Legal Thingies are needed here so that I can't be taken to court and other bad stuff like that. Okay, so the X-Files stuff belongs to other people like Chris Carter and all those other companies that have copyrights (those lucky people) and crud like that. There, now no one can take me to jail (that's supposed to be a good thing). Other legalities include the name of the Tremere which belongs to the authors and publishers of Vampire: The Masquerade and the term, Thaumaturgy, if it needs to be. Special thanks go to everyone who put up with reading this while I was writing it, and especially Kathy and Joey who always nagged me to finish it, Michele for agreeing to be the villain, and Paul and Debbie just for reading it and everyone for putting up with all the questions I asked and their very valuable feedback. I would also like to offer thanks to BabFab for her suggestion for using the Gotham Restaurant and Bar located in New York. Minion By Amber Kelsall ( Special Agent Melia Barker strode down a beaten path toward the shooting range located just north of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's teaching facilities at Quantico. She paid no attention to those who walked beside her or rushed past her frame as if she were just another student striving to get to class on time, she was too wrapped up in her own thoughts. The entrance door gave no resistance as she pushed on the dilapidated metal handle and let herself in. She scanned the area as she always did and found Agent Adam Hudson behind the desk at the check-in counter. The heels of her shoes clicked against the linoleum floor as she walked toward him. "Good morning, Agent Hudson." Her voice seemed to chime. It was not that she didn't like Adam, it was just that she wasn't always comfortable in his presence. Despite her sporadic thoughts about him, the two had become friends in the past year that she had been instructing a weapons and arms course at Quantico. He managed to raise her spirits when she had been having a particularly bad day. She just wished he'd realize that they were never going to go out on a date together. "Agent Barker," Adam leaned his weight against the counter, "I hope you know how unfair it is to come in here and shoot with the students." Melia kept her face. He was teasing her, as he often did, and she was determined not to let him get the better of her this time. "It's even unfair to the Special Agents, Adam. I'm just too good." Agent Hudson knew what she was talking about. Barker had been transferred to be an instructor because of her immaculate marksmanship and her amazing abilities to help the students understand the basics of weaponry used by the FBI. He had to admit to himself that he was glad she was transferred to the Academy. Since the first day he had set eyes on her, he knew that was destined to go on a date with her. 'Now,' he thought to himself, 'if only she would realize that.' Agent Barker set her hands on the cold Formica countertop and searched for the sign-in log. "So when can I get in?" "I guess I'll let you in now." He smiled. "It'll give the kids incentive, you know?" "Great." Barker moved her hands into the pocket of her jacket. Adam couldn't help but look her over as he had done every time she had been near him. Today she happened to have her straight, brown hair tied back with a decorative silver clip. He liked it when she wore her hair down, especially when little bits of hair would brush against the milky white skin of her cheek. She was a few inches smaller than he, but stood proudly at five feet, eight inches. "Adam?" Melia's voice brought his eyes back to hers. At that moment, he thought he could listen to that melodic voice forever. "You know the drill." He couldn't move his gaze from her muddy brown eyes. Melia knew the drill all too well. She had already removed her gun from its holster and placed it on the counter beside her identification badge. "Now, if you can stop staring me down, Agent Hudson, I might be able to practice sometime this century." Color filled Adam's cheeks. He hadn't realized that she had noticed him admiring her. "I'll be right back." He swept her gun and badge into his hands and took them to the computer. He hated having to run everyone's badge and gun identification, but he knew it would eventually be needed as a record or a type of security that actually worked. He glanced back at Barker for a moment, she had found a pen and the sign-in log. 'She has such a fluency when she writes.' He thought as he punched up the numbers. 'She's my version of perfection.' The computer called his attention back to the screen with its annoying beep. As usual, she had cleared. He moved from his chair back to the counter. Melia held her hands out to receive her gun and badge. "Thanks." "Hey, Barker. Why the itch to shoot?" Melia thought about it for a moment. "It's a great stress reliever, Adam. You should try it sometime." "I think I've had enough of guns for a lifetime." He turned to the wall next to him. It was full of cubby-holes and shooting gear. He took a pair of glasses and padded earphones down for her. "By the way, when are they going to fix that damnable light above my booth?" Melia put in. "It's giving me migraines again." "I think we have a crew coming in later today." He searched the log for her signature. "Don't forget your headgear." "I'm glad to know the maintenance crews are still in their usual form." She put her gun in its holster and her badge back into her pocket. "At least their efforts haven't declined." Adam laughed. Melia laughed with him as she grasped the gear and headed to the shooting booth. "See you later." He watched her as she walked through the doors and silently wished to himself that it was her mind he was admiring, not her ass. Agent Barker focused on the targets of others as she passed their booths. It filled her with a sense of pride that she was able to shoot directly through the target's heart every time. As she neared the booth, she thought about what she had told Adam earlier. She'd lied when she told him it was a stress reliever. It was so much more than that. She had missed the center of the target during one of her examples this morning and decided that she should get in an extra round. The booth was as it always was, dank and chilly. The overhead light was still flickering in and out, but she knew it would improve her sight skills to practice beneath it. Barker took out her gun, checked the ammo, and set it on the counter in front of her. After she placed the protective gear on her head, she took the gun into her right hand. Melia carefully aimed for the target and fired. The gunshots rang in her ears, even through the headphones, while the light began to flicker again. As she aimed, her eyes gave the illusion of a faint blue light flashing on the range. Barker shrugged the incident off and continued with her exercise. The annoyance continued in its quest. The crystalline flashes began to overpower her senses and she had to blink to lessen the glare. She fought with herself to stay in control as she aimed for the head of the target. These dream flashes had been plaguing her since she was in college and she was not about to give into them now. Her finger was hesitant when it came near the trigger. She couldn't believe what she was seeing and squinted her eyes in hopes of gaining focus. She confirmed that it was her cold, blue face she saw in the range. Melia fired several shots, desperate to rid herself of the fear her image invoked. When the smoke had cleared, there was only the paper target and the wounds her bullets had left in it. She took a moment to settle herself. Her head reeled as she damned her thoughts. She didn't know where they had come from, or what they meant. The only other person she had ever told about the dreams was her father. He had immediately wanted to send her to doctors and have tests run to see if she had a tumor. She loved her father for being able to look after her, but sometimes he inadvertently smothered her in his protection. After she had been run through the maze of doctors she had decided it would be better for everyone if she never mentioned the flashes in the future. Paranormal phenomena fascinated her like nothing else she had ever known. In college she had spent a term abroad to study European folklore and legends. She had never wanted to stop learning after that term, and when she wasn't teaching or firing a gun, she had her head buried in books that attempted to explain the paranormal. Melia had kept her research a secret, though. She quickly learned that outlandish thoughts such as those in her books were frowned upon by her superiors as much as partners getting involved with each other. She almost scoffed when she remembered that her superiors has assigned her as a shooting instructor for lack of a better place to put her. She was a fine Agent, they couldn't deny that; her two years of field work had proven that beyond a doubt. But she had somehow found herself getting involved with her partner, and was transferred to the academy. The Bureau had wanted her to know that her actions were not acceptable. Less than three months later he was inexplicably killed in the line of duty. Agent Barker looked down at her hand and realized that she was shaking so hard that her gun was rattling. She placed the pistol back in her hip holster and removed the protective headgear. The light above her began to shine steady as she left the booth and headed for the exit. Agent Hudson was glad to see her back at his post so soon. "Good session?" "Um, I suppose so." Melia set the glasses and headphones back on to the counter. It was obvious that she was preoccupied with something. The only thing that made him feel on edge was the meekness in her voice, he had never heard that tone from her before. She signed the sheet that Adam pushed toward her. "I'll see you around." The air felt cool and inviting as Melia stepped into the current and breathed in deeply. She had expected her lungs to fill with fresh air, but ended up coughing from the second-hand smoke. She turned to see who was polluting the winds. "Agent Barker." The mysterious man waved his cigarette in her face. "You should be more careful who you associate with." "What are you doing here?" She tried to remain calm so she would not draw attention from passers-by. "I told you that I never wanted to deal with you again." "I know." He took another puff. "But sometimes, we really don't have a lot of choices." Melia's patience with this man was growing thin. "What do you want?" She had worked with this man before, usually doing odd jobs that she didn't understand. "It seems that I don't have anyone I can rely on for information in the X-Files." The tall, greying man dropped his cigarette then took another from his pocket. "What does that have to do with me?" She watched him carefully as he lit the cancer stick. "I want you to be my new contact." He was blunt. "It seems your other colleagues cannot be trusted with such an assignment." Melia thought about what the man was saying. "Why me? Why any new agents there at all? They're trying to shut them down, why would they let another agent in?" "I have friends in high places." He said. "Most of them can't say no." "Most?" She cocked her head slightly to the left to show her interest. "I need one more signature for your transfer." He pulled an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Barker. "Assistant Director Skinner." She took the papers from him and stuffed them into her jacket. "I'll expect to have you in by the end of the week." She watched as he blew the smoke from his lips and could have sworn that she had seen the shape of a skull as it dissipated into the air. "Yes, sir." XXX Assistant Director Walter Skinner sat at his desk in the FBI building. His head was pounding today, though he didn't know why. He hadn't had any run-ins with Mulder or Scully, the agents with the X-Files. They always seemed to get into trouble, and last time he had put his life on the line for their work because he truly believed in what they were doing. He hadn't had to deal with a strange colleague that he knew only as the Cigarette Smoking Man, though he preferred Cancerman because it was a bit more sinister. In fact, everything about today seemed to be going quite well. Skinner almost jumped when his secretary buzzed the intercom. He reached out his slightly tanned hand and answered it in one fluid motion. "Skinner." There seemed to be a slight silence, then his secretary spoke. "Sir, Agent Barker is here to see you, may I send her in?" "Yes, send her right in." Skinner acknowledged. He suddenly realized that he might have brought something down upon himself as she removed his wire-rimmed glasses and rubbed his tired eyes. As the door opened, he rose to his feet. He saw his secretary usher in a young woman of about 26 years. Her hair was cut chin-length and shone a deep chestnut brown, much like her eyes. It would have been apparent to anyone in the room that he knew this person. After the door closed again, she spoke. "Assistant Director Skinner." There seemed to be a wall of tension between them. "Agent Barker." She glanced nervously around the room. "Would you like to sit down?" He offered. "Actually, no." She moved toward the desk. "I came to ask something of you." "What might that be?" Skinner leaned back in his chair. "I received these papers at the academy yesterday." She pulled the envelope she had been given and set it on her father's desk. "I was told the only signature left to get was yours." Skinner looked at his daughter uneasily and opened the envelope. A tense silence hung in the air as he read the orders. "The X-Files." He dreaded letting her into them because of all the crap he had seen Agents Mulder and Scully go through in the past three years. He couldn't see putting his only child at risk like that. He scowled as he set the papers back on the hard wood surface. He also didn't want to take away an opportunity for his daughter to work in an area that she had long for years now. He never hated his job as much as he did at that moment. Melia could tell that her father was having doubts. "You know I can do it." Skinner nervously rubbed his chin. "I know you think you can do it, but I have my doubts." "Oh come on!" She threw up her hands. "This isn't about you and me, Dad. This is about being an Agent in the Bureau and being able to do a good job. I've served my time." Skinner stood up and leaned toward her across his desk. "And I'm saying that it's too dangerous, I will not send my only daughter to her own death!" "Being an agent is always about danger!" She returned. "I could be back in Violent Crimes having some psycho harassing me, I could be back at the Academy waiting for some freak to blow the entire building to pieces, or I could here where you could know my every movement!" Skinner was taken aback by that statement. He knew that she would get where she wanted to be eventually. She always kept at it until she was able to get what she wanted. Perhaps she would learn that she didn't want to do it after a case, and return to the safety of being an academy instructor. He set back into his chair and caught a glimpse of her eyes. They were glowing with an inner fire of excitement. "So?" She crossed her arms across her chest. Skinner opened a file, and picked up a pen from it's holder. He knew that she would be capable and wise in her work. Perhaps he would finally get reports that he could make some sense of. "I don't see that I have any other option here, with Agent Scully sick so much, it makes sense..." In the back of his head, Skinner calmly thought of ways to make her return to Quantico. He hadn't wanted to give in to her, but he knew that he had no valid reasons to keep her from the transfer. "Thank you, Sir." She turned on her heel to leave. "Melia." She stopped in her tracks. He had never called her that while they were at the Bureau unless something was wrong. Either he was mad at her, or he was keeping something from her. She turned towards him. "What is it?" "Be careful." He warned. "I'll try." She shot back, and headed out of the office. Skinner pounded a fist against the oak on his desk. He did not need this aggravation. As he rummaged through his desk to find a bottle of pain reliever, the phone