Rowen of the Strata

Name: Hashiba Rowen/Touma

Zodiac Sign: Libra the Scales

Birthdate: October 10

Age: 14 / 15 (heard both)

Weight: 122 lbs.

Height: 5' 6"


Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blue

Jin/Trait: Life

Armor: Strata

Weapon: Bow and endless amount of arrows

Sure-kill: Arrow Shock Wave

Other: Rowen is the smartest of all the Ronin Warriors, aided by his IQ of 250 (and for those of you who know about the IQ system, understand that is basically impossible!). At Rowen school, Han'a High School, most people don't like him. They're all jeasous of his smarts (and looks :::grins stupidly:::). As the smartest member of the Ronin Warriors, Rowen could think the group out of any situation. The niftiest thing about his armor is that is can create little living enviorments for Rowen. So, if he feels like lounging around in space, the armor will protect him.