Legal Thingies are needed here so that I can't be taken to court and other bad stuff like that. Okay, so the X-Files stuff belongs to other people like Chris Carter (who, by the way, is a much cooler person than I) and all those other companies that have copyrights (those lucky people) and crud like that. There, now no one can take me to jail (that's supposed to be a good thing). Oh wait, I used swear words in this, I guess I can go to jail according to Clinton. Well, all I can say Mr. President is BITE ME! I've got my first amendment rights and stick my toungue out at your stupid telecommunications bill. Now go ruin the senator's lives like a good boy. ElseWhere--Part 2 By Amber Kelsall ( Dana grabbed a large can of coffee from the supermarket shelf, then headed for the check-out counter. Suddenly the intercom blared to life. "We're sorry to distrb you shoppers, but we have just been informed of an electrical storm brewing in the skies and the police have advised that we all stay inside the building until it passes over. Thank you for shopping Winslow's Marketplace." "Again?" Scully questioned the weather. "How many times do I have to go through this?" Frustrated, she headed toward the dairy cooler to pick up some fancy creamers. If she was going to have to wait through another storm, she was at least going to treat herself to gourmet coffee when she got back to the office. 'At least gourmet by an FBI Agent's standards.' She silently corrected herself. When she arrived, she decided on Irish Cream and Vanilla Almond. Scully tossed the Irish Cream into the basket, then reached for the Vanilla Almond. It dropped from the shelf onto the ground. "Dammit." She cursed whomever had over-stocked the creamer section. When she moved to get up, she felt a shock flow through her system. "Ow." Her vision blurred once again, and returned to normal just as it had before. "Ah, headache." She complained aloud, then headed for the medicine aisle to pick up some aspirin. After checking out, she found that the storm had passed and she trodded across the lot, eager to get back to the office, and the husband contained within it. While sitting at the steering column, she glanced lovingly at her ring once again. Yes, she had quickly grown accustomed to married life with Mulder. Just as she started the car, her cellular rang. She dug the object out of her pocket and pulled it to her ear. "Scully." "Dana?" Her mother asked. "Where are you?" "I'm on my way back to work, Mom." She informed her. "What's going on?" "Well the hospital was worried, dear. You haven't shown up to work in three days." "Hospital?" Scully was slightly unnerved. "What are you talking about, Mom? I work for the FBI." "Dana, you know that's nonsense. You went into medicine, dear. You're the chief resident at the University Hospital." Her mother said. "Dana, are you all right?" "Yeah, mom, I'm fine. Are you okay?" She pulled out of the parking lot. "Mom, I'm coming over there, okay?" "Drive safely, Dana." "I will, Mom." She hung up the phone, then dialed Mulder's home phone number. Her call was answered by three scratchy tones and an operator's voice. "We're sorry, the number you have dialed does not exist or is no longer in service. If you believe that you have reached this recording in error, please hang up and try again." Scully stared at her phone then followed the intructions that the recording had offered. She only found herself in the same predicament as before. The next thing she tried was the office. "Krycek." A male answered the phone. "What?" Scully burst out. "Is this some kind of joke, Mulder? I'm getting sick of your jokes." "Who is this?" The voice asked. "And who the hell is Mulder? Lady, I think you've dialed the wrong number." "Krycek?" She finally tuned in to his voice, realizing that he REALLY was on the other line. "What the hell are you doing in the X-Files? Where's Mulder?" "Do I know you?" He asked. "I want an answer, Ratboy." Scully became defensive. "Where is he?" There was a slight pause, then he spoke. "Dana? Dana is that you?" She didn't bother to acknowledge, but pressed for further information instead. "What have you done to my partner?" "I'm sorry Dana, but I don't know what you're talking about." He relented. "Why don't you go home and get some rest and I'll see you when I come by the house later on?" "And just why the hell do you think that I would let you into my home?" She was angry now, and it clouded her judgement. She ran a red light. "After what you did to Skinner, to my sister, to Mulder's father..." "Dana, I think the stress of your work has finally gotten to you. Get some rest and we'll talk when I come to pick up your sister tonight. Remember, you have to be there for the rehearsal, Missy is counting on you as the Matron of Honor." Scully's line went dead as she pulled up to her mother's house. She jumped out of her car and ran into the house. "Mom!" She yelled frantically. "Mom where are you?" Her mother came from the kitchen and greeted her daughter. "I'm right here, Dana. What's the matter?" "I can't find Mulder, Mom." She rushed into her mother's arms. "I can't find my husband." "Dana, you're not married." She held her daughter at arm's length, worried that her daughter was so distraught. "And then I called the office, and it was Krycek; he was in OUR office Mulder's and MY office, and he told me that I was crazy, told me that he was coming by my apartment later on! He even said that Missy was still alive..." "Well, she is, honey. And Alex IS coming by this house to pick us all up for the wedding rehearsal dinner tonight. Dana, don't you remember that Missy and Alex are getting married a few days from now?" "What's all this racket about?" A strong