Author's Note: This is the third in a series. My inspiration has changed, so we'll see how it affects the story. Most of all, have fun reading! Insert the legal thingies here because I'm sick of having to write it all out and you know what I'm trying to say anyhow. :) Friday Night - Part Two By Amber Kelsall (EnglishYew) <>> "Let's get the dinners to go, Mulder." Her voice was velvety and tempting. "Who am I to argue with the great Dana Scully?" He released her, and began searching for the waiter. <> Scully watched as Mulder wandered toward their waiter, and began speaking with him. It was as if Prince Charming had stepped right out of a story of her favorite fairy tale book. She snikered a little when she thought of him dressed in white tights, sitting on a horse, and raising his sword to vow his everlasting love. He returned with Dana's coat in one hand, and the packaged meals in another. "You ready?" Dana nodded her head demurely, and followed her date to his car. As they drove, she noticed a few familiar landmarks, and commented on one. "See that statue? I recieved my first kiss behind that statue." She thought for a moment. "Bobby Turlehy..." "So how do I measure up to Bobby?" Mulder asked, raising his eyebrow as he glimpsed at her. "He's way out of your league." "Ouch." He replied, keeping his eye on the road as much as he possibly could. But the redhead beside him made it awful hard to keep his self control. There was a comfortable silence for a while, Scully closed her eyes and imagined what it would like when they got back to her apartment. She could light some candles that she had bought for the occasion and they would dance to some of her favorite piano insturmentals. 'Come now, Dana.' She thought to herself. 'You know the minute he closes that door behind you that you're going to tear his shirt off like a beastwoman.' "Dana?" Mulder nudged her, afraid that he had bored her into a deep sleep. She quickly opened her eyes and turned to him. "Wha--what? I'm sorry I guess I was off in my own little world there for a moment." "Well, don't go away just yet, we're almost there." Scully looked out of the window, and realized that she had absolutely no idea where they were. "Where are we?" "That's a secret." Mulder quipped. Scully remembered then a game that she and her father used to play while they were on road trips. She had always tried to follow their route on the map, but no matter how hard she tried, it seemed that she was forever losing track of where they had been. "My father used to do that." She remarked. "Do what?" He asked, genuinely interested. "He used to say that our location was a secret when I asked him where we were on road trips." She elaborated. "And you want to know what my response was?" "What?" Mulder tried to listen as he watched the road ahead of him. "So, are we there yet?" For a moment Mulder caught himself within a daydream. He and Scully were in a station wagon, she smiling happily. He could feel something banging on the back of his seat. "Ow." Dana turned to him and brushed his hair lightly with the back of her hand. "Don't worry I'll take care of it, Fox." "Daddy's name is Fox?" A little girl's voice chimed. "Melissa, you knew your father's name was Fox." Scully turned to interact with the two children in the back seat. There was a boy of about ten, and Melissa aged at about eight. "And Ben, stop kicking the back of your father's seat." "Are we there yet?" Ben whined. "Going to Grandma's always takes so much time." "Don't worry.' Scully assured them. "We'll get there soon enough." "Dana, could you hand me the map?" Mulder asked. "Why are we lost?" Dana asked. "I know my mom moved out into the boonies, but this is ridiculous." She retrieved the map from the glove box, and handed it to him. A bright light reflected from a gold band around her finger. He squinted his eyes. "Are you all right, honey?" She asked. Mulder kept squinting as he looked out of the windshield and at the road. The light became brighter and brighter. The headlights from an oncoming vehicle passed them at a phenonminal speed. "Mulder?" Dana asked. "Are you alright?" Fox turned to his partner and found that they were driving through the night. He had momentarily forgotten where he was going, but he soon remembered. "Yeah. I'm fine." He commented. "Damn halogen headlights..." A few moments later, he pulled the car to the side of the road and turned off the ignition. "So this is your idea of a romantic date, eh?" Scully mused. "You've taken me to the middle of nowhere--" "Exactly." He interrupted, and exited the vehicle. "It's just you and