I hope that this page proves useful. If there are any useful places you would like me to put up just email them to me.

MMain    Artworks  

ANimE SitEs 
Anime Turnpike
This site has almost every link available to any kind of anime 
resource you want:- Mp3's, fanart and fan fiction, Art, info,
fan subbs.
If you are any kind of anime fan, you must, I repeat, MUST!
see this site. If you have been a fan for a few years like I 
have, and you havent seen this site, then.. what are you 
doing? go there now!
Anime Australia
If you would like to check out anime on the Australian front,
just go here. Its got a list of fansubbers and distros and a
list of all the anime clubs in Australia. It also has a shopping
guide which is really useful if you want to find anime related 
products such as artbooks,videos and DVD's..
A very cool site if you are a EVA nut. It has a lot pics,
mp3's, screensavers, games, desktop files, a message 
board, and info on the show.
The Australian Anime info guide
Its another Australia anime page withs heaps of resources
and useful info about anime in Australia. I also put this page 
cuz it listed my club on the page before we even knew it.
:) ... not that it isn't a good a page mind you!
Neon Genesis Evangelion : R illustrated Original Fiction
If you were really annoyed at how Eva finished, or you just thought 
that the series finished all too soon, why not take a look at this page.
It has loads of Eva fan fiction which is illustrated, by fans for fans.
Very cool site ^_^


Snes Roms
If you have been looking for a good site for snes roms, this site has
a fair few of them. Umm if you dont know what a snes emulator is, 
then just type snes emulator in your search engine, and you'll
find out(more of a retro gamers thing!.)

SitEs YOu mUSt YOU MUST viSit!

This site is pretty cool and I must admit it has some pretty fancy
smancy pics. It has a pretty cool comic called the Daz-struction 
clan. And has some of the coolest characters I have ever seen.
And please remember to click on his banner. ^_^
Have problems finding mp3's? Finding it hard to find those songs you really
really want? Then just download this program dummy and the whole internet
of mp3's are at your fingertips! There is no catch! its competely cool!!!