rang. "Skinner." He brought the receiver to his ear. "Walter, this is Sharon." A woman's voice sounded. Skinner leaned against the desk, and felt a bit of tension leaving him. It was good to hear from his wife again. "It's good to hear your voice." "I should think so." Her voice sounded with laughter. "After today, it would sure be great to have a nice quiet dinner." He confided in her. "That bad, eh?" Somehow, he could see her smiling on the other line. "How about seven?" "Perfect." He smiled at the thought of seeing her again. "I'll see you then." XXX Melia strode down the dank corridors of the Bureau's basement underworld. It used to be only storage facilities, but soon became home to the X-Files when the Bureau's interest in them had died. Fortunately, Special Agent Fox Mulder breathed new life into the dead cases when he had started to investigate them. She had heard so much about Fox 'Spooky' Mulder while at the academy, and silently hoped that he would live up to his reputation. Recently, she began to hear about Special Agent Dana Scully in some context as well. There were malicious rumors circulating that she and Mulder were secret lovers, but mostly it heralded what a brilliant scientist and doctor she was. Melia had the opportunity to meet Scully when she had been teaching an autopsy course at Quantico. She had lost faith that she would ever be able to enter that office with her head held high when she found that the files had been shut down. She remembered hearing from a student that Scully was acting a bit 'spooky' herself during a class. The previous thoughts dissipated as she neared the corridor reserved for her new section. She had received the transfer papers two days after she had talked with her father. He had explained over dinner the previous evening that he had a hard time thinking of her in all those dangerous situations so he had let the papers sit as long as he could. Melia sympathized with her father but told him that he needed to have a little faith in her abilities to take care of herself. A wry smile moved itself upon her lips as she brought her hand to the surface of the door to Mulder and Scully's office. She knocked diligently, confident in her knowledge that she would be unexpected. From inside, and muffled 'come in' sounded, and she did so. Opening that door was like summoning a portal to another world. As she entered, she felt as if she were an outsider, who did not understand everything in this room. The only problem with this feign is that she did know what everything around her was about. Everything except Mulder and Scully. She saw them huddled about a lighted table and Mulder did not bother to turn around. Scully, on the other hand, was eager to see who was entering their territory. "Agent Barker." She held out her hand. "What a pleasure to see you again." "Agent Scully." Melia took her new partner's hand and shook it gratefully. "I heard about your sister, I'm very sorry." Scully did not need to think about what happened to her sister, or anything else that concerned that particular case. In fact, she had come back to work to get away from her memories. "Well, what can I do for you?" Melia immediately noticed that she had struck a chord that wasn't meant to be played. She made a mental note not to do it again. "Well, I-" "She's our new partner, Scully." Mulder turned to face the two women. Scully shot Mulder her 'why-am-I-always-the-last-to-know' look. "I know it's sudden..." Barker was disappointed that the element of surprise wasn't on her side this time, but she hid it well. Mulder crossed his arms across his chest and leaned against the counter he had been working over. "Why are you really here? The men upstairs don't exactly think this project is worth the money it drains from the budget." Scully waited for Barker to make the next move. She made it sooner than she had expected. "I was asked to come aboard in this section. I wasn't given any particular reasons, just that this department needed an agent to keep you two out of the hospitals." She pulled two folders from her satchel and handed them to Mulder. Scully stepped toward the desks and fingered one of the folders. "What are these?" "My personal files." Barker stood tall in the doorway. "I thought you might want to get to know me before we start our first case on Monday." Mulder glared at the intruder, trying to sense what her motivations were. To his frustration, he wasn't able to crack her code. Everything she said seemed to be neutral. Without another word, she left the office. Mulder had expected her to slam the door behind her, but she didn't. For some reason, that annoyed him even more. Scully turned to Mulder and eyed him. "When did you find out we were getting a new partner, and why didn't you tell me?" "I just found out this morning when I passed Skinner in the hall." Mulder replied. "I was under the impression that he told you as well." "Well he didn't." Scully picked up Barker's personal file. "It only has her mother's name listed here, I wonder what happened to her father." He moved towards his partner and opened the top file that Melia had left for them. Scully held out her hand to receive the file, and quickly scanned it for a name. 'Barker, Melia Yvette'. Scully took the bottom file in Mulder's hands without much disturbance, and flipped to the first page. The file was a replication of the one that her partner was glancing over. "Looks like we get to do a little studying tonight, Mulder." XXX The whistle of Melia's teapot let out a terrifying shriek as it began to steam. She rushed into the kitchen and pulled it from the burner. She turned off the power and poured the hot water into a mug. She then opened a tea bag packet, and watched as the bag soaked up the water hungrily. It was Sunday night, and Barker was beginning to get a bit stir crazy. She had been sitting in her home doing virtually nothing since Friday. She had managed to get a couple of cases from her Dad on Friday night, but they read fast and she had found herself just lying around watching "Key Largo". She had been able to get together with her father for dinner on Saturday evening, but for the most part it was uneventful. She took a sip of her tea and savored the taste of strawberries. The warmth felt good was it made it's way down to her stomach. Melia found herself thinking about something that her father had said over dinner. She reminded herself that he told her if she got bored with everything at home, that she could always go in to the office early in the morning. He knew that she had trouble sleeping, and had always tried to offer any advice about it that he could. Melia sat in a kitchen chair and sipped her tea. She knew that staying away from work was not one of her finer points, and neither was waiting. She put down the mug and decided to head into work. XXX Agent Barker headed down the hallway of the J. Edgar Hoover building to an area which housed, according to her new partner Fox Mulder, "the FBI's most unwanted". It was still the wee hours of morning--2:57 AM to be precise--but the building had still been filled with agents burning the midnight oil on their case loads. Melia was there only because she had trouble sleeping and had tired of the tedious tasks she could've done at home. Her erratic sleeping habits had begun shortly after she had taken a fellowship overseas during her college studies. Over the years she had tried just about everything to get her body to sleep properly--the so-called remedies ranged from warm milk to yoga to sleeping pills. Every so often one of the methods might take effect for a short time, but in the end all failed to help her gain a sleeping schedule she could adhere to. About two years ago, she had just given up entirely, and kept herself occupied with old black and white movies or reading a good book when she couldn't sleep. She just decided that it was her destiny to be a night owl. She opened the door to her new office, a cluttered space about the size of an average home's living room, and set her small soft leather briefcase next to the coat rack. There were file cabinets stacked to the ceilings in some areas and loose papers piled on makeshift bookshelves that appeared as if they might collapse if she touched them. Mulder and Scully shared an old-fashioned double desk, and it reminded Melia of the desks she used to see in those old mobster films. Scully's desktop was organized neatly, while Mulder's side boasted old paper coffee cups, take out bags, and several file folders. Melia scanned the office to find that her desk had been placed toward the back of the office in a dark corner. It seemed so out of place to see a clean space amid the clutter. She thought for a moment, though, how appropriate the placement of her desk had been. It almost mirrored the situation she was in now. She was walking in on the hustle and bustle of Mulder and Scully's investigations a virtual clean slate to them. In actuality, though, she was no where near a clean slate. She had read several case files to catch up on what her new partners had been up to, and had even researched some X-Files on her own while she had taught at Quantico. She reached up and turned on the overhead lamp that had been provided for her, then set her Winchell's bag next to a plain manila file. For a moment she forgot about her midnight snack and sat down, taking keen interest in the file before her. She opened it and began to read about a homicide that had taken place in South Fork, Texas. She quickly ran her eyes over the autopsy report, noting that the victim had suffered acute blood loss and that the coroner reported what appeared to be teeth marks in the victim's neck and shoulder. 'What would my partners have to say about this?' She thought to herself. From the case files that she had read, she assumed that Mulder would most likely link the death to vampirism while Scully would quickly dismiss it as nothing more than a cult killing or animal attack. 'But their opinions don't matter until 8 AM.' She continued to have a conversation with herself. 'I should be at home sleeping like they are--like any normal human being in Washington DC should be.' Barker sighed and flung the file back onto her desk. She rubbed her eyes and smoothed her hand over her hair. After shaking her leather jacket off, she hung it over the back of her chair then reached for the Winchell's bag. The paper crackled as she reached in and pulled out a fresh cup of coffee and a chocolate donut with sprinkles in the icing. The white plastic lid on her coffee departed company with it's paper cup easily, letting the steam rise into the air, only to disappear on it's way to the ceiling. Melia gulped down the black liquid gratefully, thinking the last thing that she needed as a troubled sleeper was a strong cup of black coffee. She dismissed the thought, however, and continued to mull over the case. While she had found some interesting items in the rest of the case, it was the actual police report that held her attention. As she ran through the accompanying photos that the department had supplied, she stopped at one. The victim was lying on his back and his shirt was ripped apart around his shoulder. She noticed that the man had a tattoo; even through the thin layer of blood it seemed disturbingly familiar. She racked her brain for several minutes trying to place where she had seen the art before. On a hunch, Melia moved across the office to her briefcase and kneeled next to it. She filtered through it's contents only to experience that finding the file was an easier task than getting it out of the pocket she had placed it in. Finally it came loose, and she opened X-File case #X131095. The papers fell to the floor in a cascade of white and Melia silently cursed. As she reached to collect the papers something else fumbled its way to the floor. It was too awkward to be a piece of paper. Melia reached for it instead, and realized that it was the photograph that she had been looking for. "Must be my lucky day." Melia smiled, and rushed back to her desk. She had taken the file home as possible reading material for her late night, and had indeed read through it all. As she compared the two photos, she realized just how lucky she was. She had managed to connect two cases by pure luck. XXX Mulder walked into the office expecting to be the early bird, as usual. Instead, he walked right into his new partner, Melia Barker. "God, Mulder. I'm sorry." She apologized, trying to move out of his way. "What are you doing here?" Mulder asked, searching the office for anything suspicious. He didn't exactly trust his new partner yet. He noted that she was dressed in a pair of black jeans and an over-sized olive green sweater. Even through her loose clothing, he could see that she was wearing her gun. He also noticed that she was wearing a pair of tennis shoes. This was something that wasn't normally seen on an agent in the Bureau. Simples, he believed they were called. He had seen a pair in a shoe store window a while ago and thought that they looked comfortable. For some reason he went in wanting a pair, but came out with a new pair of wingtips. "It's called a job, Mulder." She turned to watch him hang his coat on the rack. "I'm just not used to having anyone else in here until an hour from now." Mulder looked toward her desk, surprised that it had several notes scattered on top of open folders and an empty coffee cup sat at the foot of her chair. "How long have you been here?" "You don't want to know." Melia headed to her desk and retrieved her jacket. "You going somewhere?" He asked. Melia was grateful that he was being civil toward her. When they had first met, he had made it painfully obvious that her presence in the X-Files division wasn't a welcome one. "Well, I thought that I would go home and get cleaned up." She pulled on her jacket and began to gather her files and notes. "It will give you a chance to get your hour alone." "Long night, eh?" Mulder slumped into his desk chair and scowled at the mess on his desk. "Mulder, I keep such strange hours that even a vampire would wince if I told him." She quipped, stuffing the files into her briefcase and headed toward the door. "Oh, and if Scully comes in before I get back, keep her here. I want to talk to both of you about our new case assignment." Mulder took in the information, but wasn't quite sure if his brain processed the words or not. When the door shut behind Barker, the click of the door handle mechanism seemed to knock in his head, reminding him that there was work to be done. He sighed and straightened the legs of his navy slacks, then checked his tie for stains. XXX An hour later, Melia returned as she had said she would. She had changed into a conservatively cut navy blue pant suit. To Mulder's surprise, she was still wearing her tennis shoes. "Have you heard from Scully?" Barker headed toward her desk and slammed her briefcase into the seat. "She's on her way." Mulder didn't bother to look up from his reading material. He had read the file over three times. Melia took off her jacket and slung it over the back of her chair as she had done earlier that morning. "Mulder?" Melia pulled a small stack of folded papers from the front pocket of her briefcase. "Have you ever heard of the organization called the Tremere?" "No, why?" Mulder looked in her direction. "Am I missing out on something?" Barker handed him the stack, and he took it. "They're an exclusive clan that believes that they have a dark gift, or what they faithful call 'the art of blood'." "You mean vampires?" She managed to peak Mulder's interest. "Oh, much more than that." Melia crossed her arms and leaned against her desk. "They also believe that this 'art' gives them the ability to control the minds of others, ESP, and even Thaumaturgy." "Thaumaturgy?" Mulder continued to leaf through the information she had given him. "Expand my vocabulary, Barker. I don't know what this word means." "Thaumaturgy is a form of sorcery believed to be powered by vampiric blood. Though nowadays it seems that it is just a bit of mystic lore." "Psychic vampires that can turn me into a toad." Mulder quipped. "Now there's a frightening thought." "Apparently they are so exclusive that they run their clan through underground sources, checking the backgrounds of each prospective member." She