Eliminate ninjas by pistols only
A ninja is equipped with a sword and a pistol-machine. He uses the sword to hurt Lara at short distance, and to ward off her bullets at long distance (he's a ninja, of course, and in this mode he's invulnerable). But the following works very well:
  1. fire the ninja from a long distance with the regular pistols until he gets his "shield" by rotating his sword,
  2. put off your pistols for about one second, until you see him putting away the sword to get his machine-pistol, don't allow him to complete his move! but ...
  3. get again your pistols and fire him with his "shield" off.
  4. repeat as many times it's necessary.
You can do the sequence holding "action" to fire, and pressing "pistols on/off" twice, with a very short pause in between. Don't release "action", hold it all the time long.
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