, Ammo, and Special equipment. The only way to determine this is to actually check each critical location to see what happens to be there. Checking the 60-plus units in the game (granted it's nice to have so many options), will take forever, and who's going to remember all of that? Add to that there are buttons labeled Missile, Energy, Projectile, and Equipment - which one might think would show all installed equipment of that type - when all it does it present the list of possible choices to install. And finally, the convenient tool which presented you with the most critical information for making informed decisions about what weapons to add (heat, damage, criticals taken, and tonnage) is absent as well. As far as I can determine, there is no other info except for criticals available in the 'Mechlab. You don't even know how many tons anything is going to take until you install it and watch the Used Mass indicator go up. (ref: phelan) Tim Morten has responded: It was necessary to redesign the mech lab to incorporate the in-game economy, and to more closely adhere to BattleTech specs. There are a handful of problems that have been reported, and these will all be addressed in the patch. We will also address the usability concerns that have been posted, albeit within the new interface design. (ref: tmorten) What's wrong with the Control Configuration? Besides the above problem with invisible config columns, the control configuration screen no longer has an option to "Abort" the configuration, as Mech2 did. It seems you're now forced to either accept the current config, or load an old one. If you don't have your previous config saved, you're out of luck. What's wrong with the Instant Action? Here are problems I've noticed: The variant-selection buttons only rotate through the _custom_ variants of a mech. They will not let you select the original version of a mech. You must switch to another mech, and then switch back in order to re-select the original mech. When you go to parameters, or to the mech lab, when you return your mech has been reset to its default/primary variant. When you return from a mission, the mech selections have been _entirely_ reset to the default (One Annihilator), and I have to _re-do everything_ if I want to try the same mission again. It doesn't seem to include _any_ variants of the Clan mechs, as Mech2 did. Preset weapon groupings aren't available. What's wrong with MercNet? Here are problems I've noticed: Preset weapon groupings aren't available. In free-for-all missions, you can't specify the technology available to players - for instance, limiting it to just I.S. mechs. You can do this in team missions, though, by choosing missions that specify the appropriate alignment (Merc or Clan) of each team. Are there bugs in any of the missions? Bob Mollard reports problems with two missions: ...when you're escorting a prince around on a fun fun merc killing spree... you chase after this spoiled brat, waste the mechs that would grind his face into the dirt, go to all the nav points, no problem. But when everythings's accomplished, you and the prince start heading back to the pickup zone. He stops about 300 metres shy of the final nav point, and never moves again. If you keep going, and reach the final nav point, you fail the mission, even though all enemy mechs are dead, and there's nothing left to do. If you don't go to the final nav point, you'll die of old age.. nothing else happens. (ref: rmollard) and: I've found one you have to win or you die, and it's impossible to finish. It's the mission right after you make your escape in a hovercraft from prison. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you will. In this mission, you have recovered your mech, and have to make your way to a dropship to escape before the clan mechs come kick your ass and throw you back in prison. Well actually they don't throw you back in prision, they just kill you. Anyways, you have two main goals.. reach nav Alpha (which gets changed to nav Beta, as nav alpha is defended by the bad guys), and to defend the dropship. Well, the mission starts, you kill two mechs, go to nav alpha, kill two more mechs. As you approach nav beta, a clan mech challenges you to single combat for possesion of the drop site (the dropship is circling overhead). So, I kick this lame clanner's butt. There are two more enemy mechs at nav beta, but they say "you defeated our comrade in single combat, so we will not prevent your escape" or words to that effect. So you go to nav beta, and have succeeded in half of your mission. But "defend the dropship" is still in progress. Those other two mechs are powered down, unmoving, and there's nothing left to kill. But just in case, I killed both of those other mechs too. So there's absolutely nothing else left alive but you, and the damn drop ship just keeps flying around, refusing to land, and you never succeed in defending it. And if you abort the mission, clan Wolf re-captures you and executes you, game over. (ref: rmollard) Charles