added. "They even rejected an application from a relative of Bram Stoker." "If they're so exclusive, then how did you get your hands on this?" Mulder raised the papers toward her. "Believe it or not Mulder, I do have friends." She reached for the stack. As she leaned toward him to retrieve what she saw as pertinent information to their case, he caught a glimpse of a necklace that she wore around her neck. He almost immediately identified the pewter charm as a compass rose, but could not place it's origin. He wondered why she wore it. "So what do the Tremere have to do with our case?" Mulder pinned. "There's no indication that this isn't just some random psycho venting his frustration in a way that he or she feels is unique. It's a cry for help, they're doing it for attention." She unfolded her arms, and headed back to the case folder that sat in her chair. She reached inside and pulled out the photos that she had been studying so closely earlier that morning. She dropped the photo from their current case onto the file in his lap. He picked it up and studied it as best he could in the dim light. "This is a picture of the tattoo found on the body of Matthew Corland, the most recent victim in Texas." She explained. "It's the same tattoo that has been found on three other bodies in New York, Seattle, and Los Angeles." Mulder looked up at Barker, showing his interest in what she was leading up to. "The same tattoo--" She dropped the other photo in his lap. "--that each member of the Tremere has put onto their left shoulder blade when they have been admitted into the clan." "So this is what you do when you can't sleep, huh?" Mulder compared the two photos, keenly interested. "Beats playing golf." She smiled. At that moment, their office door opened to admit Agent Scully entry to the gloomy scene. "Morning, Scully." He greeted her. "Morning." Scully hung her coat next to Mulder's. "What strange and unusual theories do you have for me this morning?" "How about the tale of South Fork, Texas?" He offered. "You mean the corpse that's missing half of his neck?" Scully retrieved her file from her briefcase. "That's the one." Barker chimed. "Does this mean I should pack my bags?" Scully looked back and forth between her partners' faces. "After this trip, Scully, you'll have enough frequent flyer miles for that Summer trip to Alaska." Mulder closed his file and headed toward the coat rack. "See you all at the airport." Scully threw Barker a look as their partner all but flew out of the door. "So tell me," Scully stuffed her case file back into her satchel, "what did I miss?" XXX After filling Scully in on the details, Melia headed back to her apartment to pack for the trip. It didn't take long, so she decided to grab something to eat while she was able to. As she entered the kitchen, the phone rang. She headed to the counter and picked up the receiver. "Hello?" "Melia." A man's voice sounded on the other line. "I heard that you and your partners were leaving and I wanted to wish you a safe trip." "Thanks, Dad." She recognized her father's voice right away. They once had a joke about how unforgettable Walter Skinner's voice really was. "I appreciate that." "Have you been sleeping?" He took his fatherly tone with her. "I'm fine, Dad." She lied. "I really need to get going, I have a plane to catch." "Well, let me know when you get back, Sharon and I want to have you over for dinner." "I will Dad, as soon as I get back." She promised. "Take care." "I will, Dad." She repeated. "All right, Bye." She didn't bother to say goodbye because she knew his phone habits all too well. As soon as he said goodbye, that phone was on the base. She hung up the phone and checked her watch. Then for some unknown reason, she checked the wall clock as well. "Oh my..." She checked her watch again. She knew that she should have replaced that stupid watch battery before going back to work. It was later than she had realized. She decided to skip the snack and grabbed her bag, heading out the door in a frenzy. XXX "Where's Barker?" Scully turned to Mulder. He set down he cellular phone and looked at his partner. "I don't know, she's not answering her phone. I left a message on her machine, though." "We've got to get her a cellular." Scully told him. "Or at least a beeper." "Ladies and gentlemen, flight number 213 is preparing to take off, please fasten you seat belts and prepare for ascension." The stewardess announced. Melia knew she was late. After waiting in line for twenty minutes, she finally reached the ticket counter. "I have a reservation under Barker." "Ma'am, that flight took off a half an hour ago." The clerk informed her. "I know, I need a ticket on the next flight." She managed to remain calm. "All I have left are first class, is that all right?" "Yeah that's fine." She fished the government issued credit card from her satchel. After a few moments, the clerk handed her a ticket. "Gate 33, ma'am. I believe they are getting ready to board now." "Thank you so much." Melia took her credit card back and stuffed it into her pocket. XXX She arrived at the South Fork Police Station with little else going wrong. For some reason, the events of the day were starting to get to her. As she flung open the front door, she rubbed her eyes. The first thing she saw as she entered the small station was Mulder. He was sitting on a desk watching the screen of a portable pocket television flicker in his face. She walked toward him and he looked up, sensing her approach. "Well, if it isn't the pokey little puppy." "My watch stopped." She offered an excuse. "What are you watching?" "The Knicks." "Why?" She kept her composure while still being able to convey her distaste. "Because they're good at what they do." "Sure, in some countries." Melia pulled out the chair in the desk and dropped into it. "What have we got so far?" "We haven't really been here that long. Scully is just about to wrap up her turn with the body and then we're going to head over to the murder site." Mulder set the television on the desk. "What about the police, do they have any suspects or leads?" Melia closed her eyes, hoping that she could get a bit of rest while listening to her partner. "Actually, they have a couple of suspects, but the analysis of the evidence isn't back from the labs yet." He looked toward a door on his right. Scully had entered that door quite some time ago and he was eager for her to come back out of it. "Without the lab results, they don't have enough substantial evidence to make an arrest." "How long has she been in there?" She opened her eyes and rubbed them again. She was getting tired. "A little under an hour." Mulder picked up the television and turned the volume up a bit. "She might take longer." "You know, I've heard it said that dead bodies tell the tale of what happened to a person in their lifetime." Melia tried to make conversation. "It's fascinating what a human body can convey without any words whatsoever." "Yeah, well let's hope this guy's body tells short stories instead of reciting novels." Mulder focused on the game again. Barker shifted her head back and closed her eyes. About an hour later, Scully emerged from the autopsy bay. Mulder was munching on sunflower seeds and Barker had fallen asleep. Mulder looked up as he heard the sounds of Scully peeling off her plastic gloves. "Did you find anything?" His partner took off her autopsy goggles and winced. "There was really nothing to find, Mulder." Agent Barker suddenly started from her dream state, looking as if she were about to scream in fright. Scully and Mulder stared at their partner. "Barker, are you all right?" Mulder asked, reaching for more sunflower seeds. She turned to him, her eyes glazed. Then, just as fast as she had wakened, her eyes returned to normal, and she turned to Scully. "Did you find anything, Scully?" She asked. "Nothing other than perpetuating the preliminary findings--" Scully took off the lab coat she had borrowed and hung it on the coat rack by the door. "Barker, are you sure that you're all right?" "What do you mean am I all right?" She tossed Scully a puzzled expression. "Well, when you woke up just a moment ago..." Scully trailed off, reacting to the lost looks emanating from her partner. "Yeah, I'm fine." She tried to put her at ease. "Tell me everything I never wanted to know about a dead body." "Well, there were definitely teeth marks in the skin, but the way that the flesh ripped, no type of dental identification procedure can be performed." Scully informed them. "Other than that he was missing over four pints of blood, none of which was found at the crime scene, there's nothing else to tell." "I'll let you know if I find someone walking down the street with a bucket of blood." Barker stood, and began to head toward the doors of the station. "Where are you going?" Mulder asked her. "I want to see if we can get any info. from the crime scene." She stopped in her tracks and turned back to them. "Anyone care to join me?" Mulder and Scully followed her out to the parking lot without saying anything. They got into their rental car while Melia took her own. She felt that it was best to let them keep their car time. It was always a precious amount of time for partners to discuss things, and she didn't want to intrude on that. Perhaps some time down the road they would trust her enough to include her, but for now it was just a safer way to travel. Melia arrived first, flashing her badge at the police officer on duty, then entering the crime scene. Scully hadn't been lying when she said there was hardly any blood at the crime scene. She found but a few drops on the white carpet beneath her feet. As she looked around the office for anything that might be out of place, she saw Scully walking through the door. "Where's Mulder?" Melia asked, surprised to see him away from her side. "He's searching for a motel for us." Scully told her. "It's been a long day and we've done just about everything that we can." "What do you think happened to the blood?" She watched her partner pace across the floor, finally settling at the victim's desk. "I don't have enough information to make an assumption about it." Scully opened a drawer and began filing through it. "So what does Agent Mulder think?" She stood and headed for a coffee table at the far end of the room. "He thinks that we may be dealing with the Undead." "Vampires, Nosferatu, and the like, yes?" Melia sifted through some papers and sighed. "What about you, what do you think?" "I think someone really sick is out there tonight with more blood than he needs." Barker continued to shuffle through the papers, but found nothing. Scully opened a few more drawers, but didn't seem to find anything. "This case is turning into a mass of dead ends." "If we could get an address on the Tremere, that might be a start." Melia offered. "Are there any writing pads on the desk?" "Only one." She held it up for her partner to see. "Do you think he wrote a phone number, maybe an address on it?" Scully felt the paper with her finger tips and then examined the surface with her eyes. "Nothing." "I think we're plum out of luck, then." A few moments later, her cellular phone rang. She reached into her coat pocket and pulled it to her ear. "Scully." "Hi, it's me." Mulder announced. "I just wanted to let you know that we're staying at the Tygre's Inn." "Great. We should be there to meet you shortly." She told him. "You didn't find anything?" Mulder asked, hoping that her answer would be anything but no. "No, Mulder." She glanced up at Barker. "We haven't found a thing. We've reached a dead end." "I was afraid that might happen." Mulder took in a deep breath, then let it out. "Why, do you have an idea about what might be going on in this case?" Scully quizzed. "I'll know more when we meet for dinner." He told her. "I'll see you soon." "We're on our way." Scully removed the phone from her ear and turned it off before returning it to her pocket. "You ready to head out?" Barker asked, heading for the door. "Yeah." Scully followed her. "We're not going to find anything here." XXX Melia sat in a small outdoor chair, staring into the colors of the sunset. She was pleased that a deck had been available for her to use. She felt like she needed some time alone, like she needed to feel the elements on her skin again. It was almost as if she were attempting to feel a bit more alive. She remembered lying to Scully at the police station. She had having that dream for some time now. It was always the same; a death that she couldn't prevent, no matter how hard she tried. The more she attempted to drive her thoughts about the dream away, the more the images consumed her. Eventually she gave into them again... She was standing in the blue fog, wondering why she was there. The haze of her mind matched the haze surrounding her in the dank alleyway. The walls seemed to be dripping with some unknown substance and was slimy to the touch. There was a single light in the darkness, but it wasn't powerful enough to cut through the thick cloud of atmosphere she seemed to be plagued by. Melia did not call out, but instead chose to search her environment. With each step she took the fog began to dissipate and her vision focused on the source of the light. The small lamp was hanging from a hook that had been drilled into the stone wall. As she examined it, she realized that it shined so dimly because it was running low on fuel. From the distance, she heard the faint sound of footsteps echoing off of the walls. It hit her ears in a strange fashion, almost making the sound too painful to hear. She turned toward the footsteps, only to find that a man blocked her path. She looked up at his face, and as the shadows ran away from his face, she realized who he was. Special Agent Kevin Farrence had been her first partner on field work in the Violent Crimes Unit. They worked together famously and had eventually become romantically involved. Unfortunately, it had dire consequences for them. She had been transferred to Quantico, while he was introduced to a new partner. He died mysteriously while working a case less than a month after they had been separated. She never forgave herself for not being able to be there when he had needed her most. She reached out to touch him again, to feel his warmth. Instead her fingers met cold, clammy flesh. He seemed much like a zombie in those old horror movies than a living being. He was like ice, unresponsive and frozen down to the bottom of his heart. She flinched backward and almost lost her balance. The cold was still there, even though she had stepped away from him. It had chilled her to the bones, and she rubbed her arms vigorously in an attempt to force the gooseflesh away. "Kevin?" She called to him, hoping that he would be able to explain his condition. He did not answer. Only the light sound of windchimes filled the air. A feeling of fear suddenly gripped her as he began to move toward her. The material of his trench coat folded over his hands as he moved through the mystic fog. It was the folding that had initially caught her attention, but in the end, she found herself staring at his federally-issued handgun. The little light that managed to show itself reflected off of the silver surface of the weapon like a lighthouse beacon. She moved to catch up with him, watching as he stared at some unknown point through the darkness. She had barely taken three steps when the alley was flooded with an intense light. She struggled to shield her eyes from the blinding rays but found that her efforts were futile. She would just have to wait until her eyes adjusted. Melia continued toward the light, following Kevin as best as she could. A movement of shadows in the corner of her eye finally brought on the realization of what was happening. She was reliving her partner's murder. It had haunted her like the plague for a year now. This time, she would be there for him. "Kevin, don't go in there!" She shouted. They had suddenly entered an large reception room and he was determined to follow something that had apparently made its escape through a secret door. He was pushing back the material that covered the door, and motioned for her to open it. He looked her in the eyes and waved her toward him with his gun. She walked across the blood red carpet, taking notice of the fine art