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What is E7B?

E7B is the humble dwelling where the AnimeMQ take refuge in as their own personal headquarters. It's most likely you'll find us here playing poker or just generally doing what we do best, letting the good times roll in that way you can never plan.

Occasionally we're at Mac Centre gorging ourselves at the food court or inspecting the latest in gaming entertainment at EB. A portion of us also enjoy the entertainment facilities found in the Blue Room, in the form of Strikers, Golden Axe II, Metal Slug II, Raiden Fighters, oh and of course the poop-shootin' antics of Jurassic Park II.

So what's so good about this E7B place?

Well, first and foremost nobody goes there. With the random flow at a minimum, I can enjoy my surroundings with the boys and suck up the atmosphere of a random-free environment. font>

The Labs

Okay, so let's evaluate the pros and cons of that sassy ground floor of the Library. Yay, Telnet and Netscape, and even the IRC if you can mise the tech. But let's not forget the 15+ minute queues while you wait for people of all shapes and sizes constantly ignoring the 20 minute usage rule (seriously, who follows that? :[ ), because their email/chat obsessions has led them to the most tremendous of desires as they discover the new person they just met on #[country of origin here] is in fact RIGHT BEHIND THEM THREE COMPUTERS TO THE LEFT! Teehee! :) No really..

This is good enough a reason not to bother with the reservation computers as well. All the other computers in the library and stat labs are usage restricted in one form or another, and since I'm a law abiding citizen I shall exclude these from consideration.

Moving onto the dank depths of the Computer Centre, there must be a cult following in that place because there's usually no computers available and it's the same people there everytime. These punters are not going to give up their tech lightly.

Finally we come to the tranquil abode of E7B, free of first years who probably rate being seen alone as worse than biting into a slug in one of the Union Building/Shop sandwiches. The place is never filled to capacity (even when it's partially taken over by the administration of timetable modifications) providing a healthy absence of queues.!

The only regulars here are remain adequately quiet and seem mostly normal, so you won't find those library types writing erotic novels in their emails with big grins on their faces, so the boys and I are free to cause a ruckus at will, engaging in furious challenges within the inclines of #triviatime on the IRC and Paradise Poker.

The Furniture

The desks here are MASSIVE, you can fit 6 people at them easy for doing random work, 8+ if you're just there for a few hands of Holdem or whatnot. The floor tiles keep it cooler than the library in summer, and there are pillars to separate you from the rest of the world as opposed to walls of the study rooms.

All the same, the only real sound distractions will be sourced from those entering and leaving classes to and from Mason and anything in the levels above,most of whom walk in the direction away towards the Union.

There are no authorities there to tell you to put that drink away or to take that laptop out of its powerpoint , so sit back, put your feet up on the desk and enjoy.

The Cafe 142 :>

If you'd like to retire from the testicle and intestine dominated "meat" pies and stale, undercooked rice of the Union, becoming an E7B dweller will gain you access to the "cafe" just outside the building on the West End walking from the labs. It has everything to suit your cafe needs, right down to the kitchen sink. Anyway, point is, it's 10 second access to some quick munchies before a test of sorts, and the Peanut M&M's take some healthy value when you feel that winning poker hand is just around the corner if you don't ante up for the next round.

The Little Things

I was trying to think of what makes this place so special, and like C&C Music Factory, they were things that me go "Hmmmmm." So anyway here they are

The Clock serves to fuel my loose belief that I don't need a watch because there are enough clocks floating around our world anyway.

The Lavatories are always good times if you've gotten carried away with your caramel milkshake (just as long as it's not LIME, "like lime as in Midori splice!" - you know who are *shakes fist* Midori splice in a milkshake, good luck with that :[). Hats off to the architect who designed the toilets which have seats that just fall back down when you bring them up, but at least it's a safe option as opposed to the clogged cubicles you may find at the Compost Heap, which offer a wide selection of floating poops to fit your turd-related needs (ps should you have any pls to be packing your bags and telling your story walking at or something. tks! ^_^)

The Stage is indeed quite random, I've never seen or heard of it being used for anything, but oddly enough it sits on top of a tiled floor with a carpeted floor of its own so it must have a use, perhaps for when Mr Khoo and I merge our musical talents and perform a set, with Mr Khoo on that sparkly accoustic of his and me on that funky plank of wood with that tube of metal sticking out of it that you may have seen The Avalanches or Supergrass feature.

The Organ lies behind the mysterious double wooden doors in the centre of the North end of the E7B Courtyard. One day I'll break and play One Angry Dwarf.

The Speakers sit on a ledge on the top floor of E7B doing absolutely nothing.

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