Start RealJukebox, and insert an audio CD. The programme will
try and connect to the Internet. This is so it can access
the Compact Disk DataBase (CDDB). This is an online database
containing the information on every audio CD ever released.
You can cancel this action (click "Work Offline")
if you want and type in the artist/album/track data manually,
but it is faster to use the CDDB. hit connect, and the CD
information will be downloaded.
RealJukebox connecting to the CDDB
Once the data has downloaded (usually on a few seconds), you
will see a screen like this, with the CD information displayed.
The track info displayed
Click on the "Tools" menu. now click on "Preferences".
This will display the preferences dialogue box. Select the
"Audio Quality" tab, and make sure that the format
is MP3 and the quality is 96KBps. Uncheck the "Secure
my Music Files when encoding" check box. A window will
pop up telling you about the U.S. copyright laws. Close this
window, then close the preferences window by hitting "OK".
The preferences dialogue box
Uncheck all the tracks if you only want to record one or two.
Now reselect the tracks you want. Press the record button.
The software will prepare to record.
RealJukebox preparing to record