that surrounded her. Barker reached the door and took her stance to cover his entrance. She looked at him, wanting to know that he was prepared. He smiled in response; the smile that had made her fall in love with him. It embodied his charm and personality. She half-smiled back. He nodded and kicked in the door. Melia turned around. The sound of chimes had seemed faint before, but now they grew louder. She realized that she was in a different place now. The room was practically bare, save for the lone chair in the middle of the room and the whisps of material that hung from the ceiling. A blue light streamed through the white material and added an icy feeling to the situation, though the room was warm. She searched for Kevin and found him easily. "Damn it, you were supposed to wait for me." She found herself chiding him. "Calm down, Melia." He snapped back. "It's not like I'm gonna die because of it." He laughed at his remark, but she knew better. She knew that the shadow moving toward them was death itself, and she knew it was coming for him. She shadow grew larger and was often distorted by the material in front of it. Melia grasped her gun tightly and began to sweep the area. "What the hell are you doing?" Kevin asked. "Why are you suddenly so paranoid?" Melia's mind wasn't initially able to comprehend his comments. She was too busy watching the shadow transform. The woman that had materialized from the darkness walked toward them. "I'm warning you, lady, I'm armed!" She yelled. The woman paid no heed and extended her arm toward them. The blue light reflected off of the surfaces of the unknown woman's gun. Melia glanced at Kevin; his face was full of bewilderment. She turned her attentions back to the woman ahead of them and the shock finally hit her. This was his death, this was his murder. She had to stop it, she had to stop the pain before it happened all over again. "NO!" Barker's angst-ridden scream echoed through the room. The shot rang out in her ears, a haunting echo that clutched at her heart. She had closed her eyes through the ordeal, and opened them when silence came again. It was a fact that she had been in front of Kevin when the shot was fired. She knew that the shot should have wounded her, that she should be dead. Melia quickly glanced down at herself to find that she hadn't even gotten a scratch. Fear gripped her instantly as she turned around. She was in a new room again. She recognized it well. It was the chapel where Kevin's funeral services had taken place. Tears began to slide down her cheeks as she looked down. Kevin was in his coffin. Like anyone else, he seemed to be at peace as he laid there. She brought her hand to his face to touch him one last time. The intense light from the alleyway now invaded the chapel and engulfed her like a flame. It burned away the scene and returned her to the secret room. The blue light seemed to rob the material of what life the strips may have had. The room smelled of death and Melia heard the crackling of the chimes again. She turned to find the chimes, but instead was met by a stone statue. She could tell that it was the woman that had shot Kevin. She fired her gun and shot off the head. In the distance, the chimes turned to laughter. It was the most sinister laughter that Melia had ever heard in her entire life... Barker jumped from her chair and stood near the edge of the deck. She stared at the empty seat, not wanting to return to that scene. She sensed that she was getting a headache immediately and closed her eyes. Tears trickled down her face in frustration. Why couldn't she just forget what had happened? "Barker?" Melia snapped her head up to see Scully leaning against the metal door frame that led into their room. She quickly attempted to wipe her tears away from view, and gave her partner a half smile. "Yeah, have you found something new?" "No." Scully explained herself. "I just saw you here and I thought that I would check to see how you were doing...are you alright?" Barker nodded her head yes. "Sometimes memories just catch up at the wrong times." "Would you like to talk about it?" Scully attempted to move toward her partner, but Melia held up her hand in protest. "Um, no, not really." She knew that her partner meant well, but she didn't feel like being mothered at the moment. "Maybe another time, but not now." Scully was encouraged by the response. "Well, if you need anything, I'll be in the other room with Mulder." "Thanks." She leaned against the wooden bench. XXX Scully knocked on the door that separated the two rooms they had rented for the night. "Mulder?" "Yeah, Scully." He called. "Come on in." She entered the room to see her partner of three years sitting on his bed. He was surrounded by papers that obviously came from the file in his lap, and the ashtray was overflowing with empty sunflower seed shells. "Putting in a little overtime, Mulder?" Scully pulled a chair from the corner of the room and sat down next to the bed. "Well, there's just something that's been bothering me about this case..." He popped a sunflower seed into his mouth. "And what's that?" She asked. "Barker." Mulder admitted. "Look, Mulder. I know you don't like her but--" Scully began. "But what? She's been acting strangely; she misses the flight, skips out on dinner, she wouldn't even ride in the same car with us today." He explained. "How am I supposed to trust that?" "First off, she missed her flight because her watched stopped, secondly she didn't come to dinner because she wasn't hungry--and you know Mulder, I don't blame her. When I first started working with you I wasn't very hungry either." She placed her feet on the bed. "Just give her a little more time, okay? I just don't believe that she can be as bad as you think she is." "Why do you trust her, Scully?" Mulder leaned toward her. "What makes you think that she's not here to spy on us like *you* were supposed to do? What makes you think that she's not here to separate us like Krycek was?" "That's just it, I don't trust her." She shifted uneasily in her chair. "But I don't think that she's this terrible monster of a person, either. Mulder, when we came back from dinner, I saw her on the porch. She was shaking and crying and it was really strange. It made me realize that she's not just another agent; she's also human." He thought about Scully's words for a moment. "I know that she's not telling us everything there is to know about her, but I also have to think that maybe she's been thrown into a situation that she's not familiar with. It's not such an extreme possibility that she may not trust us." He had never really thought that someone wouldn't trust him. Especially not someone who wrote her college dissertation on the possibilities of genetic mutations in humans as an explanation for extraterrestrial life forms. "You really think that she doesn't trust us?" Mulder settled back onto the pillows he had propped against the headboard. "Scully, when you first came to the X-Files, did you trust me?" She shifted under his gaze, afraid of how he might react to her answer. He was her best friend, her partner, and she didn't want to upset him. But she knew in the back of her mind that she had to tell him the truth. There were no lies between them. "No, I didn't." She brought her hand to her aching head. "Mulder, I can't speak for her, but I know that it's hypocritical of us to think that she should automatically trust us even if we don't trust her." Mulder looked down at the edge of the bed and watched her shift her feet. To hear that she hadn't trusted him at one point was painful, but he understood it. He hadn't trusted her either. The next thing he knew, Scully was taking off her shoes and he was staring at her shapely legs. They seemed so perfect in the light of the room, like they belonged to an ancient Roman goddess or in a work of art. "I'm sorry, Scully. What?" He realized that she had been trying to talk to him. "I think it's time for you to get some sleep, Mulder." "I just need five more minutes to finish Barker's dissertation, okay mom?" Scully feigned a light laugh. "You know she has some interesting theories in there. But with my experience as a doctor, I know that the hybridization of human genes would not allow for such elaborate beings to be formed in so little time." Mulder raised his eyebrows. "Have you ever worked on genetic mutation experiments?" "No, but I've read about them throughly." "Have you ever thought that there are reports out there that no one dares to publish about this stuff?" Mulder asked. "I'm not saying that it couldn't happen, Mulder. I'm saying that it's highly unlikely." "I--I'm sorry I didn't mean to put you on the defensive." "Mulder, you don't have to apologize." She swept a lock of hair behind her ear. "It's the way we talk. It's just that sometimes I think we both forget that." Her partner nodded and ate some more sunflower seeds. "So what do you think of this case, Mulder?" She asked. "You avoided the topic at dinner." "Did you ever get around to reviewing that case that I was assigned to while you were missing?" "You mean the LA vampires?" "Yeah that's the one." He acknowledged. "I'm highly inclined to think that their group just reformed and moved on, killing more people for blood as they saw fit." "Mulder, that doesn't fit their description. There have been no needles found at the scenes. Why would the group suddenly change their MO as well? The MO for this killer is one death in several cities, theirs was several deaths in *one*." "Scully, I'm sure that they had to adapt to survive." He crunched on another seed. "Who's to say that it's not just several members in different cities?" "Do you have any evidence to support your theory? I remember reading in your report that you believed all of the members had died in the fire." "No, not yet, but I'm fairly sure that once we get those lab reports and the police arrest their suspect that I'll get collaboration for my story. Besides I'm sure that their group had other members besides the ones in LA." Mulder shut the file in his lap and sunk deeper into the mattress. "It's an interesting theory, but I don't know if I would be so sure of it yet." "Why, Scully?" Mulder looked at her. "Do you have a different explanation?" "It's been documented that certain Satanic cults use blood, both animal and human, during a ritual performed at the beginning of springtime. It's called 'The Rite of Possession'." "You mean the 'Rite of Passage'?" "No, I mean the 'Rite of Possession'. It's an ancient tradition within a certain sect of Satanists. It's like the rite of passage, in that the ceremony is held for the purification and initiation of new members. It supposedly binds them to the group with what they believe is a psychic link." "So what does that have to do with this case?" "Well, if you'd let me finish..." Mulder waved her on. "I read an account of the rite in college. A man named Brahms was caught stealing a blood of an animal. When he was in prison he was so sure that the other members were going to get him out that he told the officers on duty everything about the rite and the cult itself." "Did his friends ever show?" "No, Brahms was found dead in his cell the next morning...his body was missing over three pints of blood." She told him. "His cellmate was brought up on charges and later convicted of the murder. But he still claims that Brahms had been calling out the names of the other members of his sect in his sleep, telling them not to take his blood." "So you think this cult is out to get blood for their rite?" Scully nodded yes. "It's an interesting theory. I guess we'll see who wins the jackpot tomorrow." "What about the Tremere tattoos?" She asked. "Even *I* don't have an explanation for that." "Maybe they thought a vampire's blood was better than a human's." Mulder shrugged his shoulders. "I've got a feeling this case will all be wrapped up in the morning." "I sure hope so." Scully leaned into the chair and took a deep breath. "After I got home from our last case I found out that my dog had eaten my favorite pair of shoes and my ice cream had spoiled." "Poor baby." Mulder snickered and tossed another sunflower seed in his mouth. Scully threw him a look and headed for the door. "You forgot your shoes." Mulder told her. "Thanks." She nabbed them, then headed back to her room. Mulder looked up to see her pause and turn to him one more time. "Mulder, give Barker a second chance, will you? I have a feeling..." "Of what?" "I don't know, just a feeling..." Scully exited her partner's room. XXX Melia had been awake for about an hour now; sleep was not coming easily. She looked at the cover of the book she was reading. The words had lost all their meaning about a half an hour ago, but she had found herself turning the pages mindlessly anyhow. A simple red design adorned the paper product, along with the title of "Jitterbug Perfume" and the name of "Tom Robbins". She had been interested in the plot when she had read it the first time and now she just found that she had grown bored with it. She silently chided herself for not grabbing her new book before heading to the airport. She looked over at Scully and envied her partner for being able to sleep. After all that she had heard about their cases, she thought that Scully might sleep a bit lighter than she did. She shifted in the chair and realized that she was getting restless. She needed something to do and she needed to think of it fast. After mentally creating a list of options in her head, she decided to do a little jogging to wear herself out. Barker quickly changed into leggings and a long-sleeved lycra top, then pulled her tacky red Hawaiian shirt on. She nabbed a pair of socks and her tennis shoes from her travel bag and was on her way. Melia stepped into the courtyard outside the hotel rooms and sat on a wooden bench that wrapped around a large oak tree. She pulled on her socks and shoes as fast as her fingers would let her. As she was lacing up her left shoe, she heard a door open and close behind her. "You can't sleep, either?" Mulder greeted her. She turned to see her partner dressed in a pair of tattered grey sweatpants and a New York Knicks t-shirt. The navy blue garment was missing a rectangle of material at the waistline. Melia smiled to herself, almost glad that she had someone to share her run with. So many nights of running the streets in the dark had gotten lonely. "Good morning, Mulder." "Yeah, I'm sure." He moved to take the seat next to her. It was obvious that he didn't want to be awake, but his body had refused to let him sleep. She moved over a bit to give him some room. "You know, Barker--" He began to tie up his shoe laces. "Melia." She corrected him. Mulder just stared at her, not sure how to react. "It's my name, Mulder." She finished tying her shoe and watched as he tied his. His fingers were agile and swift. "I know." "Look, I know that you have this thing about calling people by their last names, but I'd rather that you called me by my first; that is, if you don't mind." "Um, fine...Melia." It didn't quite roll off the tongue, but he figured he might eventually get used to it. "Yes, Mulder?" "What?" "You were going to ask me something?" "Oh, yeah. I meant to ask you earlier--" He pointed to her neck. "That pendant. Where is it from?" "Oh, this?" She took it into her hand. "It's a compass rose from some cathedral in Europe...Canterbury, I think. It was a high school graduation gift." "Does it have any special meaning? I noticed that you wear it all the time." "I suppose that I wear it as a reminder to myself. Life is constantly changing, and my path and beliefs are changing with it. For the most part, I just want something to remind me that even when it seems that there are no other options, there is always a way out. There's always another choice." "That's a nice thought." Mulder stood up and began to stretch. "I wish that I felt the same way." Melia began to stretch as well. "You may someday, Mulder." He was almost touched at her words. It was odd, though, that she seemed to genuinely care about his well-being even though they had known each other for such a minute amount of time. "You want to run together?" She suggested. Mulder looked at her. She couldn't read his face and it made her uncomfortable. "I mean, since we're both here?" "Sure," he