male voice sounded behind them. "Starbuck, where have you been? We've been worried sick." Scully turned toward the voice and found her father, standing stright in front of her. "Dad?" She felt reduced to an eight-year-old at that moment, breathing in the memory of her father. She reached out, touching him to make sure that he was real. "Dad you're still alive?" "Of course, with your help three years ago, I was able to live through my heart attack. My little girl; Dr. Starbuck." He laughed and gave her a strong hug. "So what's the matter?" "No, this is wrong, this is all wrong!" She blurted out. "Dana, honey." Margeret moved to comfort her daughter. "Why don't I call into your work and have them give you some time off? You have been working awfully hard." "I have to find Mulder." She told her parents. "Who's Mulder?" Her father asked. "He's my partner, Dad--in the FBI." "Dana, honey, you're a doctor." He reminded her. "You decided not to attend the FBI academy when your sister came back from San Fransisco." Scully stared at her parents, confused. She refused to break down in front of her father. Instead she rushed out to her car. On her way out, she crashed into her someone on the porch. "Dana, where are you going?" Scully looked up at the voice, eager to see the face that went along with it. "Missy?" Her guess had been right. How was this possible? Her father and sister had both passed on some time ago. This wasn't right. She hugged her sister close, feeling that she was indeed alive and well. Knowing that her sister was still alive, she let go, and stared at her. "I have to go, Missy. I have to find Mulder, I know that you'll understand. You and Mulder are the only two people in this world that truly understand me." Scully continued to her car. "Dana, what about the dinner?" Missy called after her. "And who's this Mulder character?" She refused to listen to anything more. This day was turning into pure insanity. She started the car and took off, not having any particular direction in mind. She decided to see if The Lone Gunmen were still around. Perhaps they could help straighten out this terrible mistake. "Lone Gunman." Langly answered the phone. "Hey it's Scully, I was wondering--" She began. "Who?" He questioned. "Scully, Agent Dana Scully." She told him. "Could you do me a huge favor and try to find Mulder for me? It's extremely important." "Look lady, I don't know how you got this number, but it's about to change. We don't know you and we don't know anyone named Mulder." Langly hung up the phone. Scully stared at the phone, not sure what to make of this latest development. She decided that the next logical approach would be to call Skinner. He would tell her if something was going down. She dialed the switchboard number to the Bureau, then punched in his extension. "Skinner." He answered. "Sir, this is Agent Scully." She informed him. "Who?" 'Not again.' She thought to herself. "Scully, Agent Dana Scully." "I don't know anyone named Scully, good day." "Wait!" She yelled. "Please, don't hang up, you're my last hope." "What do you want?" His tone was cold as slate. "Could you run a check for me, a person named Mulder. Fox William Mulder." "Can you give me some sort of ID, ma'am?" "Please, just do this, sir." She pleaded. "I'm running out of time." "All right, what's his birthdate?" Skinner took pity on the woman. "October 13th." The line seemed to go dead for a moment, then Scully could hear him breathing again. "Ms. Scully? I'm afraid your friend is longer with us." "What do you mean, he resigned from the bureau?" She asked. "Not quite." He responded. "It seems that he's been missing since he was twelve years old. His parents had him declared dead on what would have been his 20th birthday. I'm sorry." She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Just an hour or two ago she was married to him, laughing with him, kissing his lips. "Thank you, sir." She hung up the phone, and headed to Martha's Vinyard, hoping beyond hope to be able to find any trace of Mulder's whereabouts. She arrived at his mother's home approximately five hours later. She climbed the steps and landed on the porch, weary from the drive, but eager to press on. She knocked on the front door. To her surprise, Mrs. Mulder opened the door. She couldn't believe that something was actually going right for once. "Mrs. Mulder?" She asked, hoping that she would recognize her without identification. "Yes?" She responded. "I'm looking for your son, could you tell me where he might possibly be?" "Oh my goodness, gracious." She pulled her hand to her chest. "I'm afraid all you'll be able to find of my son is an empty grave and a headstone." "Where? Where can I find it?" "In the garden of reflection...right next to his father." "Thank you, Mrs. Mulder. I'm sorry to have taken your time." Scully lowered her head and walked back to her car. She couldn't believe that the story was true. Mulder had to be just wouldn't be right for him not to be. They were soul mates; how could one survive without the other? Scully reflected on the events of the last few days and tried to make sense of it all as she drove to the cemetary. It took her a good fourty-five minutes to find his headstone after she arrived. As she walked up the green, she spotted someone sitting at his grave. "Did you know Mulder?" She asked the woman. She turned to see who was addressing her. "He's my brother." "Samantha?" She questioned, knowing full well what the answer would be. She had encountered so much in the last few hours that nothing seemed to be functioning correctly for Scully. "Do I know you?" She asked. "No, but I know a lot about you." She answered. "Would you mind if we went for some coffee and stratego? I'd like to talk to you about something." "Stratego?" She asked, her face slightly brightening. "Did my brother send you?" "Not exactly." Scully didn't know what else to say. Over coffee, Samantha informed Scully that she was an Agent for the FBI, and worked with a partner in the X-Files division. She also believed that her brother was taken by aliens when she was nine years old, and ever since that night she had been trying to find the truth about his whereabouts. Scully scoffed. "What?" Samantha asked, sipping her cafe mocha. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." She began. "Actually, if you're anything like your brother, you'd be MORE than willing to accept what I have to say to you." "I'm listening." "About four days ago I was caught in an electrical storm on my way home from work." She explained. "I used to be an agent on the X-Files myself. I worked with your brother. Originally, I was sent to debunk his work, but in the end, we made a great team. I know that this may seem hard to believe-" "On the contrary, Ms. Scully. It sounds exactly like the way my partner and I met. His orders were the same, but we solved a case together and the government has been putting the pinch on us ever since." Samantha said. "In fact, I believe your sister is set to marry him this weekend." Scully brushed the comment aside, now was a time to focus on Mulder. "Now when I worked with him, it was a strictly platonic relationship, very professional. The next thing I know I get shocked during the storm and I end up married to him. A whole year of life was so foriegn to me and he had to explain it all as if I were a child. When I finally get used to life there, I go to the market for coffee and end up getting shocked again. I found that two of my family members that were dead when I left work four days ago are alive and well now, that I'm no longer an Agent, but a doctor and my sister is marrying the man who shot her and your father less than 6 months ago." "Ms. Scully, my father committed suicide a year after Fox disappeared." Samantha took another sip of her coffee. "I'm sorry." There was a silence for a moment, then Dana continued. "I have to find your brother." "I hope you don't mind my saying this, but I believe that your getting shocked during these electrical storms are sending you to alternate universes. That would explain those who are alive, dead and missing have changed and why you don't remember certain things. Scully, we need to find a way to get you into another storm and hopefully find your way home." "Yes, you are definitely a Mulder." Scully smiled, remembering her partner. "How do you propose going about this?" "I hope you need something at the market." Samantha gave her a half-smile. "Let's go." The two women strolled down the aisles, wondering when the storm would come. "Where were you when you were shocked?" Samantha asked. "Both times I was touching the dairy cooler." She rubbed her temples. A headache was on its way, she could feel it. "When they announce the storm, touch the dairy case." Samantha told her. "Thank you for your help, Samantha. I know if your brother could see you he would be proud." "I appreciate that, but I hope to hear that from him someday." "You're not thinking about trying this, are you?" Scully asked, eyes wide. "Not today, but perhaps in the future. I have a life here, Scully. I know that I'll find him in my universe. It's all I have left, Scully--faith to keep looking." Scully remembered when Mulder had said that to her after his recovery from that nasty retro-virus. "Attention customers," the familiar tune sounded again, "the police have asked that we inform you of an electrical storm that is headed our way. Please remain in the building until the storm passes. Thank you." "That's my cue." Scully pulled in a deep breath, then let it out. "It was god to meet you, Samantha." "I hope my brother knows how much you care about him. It would be a shame to see him waste his life following my ghosts the way I've followed his." "I'll see what I can do about that." Scully grabbed on to the dairy case. "But we will find you...I'd like the chance to get to know you again." "I'd like that too, Dana." Scully suddenly felt the jolt running through her body, then her vision blurred. For a moment she was scared that she had gone blind. She dropped to her knees, the pounding in her head becoming worse with every second. She hoped that she was finally home. "The storm has passed, folks. Thanks for shopping with us and return again soon." A voice blared from the store's speakers. Scully looked around, searching for any sign of Samantha; there were none. She looked at her hands to find that she held an obnoxious toy clown and a bag of Hershey's Kisses were on the floor. Was this it? Did she make it home? Her cellular rang and she answered it promptly. "Mulder?" "Yeah, Scully." He sounded a bit concerned. "Where have you been? It's been five days since you've been into work." "Mulder, if I ask you a question, do you promise not to laugh?" "Sure." "We're not married are we?" Scully looked down at her hand, the wedding ring still wound around her finger. "Is this some sort of come on, Scully?" He chuckled his answer. "Just checking." "You didn't answer my question, where have you been?" Scully smiled slyly. "It's a VERY long story, Mulder. Why don't you come over to my place tonight and I can tell you everything over a nice bottle of wine and a dose of Bela Lagosi?" "The Devil Bat?" "Exactly." "You got it, partner." He hung up. Scully smiled to herself. Maybe next Valentine's Day wouldn't be spent alone after all. **End** So what did you think? Don't be afraid to express your opinions! Thanks for reading! :)