me." "Now there's a frightening thought." Mulder opened the passenger door and helped her out. "You always have to get the last word in, don't you?" Mulder grabbed the packaged food, then moved to the trunk. Scully turned to find the moon in the sky, but instead, her breath was taken away by a spectacular view of the city. "Mulder, it's georgous!" "I know." She turned to find that Mulder had set a blanket down on the ground for them to sit uopn, and had set it up as a makeshift table. He hed even brought two candles that let out a significant amount of light. "However did you find this place?" She asked. "Well, to tell you the truth," Mulder explained, "Frohike told me about it. He had planned to take you here on your first date." "Well, it looks as if he has succeeded." "Call me crazy, but I don't think my being here was part of that plan." He gestured her to join him on the blanket. She sat at the place that he had prepared for her, and they began their meal. It was a quiet occasion, mostly they made small talk about the weather and the new security systems used at the Bureau. There were laughs, but for the most part, Mulder and Scully just stared at each other. She watched as his sipped his spaghetti into his mouth with such speed that it flopped every which way and stained his chin. "Mulder..." Scully grabbed his napkin and dipped it into the paper water cup. "Whatever shall I do with you?" "Well, I've got a few ideas, but that doesn't come until later." He let Scully wipe the sauce from his chin, as he raised his eyebrows to accentuate his innuendo. "How did I ever get so lucky as to be put into the X-Files?" Scully wondered aloud. "I always thought you just pissed someone off." Mulder laughed. "When I brought you root beer on the Tooms stakeout, did you really want iced tea?" She asked. "Actually, I wanted root beer." He answered honestly. "But I had to make up for you getting that liverwurst sandwich. I had my heart set on a turkey club." "I guess it was fate..." Scully thought for a moment about her sister. Melissa was always into things like fate and auras. She felt a slight twinge in her heart as she thought that she would not be able to call her sister tomorrow and tell her everything that had happened. Since she had met Mulder, everything had changed. Even down to the way she questioned her beloved subject of science. "I knew it from the minute you stepped through that door." Mulder reminiced. "I knew that you were the the one. I thought that fate had dealt me the right hand at the wrong time, you know? "It was at that time that I was so engrossed in my work that I just put everything aside to make sure that I found what I was looking for..." "And have you found it?" She inquired. "I've found part of it..." He played with his fork. "but there's still something else." "Well find it, Mulder. It will just take more time." Mulder's eyes widened. "Time! Shit! What time is it?" Scully scrambled to look at her watch. "It's about seven thirty, why?" "We have to go or we'll be late." Mulder helped her to her feet, and escorted her back to the car. While she waited, Mulder cleaned up the dinner mess and threw it into the back of his trunk. He quickly hopped into the driver's seat and started the car. "So where are we going now?" She was intruiged by Mulder's surprises. "Or is it a secret?" "You'll know when we get there." He assured her. A half an hour later, they arrived in front of a large theatre. The lights glowed like the fires of the heavens and Scully was once again dazzled by the pains he had gone through to prepare for their date. Now she knew why his cellular was busy when she tried to contact him about the case they had been working on. "The opera?" She turned to him, leaning on the open car door. "I'd have never pegged you as a diva man." "Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Mulder handed his car keys to the valet, then offered his arm to Scully. She accepted it graciously, and they headed into the building to find their seats before the show started. When they reached the lobby, Scully released his arm, but Mulder caught her hand in his before it dropped to her side. He tugged on her hand a bit, then brought his mouth close to her ear. "They don't have a concession stand Scully." "You sound concerned." She replied. "I've never been in a theatre that didn't have overpriced buttered styrofoam and beer before." He admitted. "Well, then." Scully smiled. "This is going to be quite a night." "Let's go find our seats." He suggested, keeping a hold of her hand. "Sounds like a good idea to me." Again, to be continued...