answered, "just so long as you can keep pace with me." After the five mile run, they both took refuge on the bench outside of their rooms. Mulder's breathing was a bit labored, and Melia snickered at him. "Oh, come on." She hit his arm playfully. "It wasn't that bad, Mulder." He tossed her a dirty look and continued to steady his breathing. "You have to give yourself some credit, you really tried to keep up." She continued to rub it in. Mulder had never felt so humiliated in his life. Not only had he failed to keep up pace, but he just about collapsed in the parking lot. With his breathing normal again, he turned to her. "What are you, Wonder Woman?" "Yeah, I wish." Melia began her cool-down stretches. "I'm no where close to that." He sat silent for a moment, almost questioning her answer. "No bullet-proof bracelets." She held up her wrists. Mulder was trying not to laugh, but he couldn't hold it in. He was too tired to fight it. Seeing her partner laugh, Barker joined him. Melia's laughter died first. There was a calm silence between them that she enjoyed. "I think it's time to try sleeping." "Yeah." She responded unenthusiastically. "I'm afraid I have to agree." He headed toward his room, but she chose to stay seated. "Good night, Agent Mulder." "You're not going to bed?" He asked, wanting to find out why. "Nah, I thought that I might stay out here and think for awhile." "Ah, the avoidance game." Mulder moved back toward her. "So what is it? What's the dream about?" Melia looked at him in shock. She hadn't expected him to ask. She wanted to talk to someone about it, but she didn't feel like thinking about it at the moment. "Agent Mulder--" "Just Mulder." He corrected. "Look, Mulder. Thanks for the concern, but I'm just not ready to talk about it." "Barker, I didn't mean to step on your toes." "I know." She pulled her legs up to her chest and watched as he took a seat next to her. "I'm a bit sensitive about it, though." He waited in the silence, hoping that eventually she would give in and talk to him. It knew it was strange to think that a few hours ago she had been just another obstacle between he and Scully finding the truth. Now she was a real person. It frightened him to think how much she was like him. Melia settled her chin on her knees and sighed. "You know how there's certain things that you just can't forgive yourself for?" Mulder knew the feeling all too well. He had felt the guilt of losing his sister since he was a young boy. It still haunted him in every aspect of his life. He suddenly realized that she must be talking about the death of her ex-partner. "I knew that this job was dangerous." She continued to stare into the distance. "I just thought that I would always be there if something happened. I thought that I could be there to prevent it." "You couldn't be everywhere at once." Mulder told her. "Your partner's death wasn't your fault." Melia turned to him, her eyes misting over. "You don't understand, it was *my* fault. I was the one who let myself fall in love with him. I made the choice to form a romantic relationship with him and because of it I was transferred; we were split apart because *I* made a mistake. If I had never been transferred, I could have been there, Mulder. Kevin could be alive right now. My mistake caused the death of one of the most important people in my life." "Love takes two, Barker." Mulder had the impulse to comfort her, but kept his arms to himself. There was another moment of silence, and there seemed to be an understanding between them about it. "Mulder," she turned her body to face him, "I hope that one day you and Scully will be able to trust me. I know that getting a new partner must really suck, but I'm just trying to do my best. I'm just trying to do my job." "I know, Barker." He knew that it would take more than just a five mile jog for them to bond. Fortunately, he was starting to feel that he could get to know her and eventually trust her. XXX "Rise and shine, ladies!" Mulder burst through the adjoining door. "We've got our lab reports and we've got our suspect!" Scully hopped out of bed and began to pull her clothes out of her overnight bag. "I'll be ready in a minute." Mulder watched as she headed into the bathroom then turned to check on his other partner. Barker looked up at him with wide eyes, clutching her blouse to her chest. "Mulder! You might try knocking before you burst into someone's room!" He smirked. "Sorry." "Turn around." She ordered. He did as he was told as she pulled on her shirt. She was dressed in jeans and a blue blouse. Mulder wore jeans and a black v-neck sweater over a white undershirt. Scully emerged from the bathroom in an immaculate cream dress suit. "Somehow I feel a bit over-dressed." She commented after looking at her partners. "Let's go." Mulder headed for the door. They had all piled into the rental and arrived at the police station in less than ten minutes. They were greeted by a lieutenant named Shelby. He was a medium-sized man that looked good in his uniform. It accented his blue eyes and made his blond hair stand out. "I'm glad you made it so quickly." He shook Mulder's hand. "Has he said anything yet?" Scully asked. "Nah, we just got him into the interview room." He informed them. "His lawyer is on the way." "What about the lab results?" Mulder asked. "Ah, they're still printing up the file." "Where?" Melia asked. "In the file room." He pointed to a door at the far end of the station. "Let's see what we can find." Barker murmured to herself. "You two have fun with the suspect." "Will do." Mulder put in. XXX Mulder sat back and sighed. "I guess we were both wrong." After two rigorous hours of interrogating their suspect it seemed that there was no energy left in his body to function with. "Jet fuel?" Scully handed her partner a Styrofoam cup. He accepted the warmed-over, day old coffee happily and gulped it down. Dana watched her partner, entertained only for the moment, then checked her watch. She figured that Barker should have been more than done with her review of the lab reports by now. "She's late." "Yeah, we've got to get that girl a cellular." He crunched his coffee cup between his palms and shaped it into a dilapidated sphere. He shot it toward the wastebasket half-heartedly. "Hey, what do you know? Two points." "Hey there, fellows." Melia walked through the door as if she had been cued. Scully turned toward the door to see her new partner looking like a member of the walking dead. She knew that Barker hadn't slept well the previous night. Every now and then Dana had awakened to hear her partner's crying out in her sleep. At other points, Barker had been reading, and at another she had been preparing to go for a jog. Scully decided that she would have to see if there was anything she could do to help her partner get a good night's rest. She needed her partners to be alert and awake, especially on the strange cases that she encountered since she joined the X-Files. "Speak of the devil." Mulder put his feet up on the metal interrogation table. "And she shall appear." Melia saluted Fox with her coffee mug. "What have you got?" "I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours." He quipped. "May I see the lab reports?" Dana took a sip of her coffee. "Sure." Barker threw the files onto the table, then sunk into a chair opposite Mulder. "So what can you tell me that I don't already know?" He ran his hands through his hair. "According to the analysis, the suspect you interrogated is definitely our guy. The police department pulled hairs, fibers, fingerprints--you name it, they got it." Melia said. "Otherwise it's just a lot of bloodwork. There's nothing of real interest except for the fact that there is no trace of the victim's blood type on or *in* the suspect. So far, there's no sign of a murder weapon or the missing blood." "Wait a minute," Scully looked up from the file, "it says here that there was an abnormal abundance of oxygen-carrying cells in the suspect's system." "Did he have some type of medical disorder?" Mulder asked. "The cells were literally showing the characteristics of those cells that are sent to interact with the brain." She continued. "I don't have enough information to suggest that he suffered from any specific disorder, but there have been documented cases from all around the world that have reported the same phenomena. It's just a way for the body to make up for a lack of oxygen in certain areas. If I had to label it, I think that I would call it something like an internal yawn." "It's also a trait commonly found in those who claim to be victims of mind control." Melia put in. Scully and Mulder exchanged looks. His eyes almost seemed to be gloating about the fact that he finally had someone to back up his sometimes outlandish theories. But at the same time, he had to question his new partner's enthusiasm for her work. Dana rolled her eyes and went back to studying the papers. Mulder looked about the room and glimpsed a coffee cup. He reached out for the vessel and pulled it to his lips. He was barely able to take one gulp before he rejected the liquid. "Mulder, that's my coffee!" Scully yelled. 'Shit,' he thought, 'why did I think that she had gotten more for me?' "What was that all about?" Barker was slightly amused. Scully shoved some napkins into Mulder's face. "Cream." He answered, wiping his mouth on the back of his shirt cuff. "How could you defile your coffee with cream, Scully? It's like blasphemy." "Forgive me Mulder, for I have sinned against thee." She shot back. "You shouldn't have been drinking my coffee anyway." "I'm sorry, I thought it was mine." He cleaned up his mess. "Are we finished with the caffeine wars or do we need a few more minutes?" Melia sat back in her chair. He winced at the comment, then changed the subject. "Anything else?" "Nope." She took off her jacket. "So, Mulder...I showed you mine..." "Right." Mulder rubbed his eyes and tossed a photograph toward her. "Meet Martin Udell, white male, aged 35, no previous record--not even a parking ticket. He's a legitimate business man from New Jersey who was scheduled to meet with a new client in New York about two weeks ago. When the client failed to show, he decided to make the best of a trip away from his wife. "That night he was approached by a woman in a club called 'The Red Letter'. He went on to say that this lady offered him eternal life in exchange for killing the victim." "So he did it of his own free will?" Melia asked. "Actually, no." Scully spoke this time. "He then claimed that he turned her down and actually tried to get away from her because she 'spooked' him. The next thing he knew, her thugs were surrounding him in a back alley. He said he didn't remember leaving New York, and certainly did not know the victim." Scully paused for a moment. "But I believe it's just an open and shut case of selective amnesia." "Was he able to give a description of the woman?" Melia set her feet on top of the table. "He couldn't give a description of the woman or her entourage." Mulder said. "But he described a tattoo on her shoulder blade down to the last detail..." Melia's eyes lit up as she stared at a drawing rendered by a police sketch artist. She recognized the picture right away. "So the Tremere are involved." "My question is..." Dana played with her hands. "Why would the Tremere want to kill it's own members? If I'm not mistaken, Barker, that print-out from your friend stated that attention is the last thing that they wanted from the public. Yet by killing off it's own members, that's exactly what they are achieving." "I wish I had an answer for that, Scully." "Maybe a nice trip to New York would do us some good." Mulder suggested. "Perhaps you have a good idea for once, Mulder." Melia smiled, tipping her coffee mug to her lips. XXX They had made arrangements to meet in New York as soon as everyone could assemble. Mulder went ahead of the two women, making arrangements for their stay. Barker and Scully stayed in Washington during the lay over. Melia needed to check for contacts with her source while Scully purchased and programmed a cellular phone for her new partner. They met back at the airport, Melia not so sure that she wanted to go anymore. In fact, she was feeling quite sick, like a cloud of illness had set upon her and wasn't ready to leave. Scully noticed the green pallor of Barker's face right away, but made no mention of it until the plane took off. "Barker, are you okay?" The dark-haired woman sat slumped in her chair; she made no move to answer. She had been to New York when she was just a rookie in the FBI. To have to go back to the city made her sick with thought. She knew that her partner could never miss how she felt at the moment, but she decided to try to deny it as long as she possibly could. "Barker?" "You remember how you said if I ever needed to talk?..." She turned to Dana, her eyes seemingly hollow. "You don't look good, Melia." Scully placed her hand on Barker's forehead, checking for a fever. "I had a daydream, Scully." She closed her eyes. "You know those dreams where you feel like everything is happening right then and there?" Scully took her partner's pulse. "What kind of daydream? Good; bad?" "Like the one I had at the hotel before I went running." She stared absently ahead of her. "Like the one I was having at the police station...Scully I've been having these dreams since his death and I can't make them go away; I've tried, I've tried so hard..." "When we get to New York I can give you something to make you sleep. You look like you could use a good rest." "Have you ever been afraid that if Mulder died," She asked suddenly, "you wouldn't want to live?" Scully arched her eyebrow, not sure if she should answer the question. She had thought that Mulder could have died any number of times, but she had always wanted to stay alive, to seek revenge. "Why?" "Because when my partner died of unknown causes in New York and all the leads vanished without a trace...that's exactly how I I still feel at three in the morning when I can't sleep because this dream plagues me." "What is it? What happens in your dreams?" Scully felt for her partner, she was having to face something that she wanted to avoid and she knew that Melia would be fighting herself constantly during this trip. Barker explained the dream in full detail to her partner, not wanting to carry the burden of it on her shoulders anymore. After she finished, Scully stared at her in astonishment. "Is the case still open?" She asked. "As far as I know, they shut it down three months after the incident." Melia leaned back into the chair again, her throat was beginning to ache. Dana watched her partner, trying to figure out how she was ever going to trust anyone besides Mulder. She knew how she felt at the moment, that she did trust this woman with her life, but there was always that little thought in the back of her head telling her not to. Scully decided to listen to that thought for the moment. Melia suddenly stood up and headed for the bathroom. "Excuse me." Scully moved for her partner, then settled back into her seat. She unpacked her laptop from the overhead compartment and began typing up an addendum to the case. Melia made her way down the small aisle, hoping that no one was in the bathroom. When she reached the compartment, she thought that it must be her lucky day, it was empty. She flopped to the floor, quickly turning the lock. There was no holding back now, she retched. It was sour and foul and she wanted it to end. When the burning subsided, her stomach settled a bit and she leaned back on the sink. She dug the cellular phone that Scully had bought her out of her jacket and called her father. "Hello?" He picked up. "Hi, Daddy, it's me." She managed. "Melia, are you all right? You sound terrible!" "I know, it's because I just threw up." "I thought you said you were fine--" "I was." She interrupted. "It's going back to New York, it's making me sick." There was silence. "Dad?