Winston's solutions for the above two missions are: Escort the prince: The only time I played it I personally killed the prince. The game acted like he survived, and gave me full compensation for the mission, and another person verified this result, and expanded it to 'any' mech can kill the prince. Just make sure he dies and you get paid. It is possible that the new patch will fix this. Circling Dropship: I tried this mission many times and found the dropship trapped a small way away from nav beta. Finally I tried a different strategy, let the Flashman take the first two mechs. If you don't fire at them, they won't fire at you. Go as quickly as possible to nav Alpha and kill both mechs there (nova?, stormcrow?). The dropship should arrive right after the defending mechs go down. You must kill the other two mechs quickly (I had an Atlas with 4 PPC's, 4ML's, lots of heatsinks). (ref: mange) Why are all my favorite mechs no longer included in the game? Many of the mechs that were in the original BattleTech board game, and in the original Mechwarrior I, are noticeably absent from MW2 Mercenaries. In a message forwarded by Joe Colleran, Jack Mamais replies: I would love to include these Mechs in Mercenaries but Fasa has stated that we cannot use any of those mechs, sorry. (ref: jnc4p) Here's an official answer from FASA Interactive's Tom Dowd: FASA unequivically owns the rights, under license, to the images used in BattleTech that originally appeared in Macross, Crusher Joe, Dougram, and others. That, however, does not stop others from suing over what they believe their legal right to those images to be and for FASA to have to continually defend itself in court and public forums from uninformed claims that FASA somehow "stole" or "ripped off' those images from their original source without permission. Given that legal defense is very espensive, and for a small company can be quite damaging (a tactic often exploited by larger more wealthy companies) and that public defense of unsupported claims gets tiring, FASA is removing those images from use. The `Mechs they represent still remain active and usable in the boardgame, but since a computer game relies on those images they could not appear in the game. (ref: FASATomD) For further questions about this matter, mail can be directed to FASA at: FASAInfor@AOL.COM Here's a list of the affected mechs, as posted by Paul C. Mrstik along with his comments: The list of 'Mechs affected from the Battletech board game includes the following: 'MechTonnageAnime from originally Locust20"Crusher Joe" Stinger20"Macross" (later Robotech) Wasp20"Macross" (later Robotech) Phoenix Hawk45"Macross" (later Robotech) Griffin55"Fang of the Sun Dougram" Shadow Hawk55"Fang of the Sun Dougram" Wolverine55"Fang of the Sun Dougram" Rifleman60"Macross" (later Robotech) Crusader65"Macross" (later Robotech) Thunderbolt65"Fang of the Sun Dougram" Archer70"Macross" (later Robotech) Warhammer70"Macross" (later Robotech) Marauder75"Macross" (later Robotech) Battlemaster85"Fang of the Sun Dougram" (The Clan versions of the Rifleman, Warhammer, and Marauder also got the axe.) All of these 'Mechs were in the first edition of the Battletech board game. The Locust, Shadow Hawk, Rifleman, Warhammer, Marauder, and Battlemaster were included as choices in the original Mechwarrior (1). Actually, these 14 designs (not 16) constituted all of the original 'Mechs you could play (short of designing your own) in the 1st Edition of the Battletech board game - released in 1985. (I'm sure of this because I still have it.) The Jenner (included in both the original Mechwarrior and still in Mercs) was one of the first of FASA's own. It was first seen in the first "Technical Readout - 3025" as an expansion for the board game, released in 1986. (ref: phelan) Why won't it do 1024x768 under Windows 95? This was brought up when Mech2 came out. Tim Morten's answer was that: DDraw offers us only 320x200 and 640x480 right now. Microsoft says there working on higher resolutions, but we are bound by what they provide us. (ref: tmorten) I'm not sure if this is still true about Direct Draw. Others report that DirectX2 now supports higher resolutions. What post-production help and documentation is available? The game comes with several text files with lots of help, trouble-shooting advice, and greater documentation detail. Look in your MERCS directory for them: README.TXT HELP.TXT INTERNET.TXT Also, in the 1.05 patch, there is a MERC105.TXT file which includes weapons chart and descriptions, as well as descriptions and weapon loads for the mechs in the game. Finally, Dan Kegel has a Mercs FAQ on the web: What patches are available, and what do they fix? The 1.05 patch has been released. You can get via ftp from Activision's FTP site or from my ftp site. The patch reportedly includes the following fixes and enhancements: The 'Mech Lab now functions properly Extra weapons or weight no longer appear on your 'Mech after battle CD-ROM changers and multiple CD-ROM drives now supported