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MechWarrior 3
Released for PC in 1999 by:
MicroSoft Hasbro Interactive Microprose Zipper Interactive

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Though I have only had the pleasure of playing the demo, MW3 looks to be a fine addition to the BT computer-gaming universe. It does introduce a few problems of its own - bizarre control configurations, some exceedingly deadly weapon combinations, and more than a few BT board game rules violations, but in general it's a superb game.

Trailer Movie Image: Angry Mad Dog (20k)

MW3 Box ImageDownloads
Patches - This page at Games Domain is one of the best places to find patches for your MechWarrior needs.
MW3 Demo Hack-Patches - Two patches / hacks for the MW3 Demo: 1. The patch replaces the MadCat in the Demo's Mech Selection screen; it adds ERPPCs, Gauss Rifles, Jump Jets, and more to the available weapons. The extra weapons are in the Demo's code, but they weren't available for customization of player mechs before now. Instructions included in the ZIP file (1k). 2. The hack (instructions in the mw3demo_hack.txt file in the ZIP) removes the "out of bounds" lines of the demo missions, and lets you explore the world - MUCH bigger and more detailed than the demo lets on. (thanks, Neurolite!)

3D Gamers (demo download and cheat / FAQ clearinghouse)
Yahoo: MechWarrior Series

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