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm still here." "I just wanted to tell you what's going on with the case, I didn't have a chance to do it while we were on layover. The department picked up a man--name of Martin Udell, who claims that a woman put him up to the killing, he doesn't remember a thing and he has no other connection to the victim besides the murder. Scully's thinking selective amnesia, and I'm thinking something else." "Such as?" "Mind control." "You've been spending too much time with Mulder." "No, I'm serious, Dad." She began to feel a bit better. "You had a little bout with someone who claimed mind control--did you read the report I left with your secretary?" "Yeah all this vampire stuff--Melia this is insane, your superiors are going to want to take you out of the X-Files faster than they put you in." "I know what I'm doing." She snapped. "I'm sorry--I just--I'm not saying that these people are actually vampires, it's just an organization that happens to hold certain beliefs and it's part of my job to determine what is the truth and what is fiction." "I'm glad that you understand that, your partner never seemed to get that rule." "You mean Mulder?" "Who else?" "Don't you think that you're being a little to hard on him, Dad?" "Don't get mixed up with him, Melia, I'm warning you." "He's my partner for god's sake! I can't believe that you're still doing this, after everything that happened..." "I'm sorry, I'm your father; I get to worry about these things." "Okay, okay...listen I have to go type up another report and I'll fax it over when we get to the hotel all right?" "Make sure that you eat well tonight, Melia, you can't afford to get sick while you're in the field. But remember, if it gets to be too much, you can back away." "I know." "But you won't want to." "You know me too well, Dad." "I sure hope so, Turtle." Melia let out a small laugh. He had given her the nickname during her childhood. "What?" Skinner asked. "You haven't called me that in a long time." Skinner composed himself, realizing this was a business call. "Well, then. I expect that report to be in my office tomorrow morning, okay? If it's not there I'm going to call and wake you up." "You got it." She smiled. "Take care of yourself." "I'll try." She didn't bother to say goodbye, she just hung up. "Barker?" Scully's voice sounded from the other side of the door. "Are you all right in there?" "Yeah, I'll be right out." She called. Barker finished up in the bathroom and headed back to her seat. She had just settled into the chair when the 'fasten seatbelt' sign lit up. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching New York please fasten your seat belts and prepare for landing." The stewardess announced over the intercom. Scully sat back into her seat and thought about what Barker had told her. She was relieved that her partner had told her something that personal, it was almost a sign that she could trust her. Just seeing the pain and energy fluxes that this dream caused her partner made her see that she was a human just as everyone else. Dana wanted to trust Melia, but she knew that because of her experiences with the X-Files, it was going to take something a lot bigger then a personal dream to make that a reality. The plane landed with hardly any trouble, but by the time they arrived, it was getting late. Mulder met them at the gate and escorted the team to a rental car. They drove back to the hotel in a calm silence. There they ate a quiet dinner together, the only conversation was about the latest statistics in hockey or the weather. Scully excused herself early so that she could find a late night pharmacy for Melia's sleeping pills. Barker and Mulder headed out to the dining patio for coffee. The night was cool, but it felt wonderful. She took out her notebook computer and began to type up the report. Mulder just sat back and looked at the stars. "Have you ever just looked up at the night sky and felt like someone was watching you?" He asked her. "I've thought a lot of things about the stars." She answered, still typing away. "I think that the human race is quite egocentric to believe that any intelligent extra-terrestrial life would be interested in us. I mean, we're not exactly the most interesting species in the universe." "You sound like you're talking from experience." "Knowledge isn't experience, Mulder." "Edgy, aren't we?" "Speak for yourself." She finally looked up at the stars. Mulder turned to look at why she had stopped typing. "I don't know why you're bothering with that report, Skinner gave up on post reports long ago." "I might as well do it, we can't meet with my contact until tomorrow evening anyway." She set her hands in her lap, and continued looking at the night sky. "Look, Ursa major." Mulder attempted to find the constellation, but wasn't having any luck. "Where?" "There." She pointed. He found it easily, and was in awe for a moment. It was beautiful to be able to see it through the smog. "We're lucky that the stars are so bright." "Yeah." She returned to typing. "So what's going on tomorrow?" Mulder asked. "I mean with your contact?" "We're supposed to meet him after sunset at The Red Letter." She told him. "After that or before that, there's really nothing more that I can think of besides buying silver bullets." Mulder was taken aback by that statement. "Silver bullets? Aren't those for werewolves?" "If these people are really vampires and we get caught in the middle, they can be killed by two silver bullets; one to the head and one to the heart. Or at least, it'll slow them down enough for us to get out. I sure don't want to take a chance with them if I don't have to." "Where are we going to find silver bullets?" Mulder flicked his tie. "Don't worry, I know a place." She finished up the report, then clicked on the save button. "I don't doubt it." Mulder muttered under his breath. "What?" "Nothing." Melia drank her coffee and pondered what Mulder could have said that he wouldn't want to repeat. "You up for a run tonight?" "In this weather?" Mulder loosened his tie. "Definitely." Barker ejected the disk with the saved report and handed it to him. "Do you think you could handle faxing this over to Skinner before eight tomorrow morning?" "Sure." He took the disk and placed it in his jacket pocket. "I'm going to change." She stood up. "Will you meet me in the lobby in about fifteen minutes?" "Yeah, I'll be there." Melia was in the lobby in fifteen minutes, just as she had said she would be. But Mulder was late. She checked her watch again, then turned toward the doors, pondering whether or not she wanted to go out alone. She had her gun, so it really wouldn't matter. She looked back up and spotted Scully coming back from her trip to the pharmacy. "Where are you off to?" Dana greeted her, shoving a white paper sack toward her. "I was going to take a run with Mulder, but he doesn't seem to be showing, would like to come?" Melia didn't reach for the bag. "No, running is Mulder's thing. I personally stick to exercise in the home. I don't like to make a fool of myself in public. I'll put these pills by your bed in case you can't sleep when you come in." "Thanks, Scully." She smiled. Mulder came up behind them and gave a sheepish grin. "Have you been flirting with the hotel receptionist again?" Scully questioned. "And this time," he held up a piece of paper, "she gave me her phone number." "Come on loverboy, we're going running now." Melia headed out the door. "See you in a bit, Scully." He followed her. Scully breathed in exasperation, wishing that Mulder would stop trying to pick up girls while they were supposed to be working. She stuffed the pills into her jacket pocket and headed into the restaurant area for a cup of coffee. The room was fitted in bright mauves and shades of forest green like everything else about the hotel. Dana took a seat at the bar and ordered her coffee. XXX Kailyn DeFrance studied the woman as she approached the bar. She seemed preoccupied by something--what was it? Kai swept a few of her lofty brown-blonde curls behind her shoulder, and reached for a flute of red wine. "Kailyn?" Her male companion spoke. He was tall, and quite handsome by the standards of the 90's. His hair was dark and cut short, and his clothing sat well on his body. His skin was tan and his jaw-line was well defined. "Hush, Daniel." She held a slim, pale hand up to him. "I believe I have found the last victim." Daniel swung his head to search the bar. He seemed almost disappointed when the only person he saw was a short, redhead sipping coffee. "Her?" "She's perfect, Daniel, don't you see?" Her French accent was unmistakable. "She's so small and plain that no one would really notice her. We need to be more discreet this time." "What do you want me to do?" He rubbed his hands together, suddenly feeling cold. "Nothing for the moment, let me have a chance to probe her mind." Kai stared at the back of the woman's head, concentrating. "Scully? Is that your name? Why yes it is, Dana Scully. You're worried about your new the FBI? My my, it seems that I have hit the jack pot. At least you will know what you're doing. Yes, you'll be an easy target, you have so much on your mind you won't be able to fight me. But all in good time, my dear. I would like to know a little bit more about you." Daniel pulled at his sweater while his companion whispered the information to him. He looked her over again, like he did every night. She was beautiful, her features almost classic with a slight variation of modern cheek bones. Her pale skin shone in the lights of the room, and he longed to be touched by it just as he had the first night they met. Kai broke her concentration and turned to Daniel. "She's perfect, Danny, down to the last detail. She's even here with her partners to investigate our undoing of the Tremere. Now how often would I happen to luck such as this?" "I wouldn't know." "No, no, you never know. I have a feeling that everything is going to work out wonderfully...and by this time tomorrow night I will be Mistress of the Tremere and we will go back to being that respected society we once were. No more of this initiation of those who want to be vampires. What a farce." Daniel took a gulp from his tea cup and looked into the lobby. Other than people coming and going, there wasn't anything interesting to see. "Daniel I want you to set up a date with her for tomorrow night. It will program her then. My my, it's all coming together!" He sighed and headed to the bar without responding to her. He approached Scully with a bit of apprehension. "Excuse me." Dana turned to face him. His voice had slid over her back like silk. "Yes?" He looked at her, studied her face. He hadn't counted on her eyes. They were as dazzling as sapphires and reeked of innocence. There was a part of him that wanted to let her go, let Kai find someone else to abuse. But he knew that unless he wanted to die a malicious death at her hands, he had to do her bidding. "I know that this is going to sound like a pick up line no matter how I try to phrase it, so I guess I just wanted to know if you would like to join me for dinner tomorrow night." Scully smiled. Was this handsome man actually asking her out? She hadn't been on a date in so long, and she had been feeling as if she would never go on one again. Even being around Mulder didn't help. She looked him over quickly, taking in his features. He seemed to be everything she dreamed of. Besides, if Mulder could get dates and phone numbers while on assignment, why couldn't she? 'No, that's not my style,' she thought, 'I'll leave the insubordination to Mulder.' "I'm sorry, I can't." She tried to smile, her voice sweet. Daniel lowered his eyes, then touched Scully's hand. She stared at his fingers touching hers, then looked into his eyes. They were a deep chocolate brown, and she felt safe while she looked into them. She felt a blanket of warmth come over her. 'Do not refuse me,' Daniel pushed into her mind, 'you want this date, you deserve this date. I know you NEED this date, Agent Scully.' Scully started and pulled her hand away from his. She felt a sudden chill run down her spine, then it went away as quickly as it had come. She felt warm again, and she smiled at him. "Come on, just give me one chance, okay?" He leaned against the bar nonchalantly. She wanted to, but she just wasn't sure... "Please?" Any doubts that Scully had disappeared. "I would love" "Daniel. Daniel Forrester." He held out his hand. Scully took it, not able to take her eyes away from his gorgeous smile. "Dana Scully." Their hands released and he reached into the back pocket of his jeans, taking out a card. "Here's my number, Dana. I thought that I would pick you up around seven o'clock? You are staying at this hotel, aren't you?" "Yes." She took the card. "I look forward to it." "As do I." His voice sent a shiver over her again. The bar keep approached her and set the bill down. "I'll get that." Daniel set his hand over it, then dug out his wallet and set down two dollar bills. "Thank you." "I suppose I should be thankful that you are a night owl, otherwise I might not have ever met you." He took the seat next to her. Dana looked at her watch. It was getting past 11:30, she needed to get some sleep. "I'm sorry Daniel. I look forward to tomorrow night, but I'm not used to staying up this late. I have an appointment tomorrow morning that I can't break." "I understand." He flashed his brilliant smile again. "I will see you tomorrow evening." "Good night." Scully stood up. Daniel took her hand in his and kissed it lightly. "Good night." He watched as she left the room, and realized that having spoken with her, she was a beautiful woman. He didn't mind having to spend more time with her. 'In fact,' he thought to himself, 'I wouldn't mind spending eternity with her.' He turned back to Kai and set himself down. "I trust it's all worked out." Her voice was like ice. "Yes." "You don't sound pleased, mon amor." She brought her lips to his. He pulled away. Kai gripped his face in her palm. Her fingers felt like she meant to crush his jaw. "Don't get any ideas, Daniel. You're mine for all eternity. You made the choice." He stared at her, knowing that any answer might anger her. "I'm glad that you understand." She released him. "Now that our plan is in the works, let's go celebrate." XXX Melia twisted in her bed, a light sweat from the heat of sleep coated her skin. "Daddy...Daddy..." She sprung up from the mattress, barely aware of the darkness of the room. She hadn't taken any of the sleeping pills that Scully had offered her, she thought that tonight would somehow be different. And it was, in a sense. The dream was different; Kevin, her father, Scully and Mulder stood in a black room. There was a single door on all four sides, all of them missing handles. Melia was hanging from the ceiling like a chandelier, her arms above her head. Somehow her wrists had been bound together, otherwise she hung free. "Somebody get me down!" She struggled with her bounds. None of them responded. It seemed that they were only shadows of themselves. Melia looked upwards to see only more darkness, then turned back to those in the room. The floor began to make a gurgling noise and swallowed Kevin into its depths. "No!" She struggled more, but it only seemed to make the bonds pull tighter. "Kevin!" A door opened near Scully and a pair of arms pulled her into somewhere beyond her comprehension. "Scully!" She knew that she was watching helplessly. "Mulder, help her!" He did nothing. Another door opened and shots rang out. Mulder dropped to the floor in a bloody heap. "Shit! Shit!" She began to whimper. "Daddy do something, you have to do something..." Skinner looked up at his daughter, and stared. He seemed perplexed that a woman should be hanging from the ceiling in such a fashion. The door opposite Skinner opened, and the mysterious Smoking Man entered the room, gun in hand. "No! No! Not my father! Anything but my father!" She screamed at him. He took the cigarette from his mouth and blew the smoke into Skinner's face. "You think it's your father we want?" "If not him, what do you want?" She strained to see him. "We want something that you have." He looked up at her. "I don't have anything of yours." "Oh, but you do." He shoved the butt of the weapon into the small of Skinner's back. "And we want to know what you've done with her." "Not my Daddy...please not my father!" She struggled with her bonds but still had no progress. Shots rang out in her ears, shocking her system. Her eyes became wide as she focused back on the floor. Her father was lying face down on the black surface, Cancer Man standing over him. Skinner's shirt was covered in blood. "Daddy...Daddy..." Melia wiped the sweat from her forehead and paused to see that she had indeed awakened from the dream. Scully was sitting up in the bed next to her, a concerned look marring her features. "What is it?" Dana pushed the covers back. "I'm sorry to have woken you." Melia flipped the lamp switch. "It was just another nightmare." "You didn't take a sleeping pill?" Scully waited for her eyes to adjust to the light. "No, I--I didn't want to. I don't trust pills." Scully glanced at the alarm clock next to the hotel bed. "Well, it's seven anyway. I would've been up in a half hour." "I'm going to take a shower." Melia moved off of the bed, and headed toward the bathroom. Dana looked up to see Barker stop in stride and turn back to her. "Thanks for the concern, Scully." She smiled, then entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her. "Anytime." She whispered to no one in particular. XXX "We're going in." Mulder spoke into his cellular. "I gotcha." Scully replied, watching her partners from a bistro conveniently located across the way from the Red Letter. 