Input device configuration screen improved The "Prince Luthor" and "Clan Wolf Escape" missions are easier to complete Connecting to the Internet server in DOS MercNet should go faster 'Mechs in DOS MercNet now checked for conformance to weight and equipment rules Statistics box in MechLab Weapons info in MechLab 'Mechs are now sorted by weight /Ping in MercNet now allows players to measure lag and loss MercNet Mech screen now shows all 14 weapons It also includes a text file with a chart and descriptions of all the weapons, as well as descriptions and weapon loads for the mechs in the game. Control Configuration How do I get my 2-joystick setup (stick, throttle, and rudder) to work? Use the "Flightstick Pro" selection, and this will give you Throttle and Rudder options to assign to game functions. I use this successfully with a Thrustmaster FLCS, Thrustmaster TQS, and CH Pedals. The Simulation Have weapon ranges changed from Mech2? Michael Wang noticed this: Looking at the BattleTech manuals, I can see now what's happening. The weapon specs in MW2 and GBL don't match the BT specs. For example, in BT, an Clan extended-range large laser has a max range of 25 hexes, which translates into 750 meters, while in MW2 it has a max range of 1019 meters. In BT, Clan LRMs have the same max range as IS LRMs (the Clan weapons are just smaller and lighter) which is 21 hexes or 630 meters (which is the range I was seeing in Mercenaries), but in MW2 the LRMs have a max range of 1000 meters. I don't know why the MW2 weapon specs are different than BT, but I think this is going to confusion a lot of people making the transition from MW2 to Mercenaries, especially since I didn't see it documented anywhere. (ref: mwang) Can I now destroy mechs by taking out a leg? Not quite. If you destroy a mech's leg, it will now fall to the ground, but it is not yet considered destroyed. As before, you must either destroy it's other leg, or destroy enough torso criticals. When you do, it will, as before, explode. In other words, if you still see the mech, it's not yet destroyed. Also, if a mech has jumpjets, and you destroy one of its legs, it will fall down, but will usually soon hop into the air with its jets and continue attacking you, so watch out. How do I get aerospace support to work? You are limited to 2 people helping you on any mission. This includes: your lancemates in their mechs your aerospace pilot If you take two lancemates in their mechs into battle with you, then your aerospace pilot will not come along. If you want to have air support, you'll need to leave off one of your lancemate mechs, and take only 1 (or zero) lancemates with you, and then your assigned aerospace pilot will be present and available in the mission. (ref: dank) (ref: rjchrist) The RPG How does salvage work? Salvage is apparently pre-determined. In most missions, you will not receive any salvaged mechs, no matter how many you carefully "leg". In other certain missions, you will receive a salvaged mech no matter how you destroyed it, and no matter if one like it was even in the mission. Jack Mamais clarifies: The salvage is predetermined by the Designer (In this case Dustin Browder) and then the computer randomly determines what you get depending on the terms in the contract. What you kill does have an affect on you because you get additional money for each enemy you vanquish, but it has no effect on salvage. (ref: jmamais) and has indicated in an email to me that they originally had a more responsive salvage system, but because of unreliability and time constraints, had to include a crippled version instead. He said: Initially, we had the sim spit out the salvage that the player got. All the sim could keep track of was whether or not the player got a headshot on a mech. It simply does not accurately give us more info. (we had it working and it was not reliable at all) We also discovered that players could get tons of headshots and this destroyed the games' balance. So we went with the system you currently see in Mercs. I would like to say I'm sorry because I see your point and agree with you but we just could not finish it in time, it would have probably taken another 2 -3 months at least to get it right and we already had people beating down or doors for it. (ref: jmamais) What mechs have people been able to salvage? So far, people have reported salvaging: Dasher/Firemoth (ref: trav) Kodiak (ref: trav) Jenner (ref: josh) Hunchback (ref: josh) Zeus (ref: josh) Assassin (ref: josh) Mad Cat/Timberwolf (ref: jvidul) Thug (ref: thomas) Awesome (ref: thomas) Bombadier (ref: thomas) Can I take missions outside of campaigns to earn extra bucks? William E. Ward observes: Yes, in Instant Action (random battles) and in the Campaign (with ECON) you may get random battles (well, not completely random... there is some background to them, but they are optional, and not done in the non-ECON) that can earn you extra bucks... they are never worth big bucks though, and can still get you dead.... also, you have to pay