To start, you will need to run the iMESH software and connect
to the internet. Select the iMESH programme from the Start
Menu in windows. A pop-up box will ask you if you want to
connect to the internet. Click "Connect"
The screen presented to you when you
run iMesh
Once you have connected to the Internet, you will have to
wait a few moments for the software to connect to the iMESH
service. Once this is done, we can begin proper!
the image on the left is iMESH connecting,
while the right, is iMESH connected.
If you look at the iMESH interface, you will see a search
box, with a dropdown menu box next to it. Make sure that the
dropdown box says "Audio". Then, type in the name
of the artist you want to find a song by. In this case, it
is "Metallica". If you have no luck with the artist
name, try the song title.
the search boxes
iMESH gives you a list of file names that it has found that
resemble what you typed into the search box. Choose one by
double clicking. "Added to Downloads" will appear
next to it. iMESH is now trying to connect to the fastest
user with that file.
the files list, and what the screen
will look like when a file is chosen for download.