'They don't look like the FBI tonight,' Scully thought to herself. Melia was dressed in a long black dress, a jean jacket covered the shoulder holster that Dana knew was there. Mulder was dressed in the usual blue jeans and v-neck black sweater with the white of an undershirt peeking out. Mulder wore his gun at the back of his hip, the sweater hid it well. Scully was dressed up herself, she wore a long maroon dress with a black vest thrown over it. She had chosen the bistro earlier and had told Daniel that she would meet him there. She wanted to be available in case anything went wrong for her partners. Melia stepped through the doorway, the darkness enveloping her. She waited as Mulder paid the cover charges and then proceeded through the red velvet curtains. The club was one large room, there were people dancing on either side of her. "I think I'm going to be sick." She whispered. "What?" Mulder yelled over the music. "There's too many people in here!" She spoke directly into his ear. Mulder flinched slightly as her breath touched the nape of his neck. He hadn't been expecting that. He shook the feeling off of his skin as quickly as he could and began sorting through the crowd. Melia's eyes kept meeting the flare of the revolving lights and the glare of the black light off Mulder's white t-shirt made her feel as if she'd go blind. She grabbed onto Mulder's arm and began to look around the club. It seemed like a regular dance club, there were women dancing in cages, there was a full bar to the side of the dance floor, and even another door that led to a restaurant. Melia listened to the beat as it flowed through her, and realized that the song was one of her favorites. She pulled closer to Mulder. "My Bloody Valentine." She said. "What?" He turned to her. "My Bloody Valentine--the band." She explained. "I love this song." "That explains a lot about you." Mulder was trying to avoid contact with the people dancing around him. "Have you seen your contact yet?" "No." She moved on through the crowd and made her way to the bar. "He said that he'd find me." "Isn't it kind of dangerous to NOT know who your contact is? I mean, at least what they look like?" He followed her. "I know what he looks like." She hopped up on a stool. "But he said that he'd find me. It's for his protection." Mulder hopped up on the stool next to her, silent. "You want something to drink?" She asked him. "Yeah, iced tea." He turned back out to the dance floor. He was nervous, he didn't like being in this club. There was just a feel about it. "So how do you know this contact?" "I have my sources." She smiled. "Such as...?" Mulder tried leading her into an answer. "I can't tell you. I'm sure that your sources don't want to be named, either." Mulder silently conceded that she had a point. Melia ordered an ice tea for Mulder and a Dr. Pepper for herself, then turned to see what was happening on the floor. "I haven't been dancing in ages." "I don't dance." Mulder told her, turning to retrieve the iced tea on the counter. The lights and the colors paraded around on their owners in front of her as she searched for her contact. She had met with him only once before, and to tell the truth, she only half remembered what he looked like. She hoped that he found her soon; sitting on a stool with her partner wasn't exactly exciting. "Care to dance, beautiful?" A voice sounded from her right side. She looked at the man that came with the voice. He was fairly handsome, but not her contact. He was a little over-confident in his come on. She nudged Mulder and hoped that he could get rid of the intruder. "The lady's with me." Mulder stood up, setting his drink down. "Fine, but I think that she can speak for herself." The young man looked back at Melia. "I'm sorry, but I'm spoken for." She smiled at him, hoping her line would be enough. "Doesn't mean you can't dance." He grinned back at her, thinking that the smile she gave him was meant more than she meant it to. "Back off." Mulder stood in front of his partner. "She said no." "I think you should call off your dog, gorgeous." He pulled her out of her seat. "Unless you want to remain in the dark the rest of your life." Melia pulled herself out of his grip, showing him that she was terribly upset. "Don't you touch me again. You touch me again and I'll rip your god damn arm out of it's socket." "I think you should reconsider that." He dug into his pocket and pulled out a silver coin that he flipped over in his fingers. Melia stared at the object. It was the signal that her contact had found her. "Having seconds thoughts about that dance now?" He grinned maliciously at Mulder, telling him that he was the dominant male in the area. Mulder stared at him hard, then turned to his partner to read her face. She nodded acceptance to him, and he realized that this jerk was supposed to take her to the contact. "Don't be too long." "Why Mulder," the young man took her hand and began to pull her through the crowd, "I didn't know you cared." Melia didn't like having to hold the guy's hand. It was cold and clammy and felt like wax. "Where is he?" She asked. "He'll be here in due time." "No, I want to talk to him now." She pulled her hand from his. "I don't think that you're in the position to be making orders, petite." He stopped and put his hands at her hips as he began to sway to the slow sounds of Dead Can Dance. "Don't call me that." She shoved his hands away from her. "If you expect to keep living, keep your hands off me." "It's not a choice whether I want to live or die." He kept time to the music as he spoke. "You see, I already have a ticket to eternity." "What do you mean?" She was standing in the middle of the floor, she felt so out of place. "Vampires, my dear." The words seemed to slither off of his tongue. "Almost all of us are vampires here." Her eyes widened and he laughed at her. "Don't look so surprised." He took her in his arms and began to sway. "You knew what you were getting into when you walked through the front door." "I told you to stop touching me." She struggled to get out of his arms, to reach for her gun. "You don't want to get away from me, Melia." He smiled at her. He had an inviting smile. "I...I don't?" She felt her mind clouding, she couldn't remember how she felt toward the man she was with. His eyes were pools of darkness, and she felt as if she were falling into them, and there was no ending in sight. "What am I doing?" "Why you're dancing with me." His hand brushed the line of her jaw as he pushed strands of hair behind her ear. "I...I don't think that I want you to do that." She pulled out of his arms. She could hear the sweet melancholy voices of the Cocteau Twins calling her back to herself. 'What the hell is happening to me?!' she thought, struggling to regain control. "What have you done to me?" She asked, feeling sick to her stomach. The kind of sickness you get when you've just been pushed out of the plane without a parachute. "What did you DO?!" "Nothing that you didn't want." He replied. She felt her mind clearing again. "How do you know I wanted it? I don't even know what it was!" "I could see the lust in your eyes." He had stopped dancing and had taken to staring at her. "That wasn't for you." She snapped, her head felt on the verge of exploding. "Then who was it for?" He asked. "Your lanky, overly-dark, boring partner?" "No!" She raged. How could this man think that she was thinking about either one of them when she was thinking of Kevin and the times they had at dance clubs such as these. "Enough, Thomas!" A voice came from behind them. It was a woman. Her hair was short and blonde, and she was dressed in black leather pants with a black v-neck sweater. "Kinkaid wants to see her now." "But Darrah, Melia and I were having so much fun." Darrah scowled at his response. "Kinkaid finds out about you messing with her mind, and you're taking the fall alone, buster." "Come now, it was all fun and games." He smiled. "Messing with my mind is no game, asshole." Melia spoke up, the rage emanated from her skin like fire. "You touch me in any way ever again and I'll pull you apart a strand of muscle at a time." "I heard that's painful, Thomas." The blonde was impressed. "I like pain." He licked his lips. "Sounds like fun." "Thomas, drop it." Darrah grabbed hold of Melia's jacket. "This way." Melia followed the woman through the crowd to the restaurant door. She stopped before they went in. "Can my partner go with me?" The blonde looked at her, then at Thomas. "Go get him. We'll wait here." Melia made her way back to the bar and caught Mulder up to speed with the situation. "Are you alright? You seem distracted." He asked. "We have someone to meet." She avoided the question. "Thanks for not ditching me." He said. "To tell you the truth, I would have gone alone," she admitted a bit reluctantly, "but that guy creeps me out." "How so?" He titled his head toward her. "He did something to me Mulder. And for a moment...I couldn't remember who the hell I was, where I was all darkness. He even had the audacity to say that just about everyone in this club is a vampire." "What?!" He stopped and faced her. "Do you know what this means?" "I know exactly what it means." She tried to rub the gooseflesh off of her arms. "Instant Thaumaturgy. Actually, mind control, but the Thaumaturgy has such a ring to it, don't you think?" He voiced her thoughts. "The guy was messing with your head. This is proof, Melia. You have to include that in your report." "Mulder!" A headache, great--just what she needed in the middle of all this chaos. "How can you be thinking about reports? I can't put that in writing! The guy raped my mind! You know what people would think of me if I wrote this down?" "That you're 'spooky'?" He asked, a little hurt. He hadn't had to deal with this subject in a long time. He and Scully had come to a silent agreement in that area. "No." She lowered her eyes, knowing that she was lying. "That I'm weak." "You're by no means weak, Melia." He told her. "You're just afraid that if you admit to having experienced the paranormal that people will think you're a heretic; like they think about me." "It's more than that." She continued back toward the restaurant entrance. Mulder followed at her heels. "So what is it?" "They'll take me off of this case, Mulder." Her voice was partially drowned by the music. "I'm not about to screw myself out of a job just because some guy made me feel queasy. I need more than just his chilling stare to make an assumption like that. You know it as well as I do. I need to follow this through. I'm sure that you or Agent Scully would feel the same way." Mulder contemplated the thought as they approached Thomas and Darrah. The blonde ushered them through the door and toward a booth in the back of the restaurant. Melia stared at her feet as she walked, taking in the view of the imprints that her shoes were making on the plush red carpeting. "Remember, I do the talking. You're here merely as an ornament. Be my eyes and ears." She pulled her partner closer to her for a moment, whispering in his ear. "And if needs be, you be my gun." "Oh, slave boy has quite a ring to it." He quipped. "This is no time for jokes, Mulder." Melia's face was deathly white and perfectly serious. "Sorry." Darrah stopped and spread her arm out to the booth beside her and remained standing. Melia slipped into the other side of the velvet covered booth and Mulder stood beside her, facing the blonde. "It's good of you to meet with me again, Ms. Barker." A tall, thin man with wavy black hair spoke. His eyes were the perfect shade of green, and his skin was pale, but not white. His hair was pulled back and he was dressed in a silver lycra t-shirt with matching leather pants. The black boots on the table seemed almost out of place in the ensemble. "I should be telling you that." She responded, her professionalism surfacing. "And I thank you, but I'm afraid that we can't talk here." He leaned forward, handing her a card. "Meet me at this address around ten tonight. It's a little party that I'm giving. I'm sure that I'll be able to keep you well entertained." "I won't be going alone, so I'm sure the burden you feel is lifting now.." She took the card and shoved it her jacket pocket. "I'm bringing my partner." "But our deal was you and me." He protested. "You didn't keep your side of our deal." She pointed to Darrah and Thomas. "Your little friend here decided it would be fun to play with my head before we came to meet you. I didn't appreciate that. I want to make sure that it won't happen again." He stared down Thomas with cold eyes and the young man bowed his head, then left them. "It won't be happening again." "I'm bringing my partner." She insisted. "Well, if you must, but he seems like such a bore." He stared at Mulder. "You are a lovely woman, and you could use someone more your style." "And who might that be?" She knew where this was leading. Geez, how many more times did she have to get hit on tonight? "Why, Ruben Kinkaid, of course." He laughed lightly. It made her want to laugh as well, but she held her composure. "And you're Ruben?" "Yes." "How are you tied to the Tremere?" She felt Mulder move a little closer to her. "Why I'm their fearless leader." He announced with pride. "Don't you want someone strong and powerful? Beautiful as you are? Ms. Barker, there is so much more to life that I could show you--" "We'll be there." She jumped from the booth seat as he reached for her hand. Her voice was stone cold; she was getting tired of having to deal with these people. She shoved past Mulder and headed toward the exits. "Good." His voice was as soft was the velvet material of the seat coverings. "I look forward to meeting with you again." XXX Scully stepped out of the shop when she caught sight of her partners crossing the street. She met them at the curb. "So what's going on? Anything new?" Melia shook her head and handed Dana the card Ruben had given her. "He wants to meet with me at this address, ten o'clock tonight. Mulder will be with me inside the house, I need you for back up, can you do that?" "Yeah, I'll try to get back a little early." She acknowledged. She didn't mind not being invited to the party, she liked having the advantage of being outside the situation anyway. She felt like she had more control when she was on back-up, especially if she wasn't part of the original equation in the criminal's plans. "You have a date?" Mulder asked, surprised. "Yes," she told him, a little annoyed, "I have a date." "Just be back on time, Scully." Melia muttered. Scully didn't hear her, she was too preoccupied by the ranting of her other partner. "This is terrible." He ran his hands through his hair and sighed. "Melia gets hit on by two different guys in the span of fifteen minutes, you have a date, and the secretary who gave me her phone number...well, let's just say the line was disconnected two weeks ago." "Poor baby." Melia said. "We'll have to set up an ad for you in the personals when we get back to Washington." "Besides, Mulder." Scully smiled at him. "I thought you were partial to home entertainment." He didn't respond to the joke. "I didn't want to be hit on." Barker explained. "Those