attention to the dates so you don't miss the campaigns you HAVE to do to advance in the game.... (ref: wew) Can you continue the game after the final mission? I haven't finished the game yet, but others report that you cannot, in fact, continue the game as you could in Mechwarrior I. You are forced to retire. Trav reports: Ok, I am kicking butt and finally I salvage a bunch of clan weapons on Luthien. Well I am thinking great I am gonna kick some IS butt with clan tech on my MEchs. WRONG!!!!! I HATE THE AUTOMATIC RETIRE!!!!! Hey ACTIVISION make it like MECHWARRIOR 1. Continuable!!!!!!!! (ref: trav) Mech Editing Can I use my custom mechs from Mech2 or GBL? It looks like the Mercenaries MEK files use a different file format than the ones from Mech2 and GBL. I was able to load old MEK files into the Instant Action setup, but they didn't look exactly right in the editor. In MercNet, they won't work at all. It reports to me that "This 'Mech is missing mandatory equipment (LIFSUPRT in Head)". It's possible that there may be a MEK converter available at some point, to convert Mech2 and GBL MEK files to the Mercenaries file format. (ref: dank) How can I change the mech's engine rating? Select the "Equipt." section, and then double click on "Engine" to change the engine rating, or double-click on "Armor Allocation" to change the armor rating. How do I delete unwanted custom mechs? This answer appears in the README.TXT from the game: Each mech is recorded as a .MEK file in the directory labeled MEK. To remove individual mechs, you can delete the specific file that corresponds to that mech. To delete all mechs, simply delete all the .MEK files from the MEK directory. (ref: README.TXT) Network and Multi-player games Is there a Win95 version of MercNet? No, the version of MercNet that comes on the Mercenaries CD is a DOS-based program, but it will run under Win95. Dan Kegel has indicated that he plans to release a native Win95 version of MerchNet, that will be compatible with the DOS version. (ref: dank) Do I need multiple CDs for a network game? No. Like NetMech, a CD is only required for hosting the game. People who are merely joining a network game do not need a CD. (ref: dank) Unlike NetMech, there does not appear to be an option for installing only the files necessary for network games, so each player will will need a CD long enough to install the game, but will not need it again unless they want to host a game. How can I get a list from which to choose a mech while in MercNet? Click on the rotating mech animation and it will bring up a full list of mechs, in alphabetical order. (ref: jfranzen) What MercNet servers are available on the 'net? The only one I'm aware of so far is Activision's server: (ref: SERVERS.TXT) How do I use MercNet with a direct internet connection? You will need a packet driver for your network card. In many cases, the vendor will provide a packet driver on the diskette along with the other drivers for the card. Alternatively, there's a large collection of packet drivers for various network cards in the SIMTEL pktdrvr archive. Undocumented features What are the cheat codes? In reference to requests for the cheat codes on the newsgroups, Jack Mamais said: Cheat codes will be posted after I see tons of post on strategy. I don't plan on posting them until the good players are finished with the game and I see their final net worth posted. So get to killing! (ref: jmamais) and: I have all the cheats, the 900 people don't even know what they are. The only people on earth who do know them are me and my lead programmer, Bill Ferrer. I will release them after many people have completed the game, it's just too tempting to use them and IMHO I think they ruin the game. (ref: jmamais) and also points out, in reference to the upcoming strategy guide book: There will be no cheat codes in the strategy guide because I havent given to them. When the time is right, I will post them everywhere. (ref: jmamais) However, just a few days later Ben Janus reported that he'd located the cheat codes in the executable, and described how he had found them: I have now given the cheat codes away, but here is their secret hiding place for those who wish to find them on their own. In Mw2.exe they are between a secton with stuff about lasers and a section with other stuff including damage. Amazingly, this is exactly where they were in Mw2 and Gbl. In Mw2 the cheats were coded but their results were not, so they are easy to find, and thats how I knew where to look in Gbl and Mercs. They go from about line c51f0h to c54d0h. They are coded, so they look like ascii mumbo jumbo. Below is how I decoded them, dont look if you want to try for yourself first. I decoded them by looking for a word that followed the pattern "nrrx" (not the actual code, just an example). I figured that would be "ammo" and the word before it would be "unlimited", the word after it "on" ( it would be "off" the second time the string appears). This gave me about half the letters in the code, and I just had to