More about Terminal Event PBeM

So if you've come this far your interested but not caught yet. Let me try and catch you then.


Terminal Event (TE) is a human moderated game. This will allow you to be very creative in what you send as orders. As it stands at the start of the game there are about 50 different skills for you to research and specialise in. They range from the mundane but necessary skills the maintain your colony (food production and administration) to the specialised pure science skills (Drive Systems and Power Systems ) both have developments within there normal progress but you are not limited to these. You can perfrom dedicated researches and studies into developing your own technologies outside of the set skill tabels as well as develop you own completely unique skills. This allows colonies to become completly unique and possibly gain advantages over the other colonies by their specialities.

You can start your own trading empire and trade with any colonies that you locate or you could choose to hide away and develop your technologies in secret to and mount an offensive to take over or destory the other colonies by force the choice is yours.

There is only one start to the game but the option to customise this begining is avalible. The variation this allows slight but sufficient to give advantage to certain starts in particular fields that those who don't take them wont recieve.

Your orders are submitted over the web the format and forms are simple and easy to follow you will recieve a email with the outcome of what your achievements where the turn aswell as a HTML version of your colony, its vessels, current state of its research and the current diplomatic standing of the system and many more features of the colony that are too numerous to list.

Well every game has rules as they must but I'll try and keep them to a minimum.

Fisrt the use of PROFANITY.
It as OK to use it in some contexts. But if it is simply used to flame someone it wont be posted if sent as a transmission made through orders. I will post all public transmissions made to a section in the Current Players Area. I will only post those transmissions that dont infringe upon the web space usage agreement. You know where the site is have a look at it.

Second flaming
Most would realise flaming the person who makes the rolls to see if your combat goes well or not would realise the foolishness of your ways if you flame me, but just let me reenforce some things. I am a moderator not a GOD I can make mistakes. Hence in the orders sections is an ERRATA section. If you feel that i have made a mistake put it in here and i will address the problem. And in my own defense I will miake mistakes once we get the numbers up to a respectable level. Now that was simple. Flaming each other, now that is allowed, hmm even encouraged so long as rule one is obeyed. One of the best things about these styles of games is you get to interact with people you don't know, so winding them up is even more fun and its good to let everyone else in the game know it. :)

Thirdly New Colonies (Late Startups)
Thirdly there will be allowences for new players to join at certain intervals during the game. Attacking/Sabotaging them within their first three turns will be frowned upon. This three turns ia a grace period for them to aclimateize themsleves to the game. After this period of time you all have my blessing to Attack/Espionage the colony.

Fourthly the rule of fun
The whole idea of this game is for you to have fun. So it a written in stone unchangeable, imutable rule that you will have fun.. That is an order!!!

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