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MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat
Released for PC in 1995 by Activision

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MW2 Titanium SeriesComments
Helpful Hints
In-game Screenshots
Hidden Mechs
Mission select
Hidden background information
Mechwarrior: The Titanium Trilogy Cheat Codes

Despite the series' loss of detail and realism from MechWarrior 1, MW2 started a grand tradition, and far be it from me to knock any exposure BattleTech can get, no matter how sloppily it was executed or prematurely released. The Titanium version created more bugs than it solved, but the 3d-enhanced graphics are gorgeous on high-end machines. The plot of MW2 centers on the Clan Refusal War between Wolf and Jade Falcon; the player can choose one side or the other and play from glorious start to ignominious finish. Missions could be simplistic or near-impossible, and often there were no hints as to how a certain task should be accomplished. Lancemate control (up to 2 friendlies) made life easier, and varible difficulty settings, two mission paths, and unlimited available modifications made up somewhat for the linear mission structure and bizarrely altered game physics. Still, there was little replay value after finishing both paths (especially on Hard setting, which wasn't terribly difficult), but NetMech saved the game from many dusty shelves. Trivia note: There are "easter eggs" scattered throughout the game, usually in out-of-the-way buildings whose contents can be Identified - look for the Harrison Ford in the Amish village's bell tower (Witness), and check out the buildings lining the roads of sparse-urban landscapes, especially the Police Stations.

Helpful Hints
Walkthrough (21k)
Alternate Walkthrough (50k)
Official FAQ (84k)
Unofficial FAQ (67k)

MW2 Box ArtArtwork
Box Image (62k)
Madcat gets trigger-happy (16k)
Madcat meets the business end of a Summoner (24k)
Training Screen (26k)

In-game Screenshots (A Trial of Position, Nova vs. Hellbringers)
Stalking the first... (34k)
Too close for comfort (26k)
One enemy too many (30k)
That had to hurt (26k)
No escape (24k)
Time to die (27k)
The last goodbye (16k)

Patches - This page at Games Domain is one of the best places to find patches for your MechWarrior needs.
BattleMaster Enable DOS (22k)
BattleMaster Enable Win95 (10k)
Mech Editor (23k)
Alternate Mech Editor (78k)
Weapon Editor (23k)
Mission Selector (21k)
Win95/98 MW2 Desktop Theme (requires Plus!) (491k)

Hold ALT+CTRL+SHIFT while typing in these codes (without the colon!):
BLORB: Makes you invulnerable.
CIA: Gives you unlimited ammo.
COLDMISER: Turns off your heat tracking.
DORCS: Meet the game designers.
ENOLAGAY: Nuke everybody.
FLYGIRL: Gives your Mech jump jets.
FRONT: Turns rearview camera to frontview camera.
GANKEM: Destroys targeted object.
ICANTHACKIT: Ends your mission successfully.
IDKFA: Types out "This ain't doom" and kills you.
MEEPMEEP: Enables time compression.
UNMEEPMEEP: Disables time compression.
MICHELIN: Displays bounding spheres on objets.
DEI: Types out "F E I F"
TLOFRONTor FRONT: Turns rearview camera to frontview camera.
XRAY: Gives you x-ray vision. Press W to disable this mode.
ZMAK or ANTIJOLT: Enables time expansion.
DOROS: Makes the enemies dumb.
SHIT: Types out "Freebirth vulgarity will not be tolerated!"
FUCK: Types out "Freebirth vulgarity will not be tolerated!"
HANGAROUND: Allows you to stay in stage after your time expires.
MIGHTYMOUSE: Gives your Mech unlimited jump jets.
LAIRDO: Types out "ATTENTION ENEMIES: Don't mess with the blimp."
POCKPOCK: Chickens???
FLASHYFLASY: Toggle Auto-grouping
walkthisway: Toggle leading reticle (forces enemies to follow the targeting crosshairs towards your mech)
wediditagain: Display Dorcs screen
TINKERBELL: Free Floating cameras. Press the following keys to control the camera:

Press [Ctrl] + [Left Arrow] to turn left
Press [Ctrl] + [Right Arrow] to turn right
Press [Ctrl] + [Up Arrow] to increase altitude
Press [Ctrl] + [Down Arrow] to decrease altitude
Press Z to move forward
Press [Shift] + Z to move backwards
Press C to return to normal.

Hidden Mechs
Select a Trial of Grievance instant action mission. Changing your name in the Star configuration screen to Calvin (case sensitive) to add the Elemental between Dire Wolf and Fire Moth. Change your name to Hobbes (case sensitive) to add the Tarantula between Elemental and Fire Moth. Change your name to Enzo (case sensitive) to adds the Battlemaster IIC between Tarantula and Fire Moth (latest version patch required, or download an appropriate "BattleMaster Enable" patch from the above list).

Mission select
Enter FREEBIRTHTOAD as a Warrior name in either of the clan halls. Any mission for that Clan may be selected in the briefing room.

Hidden background information
Select the holo-projector to get a list of background information on the game. Click on the numbers to the left until a menu with information on the development team appears.

Mechwarrior: The Titanium Trilogy Cheat Codes
These cheats worked with the 3dfx upgrade to Mercenaries, now they work with ALL THREE games: Mechwarrior 2, Ghost Bear's Legacy and Mercenaries. These cheats are for ALL THREE games in the Titanium Trilogy. During gameply, hold down ALT+CTRL+SHIFT and type in:
be - Enable Free-Eye mode
cr - Unlimited jump jet fuel
in - Gain jump jets
is - Unlimited ammo on/off
it - "Nuke" current target
li - Win mission
oo - Heat tracking on/off
re - Destroy current target
su - Invulnerability on/off
wa - Leading reticle
fl - Auto group weapons (do not enable this code followed by any code that starts with "i", since it will be misinterpreted by the CPU as the level skip code.)

Activision's MechWarrior 2 Page
Yahoo: MechWarrior Series

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