translate what I had and the rest was easy guesswork. The find and replace feature of word processors makes the decoding very easy. (ref: janus) And finally, here are the cheat codes: Hold ALT+CTRL+SHIFT while typing in these codes Superfunkicalifragisexy :invulneralbility on/off Iseenfireandiseenrain :unlimited ammo on/off Ooohhhlllaaalllaaa :heat traking on/off Wediditagain :DORCS screen (DOS only) Itsdabombinmybeautifulballoon :sprout jump jets Tikruleslikethecomstarbaby :end mission successfully Ontimeeverytime :time compression on/off Bubbleboy :bounding spheres on/off Crazysexycool :infinite jump jets on/off Beholdmyglory :free eye mode on/off Antijolt :time expansion on/off Flashyflashy :auto-grouping on/off Walkthisway :leading recticle on/off Itsdabooomb :nukes targeted mech Inmybeautifulballoon :sprouts jump jets Redjackandtikrules :destroys targeted mech Likethecomstarbaby :end mission successfully (ref: Matt McLaine, (ref: janus) (ref: lloydb) (ref: noemail) What easter eggs are in the game? In the mech bay, click on one of the overhead lights - the second light on the right. This will bring up the staff portrait. How can I re-enable the Image Enhancement mode from Mech2? The feature was reportedly removed from Mercenaries because it wasn't entirely implemented. For instance, lasers will not show up. You can re-enable the feature by adding the following line to GAMEKEY.MAP: ENHANCED_VISION w (ref: dank) How can I get the game to report my frame-rate? Thomas F. Zadlo forwarded J.J. Franzen's method: Actually, you can add TOGGLE_FRAMERATE_MAIN CTRL+SHIFT+f to your Then, run the sim itself from DOS using mw2 ????scn1 -x where ???? is the first four letters of a mission. ie: mcc1scn1 Than, in the sim, hit ctrl-shift-f and wait a few secs. than you'll have your frame rate counter. (ref: thomas) How can I customize my HUD layout? Also listed in GAMEKEY.MAP are the following: MFD_CYCLE F1 MFD_CYCLE_A SHIFT+F1 MFD_CYCLE_B SHIFT+F2 MFD_CYCLE_C SHIFT+F3 MFD_CYCLE_D SHIFT+F4 MFD_CYCLE_E SHIFT+F5 MFD_CYCLE_F SHIFT+F6 MFDS_RESET SHIFT+F12 SAVE_HUD ALT+F11 TOGGLE_HUD F11 There are seven multi-function displays (A-F and 1) on the cockpit, from left to right, with the following default configuration: MFD E -- altimeter MFD A -- targetting camera MFD B -- (blank) MFD C -- heat tracking dial MFD D -- delta-heat indicator MFD 1 -- player mech damage MFD F -- speed & throttle direction You can cycle each MFD through the entire list of possible displays, in this order: Head-Torso-Arm-Leg damage report (bar graph) Rear view Front view Down view mini Satellite view Weapon tracking view Targetting camera Speed and throttle direction Altimeter Heat-tracking Gauge (Mech2 style) Heat-tracking Dial (new style) Delta-heat indicator Player-mech damage report Once you have decided on a layout that pleases you, you can save it with Alt-F11. Each time you start a mission, you'll be presented with the default HUD layout, but you can recall your custom HUD with F11, which will cycle between: Default HUD Custom HUD no HUD The HUD configuration is saved in the file MERCS.HUD. (ref: willday) Tim Morten points out that: Just keep in mind that each display you have on screen requires more CPU time to render; the less on screen, the faster your game will run. (ref: tmorten) What tools are available for editing missions and mechs? In the directory TOOLS on the CD-ROM, there are some command-line utilities that appear to allow you to modify or create new mission files and mech animations. There is documentation for the tools in the MW2DOC.HTM file. Dan Kegel mentions that: The mission tools are already on the released Mercs disc in \TOOLS. These are the same tools we use in-house. (ref: dank) And Jack Mamais says: It is our hope that the mission tools will be used to build many .bwd's (that's what we call our "wads") (ref: jmamais) Can completely new mechs be added to the game? Although the utilities appear to let you create entirely new mechs, Dan Kegel replied to a post saying: That section may have been left in by accident- the list of 'Mechs is actually frozen in in many ways. (ref: dank) Net references What Activision people involved wih Mercenaries are on the net? The following Activision people have been seen posting to the newsgroups: Jack Mamais (Production: Director) Tim Morten (Production: Producer) Dan Kegel (Programming: Multiplayer Programmer) Ken Hullett (Design: Associate Game Designer, RMG Design and Implementation) J. J. Franzen (Art: 3-D Art and Animation, 'Mech Builder and Sim Art Direction) What newsgroups are available for discussing the game? Some of these may not be carried by your provider: alt.mechwarrior2 is no longer supported; please use instead On what ftp sites can I find Mercenaries info? There's nothing here yet, but I'll put any files I find at: What web pages are there about the game? Unofficial Mercenaries FAQ and other links Unofficial Mechwarrior II FAQ Activision's Official Mercenaries Web Page Dan Kegel's Mercenaries FAQ #include Will Day < >