guys creeped me out, and that's hard to do to someone in the Bureau." "What are you talking about?" Dana asked, worry in her voice. "Nothing, they just didn't have a great feel about them." She stared at Mulder, warning him to stay quiet about what she had told him. There was no way that Scully would understand what she was talking about; her partner would think she was a nutcase. "Yeah, I've been around a few of those people in my days." She nodded her head, remembering some of the weirdos she had come into contact with while working on cases in the X-Files. "Well, we're going to head back to the hotel until later." Mulder pointed toward the rental car. "Let us know if you need a ride or something." "Oh, there he is now." Scully spotted Daniel coming down the walk. "I'll see you later." "Ooo!" Melia crossed her arms, looking over the man headed towards them. "Agent Scully scored a major leaguer!" "Goodbye." She didn't bother turning around. "Bye, Scully. Be sure to do everything that I wouldn't do." Mulder pulled his partner down the sidewalk. Daniel walked up to Scully, a smile on his face. He looked from her face to the bistro, then back to her. "Why don't we go somewhere else? This place looks a little crowded." Scully turned to look in the window and realized that he was right. "That would be great." Daniel offered her his arm and led her to his car. XXX Dana couldn't believe her eyes when they pulled up to the Gotham Bar & Grill a few minutes later. She had heard that it was one of the most exclusive restaurants in New York, and very expensive. Daniel pulled the vehicle into a parking space, then helped Scully out of the car. When they walked into the restaurant, the matyr'd brightened. "Daniel!" He shouted a bit too loud. "Your table is waiting for you!" She looked at her date, wondering what he had to do to have his own table. Was he rich? Did he have influence in government? Was he family or a close friend of the owner? "Follow me." He waved his hand toward the back and grabbed two menus from a nearby counter. Daniel set his hand at the small of Scully's back and gently pushed her toward the dimly lit hallway ahead of them. She glanced at the decor, feeling like she had just walked on to the set of every 'Batman' movie ever made. She followed as they stepped through black velour curtains and into a small back room that was decorated with beautiful potted plants and a large mahogany table. The wood was dark and rich underneath the grey table cloth. The matyr'd set down the menus, then leaned into Daniel to hear his whispers. "No one bothers us, understand? Has she arrived yet?" "Yes." The matyr'd picked the menus back up, feeling a bit nervous. "The usual it is, coming right up." He hopped out of the room as Scully hung her purse over the back of the chair, then sat down. "Wow, they really like you here. What'd you do to get so popular?" Daniel smiled as he spotted Kailyn walking through the drapes. She was wearing a silky red gown that hugged her body and flaunted her great attributes. But despite the fancy dress, she was not wearing shoes or any other accessories, and her hair was done in a simple braid down her back. Scully looked at the woman, sure that the blonde woman had just lost her way back to her own table. "Daniel." She spoke. "Agent Scully. Welcome." Scully realized it was nothing that she thought it was. "What the hell is going on?" She suddenly began to come to a realization. She had never wanted to come on this date in the first place. It was all a setup. How did she end up falling for it? "You tricked me!" Scully moved for her purse. Her date looked her in the eyes, then jumped her. "I'm sorry, Dana." They struggled for a few moments until finally he was able to pin her arms behind her back, then held her neck straight with his free arm. His strength was astounding to her. "Ah, my new found friend." Kai put a well manicured fingernail, painted bright red, to Scully's lips. "There's no need to struggle any more. You're safe with me, I can make anything safe." Dana struggled nonetheless, wanting to go for her gun. But her purse was on the chair, and it would be hard to get to it before something happened. "What do you want from me?" "Why, just simple gesture of friendship." Her french accent slid over Scully, soothing her like a hot bath after a long day at work. She felt her muscles relaxing, and her mind numbing. "You see, I am part of the elite group known as the Tremere. I know you're heard of us, Agent Scully, you're here to find out why I've been ordering all these deaths. Well, the answer is quite simple--domination. Our pathetic leader, Ruben has turned the race of vampires that belong to our organization into a farce. He lets anyone who can swallow blood in here for a proper fee. You understand that I can't let that happen anymore, don't you? If someone started hurting your family, wouldn't you try to eliminate them?" Scully dropped to her knees, her head resting on the cool black tiles. Daniel released his grip on her, and left the room. Kai took Dana's head in her hands, and forced her to look into her eyes. "Are you listening, Dana?" Scully felt like she was falling into an abyss. The feeling of cool water filled her mind as she began to dream. She and Kai were standing on the white sand of a beach, watching someone writhe in the water. It was obvious the figure were drowning. "Do you want to save that poor woman, Dana?" Kai pointed to the splashing water. "It's so black..." Her voice was almost a whisper as she replied. "Do you want to save her?" Scully tried to focus on the woman who was drowning. She could see the woman's lips forming words, but no sound came out of them. She met the woman's eyes, and her face began to twist in the horror of recognition. "It's me..." "Do you want to save yourself, Dana?" Kai asked again. Her voice made Scully feel like she had just tasted a special alcohol and it's warmth was lingering in her throat and stomach. Scully screamed as the ground slid out from underneath her. She looked up at Kai and found that the woman was the only thing keeping her from falling. The blonde woman was down on her knees on the cliff; Dana's hands were wrapped around her right arm. Scully was suspended in the darkness, struggling to keep her grip on Kai's arm. "Don't let go...don't let me go!" "I wouldn't dream of it, petite." She smiled. There were no signs of fatigue or over- exertion in her face. Scully was overtaken by the feeling of sheer terror. She had never felt this helpless in her entire life. "Would you like me to save you?" Dana struggled with herself and her options. She could let this strange woman save her, or fall into the emptiness. But this was only a dream, right? 'If I fall,' she thought to herself, 'nothing will happen. I'll just wake up.' "What happens to me if I accept your offer?" Scully asked. "You'll be under my control." She stated. "But don't think there are any other options, because there aren't. Dana, I need you, and I don't want to make this any harder than it already is." Scully stared into Kai's eyes, seeing that she meant what she'd said. She stared back into the abyss beneath her, then let go. "Dammit, why do you insist on making this harder than it has to be?!" Kai swore, shaking Dana's head. Scully was still looking into the woman's face. She felt Kai's cold hands against her cheeks. They were cold and felt like melting wax. Dana was breathing hard, realizing what might have happened if her assumption about dreaming had been wrong. She was getting a tremendous headache. "Now, we play hard ball, Ms. Scully." Kai clenched her jaws together, the muscle contractions barely noticeable against her pale skin. But Scully noticed. "Look back at me." She ordered. "Don't you trust me?" Scully still felt groggy, like she had been drugged without her knowledge. The room began to swim as she looked back into Kai's deep blue eyes. She was back in the water, struggling against it, gasping for breath. She heard someone singing a lullaby in French, the words were soft and coaxing her into sleep. Dana felt her eyes grow dim, and the world around her began to disappear. She felt the water line move over her chin, then her nose, then her eyes. Until finally she was staring at herself fully submerged in the darkness. "Do you want to save yourself, Dana?" She asked again. Dana stood on the shore, stiff. "No." XXX "Where the hell is she?" Melia paced the length of Mulder's hotel room. They had been awaiting Scully's return for over an hour. "I have to get to that party. I don't know how long I can count on Ruben's willingness to give me the information we need." He checked his watch, it read 9:30. "I'll try calling her cellular again." Melia watched as he dialed her number, and listened for it's tones. They had been trying to get ahold of her for the past hour and a half this way, but she hadn't been picking up. They even tried checking out the bistro and The Red Letter for Scully and her date. She was worried about her partner. "Scully?" Mulder spoke into the phone, his voice expressed uncertainty. "Where have you been?" She couldn't hear the other side of the conversation. She slumped into a chair and listened as he spoke. "Are you alright?" He looked over to Barker. "You sound terrible...Are you sure?...Okay, be there in a half an hour, we're on our way to the party." Mulder hung up the phone and sprang from the bed. "Did she say what happened to her?" Melia followed her partner through the hotel to their rental car. "I didn't ask." He unlocked the doors and they climbed in. He sped through the hill streets and managed to get them to the rendezvous point ten minutes early. The house was in fact a mansion, towered menacingly against the night sky. The round driveway was lined by parking lights, and music emanated from behind the front door. Melia could see people elegantly dressed, dancing without care, while others were drinking or eating. They walked up to the front door, Mulder calling Scully to make sure she was in place, Melia knocking on the door. He confirmed that Scully was at the police station as a man dressed in butler attire answered the door. Melia handed him the card that Ruben had given her, and he ushered them in. The mansion was decorated in pure Victorian attire and seemed an odd place to hear the bumps and grinds of dance music. She spotted Ruben walking toward them, three wine glasses in his hands. "Welcome to my home." He greeted them, handing each a glass from his hands. Melia took the glass and set it on a nearby table. "We need to talk, NOW." "Fine." He was a bit taken aback by her abruptness. "Let's retire to my study. But I do have one condition." "What?" Melia asked. "Your partner stays here." He smiled. "We talk alone." She looked at Mulder; concern marked his face. She pulled him into a little alcove, away from Ruben and the other guests. "Mulder I know this doesn't sound like a good idea, but we've got Scully outside and we need this information. Otherwise we're going to be doomed to just sitting on our asses and waiting for something to fall into our laps. You've seen how these people can cover their tracks to a clear shine...can we really afford to lose this opportunity?" "I want to stand outside of the door, I want to make sure that this guy isn't leading both of us into a huge trap." He nibbled on the end of his thumbnail nervously. "Why don't you search the house? I'm sure that you'll be able to find something--talk to the people--" She suggested. "Why are you so suddenly on his side?" Mulder interrupted her. "Is there something going on that I don't know about? Are you part of this?" "I assure you, that I'm not, Mulder." She touched his arm lightly. "I've worked hard to gain your trust and it's obvious that I don't have it yet, but I think that this is the only way to go if we intend to solve this case." Mulder sighed and shoved his hand into his jacket pocket. "I guess we have no choice, but I want you to wear this and set it off if anything happens." Melia looked down at his open palm. "You just happen to have a panic device on you. Jesus, Mulder, you really are paranoid." "Perfect paranoia is perfect awareness." He smirked. Melia shoved the device into her jacket pocket and gripped Mulder's shoulder reassuringly. "I'll be all right. You take care of yourself. See what you can find out down here." Mulder nodded as he watched her walk back to Kinkaid. "Let's go." She looked at her partner again, then followed the host to his study. The room was fairly small, and decorated in much the same style as the rest of the house. Ruben sat down on a black leather couch at the far end of the room, the silver outfit he was wearing made him stand out. "What do you have for me?" She took off her jacket, revealing the holster beneath it. "My what a big gun you have, grandma." He mocked. "The better to kill you with." She smirked. "Now stop dancing around the subject and tell me what you know." He sighed, realizing that he could not win this fight. "You're looking for a killer, one that leaves little or no blood in it's victims. And one whose victims bear a certain tattoo on their shoulder blades. It appears that these murders are random as they have occurred in several different states, and to several different individuals." Melia nodded, noting that he was on the right track. "I know who you're looking for." He leaned forward. "She's right here under my own roof." "What's her name? What is her purpose?" She asked shifting her weight from one foot to another. "If I tell you, I want you to do something for me." He opened a small package on the table in front of him and pulled out a clove cigarette. "You shouldn't smoke." She stared at the cigarette in disgust. "It's not like it's going to kill me." He laughed. XXX Mulder stood with the wine glass in his hand, wondering if he should indulge himself or not. He hated being left behind; he was worried about his partner. She had seemed so shaken by the young man at the club. If this guy was the leader, what could he be doing to her right now? He had been talking to several of the guests, but none of them gave any pertinent information to the case. The house seemed somewhat cut off, as he tried several door handles only to find them all locked. At least he had found the bathroom when he needed it. He had checked in with Scully and informed her of the goings-on. She had seemed very quiet and distant. Now he was worried about everyone involved. He didn't like the feeling of the house or the people in it. Mulder put the glass down on a near by table and headed down the hall that he had seen Melia disappear through earlier. He had to know what was happening. "She's safe." A woman stepped in front of him. He felt a hand on his shoulder, it was running up the curve of his neck and through his hair. The pale woman was in her late twenties, she was wearing an exquisite red gown, and her brown blonde hair was pulled back in a thick braid. "Who are you?" He asked. "Ruben sent me to fetch you." She told him. "My name is Kai." For a moment he thought that maybe his situation had turned for the better, but he quickly snapped out of that mind frame. "Where is she?" "You mean your partner?" She laughed. "I told you, she's safe with Ruben." "You may have to pardon me for saying so, but I don't think that anyone could be safe in this house with you people." "Well, isn't that an awfully rude way to thank your hosts?" She pouted. Mulder stood in front of her, looking for a way to get around. "Come with me, I will take you to your partner." She took hold of his hand and led him through the crowd to a large circular stairway. When they reached the top, she turned to him and smiled mischievously, taunting him to follow her down the hallway. Against his better judgement, he did. She opened the door to a bedroom that was decorated in black and white. A lot of plastic and leather. Even for the modern designs and styles the room was lavishly decorated like the rest of the house. It was obvious that whoever owned it lived in the lap of luxury. After he went inside, she closed the door behind them. "We're supposed to wait here." She slinked her way toward him, letting her finger play over her lips seductively. "I can think of so much we can do while we're waiting." She touched him again. Her hands clutched at his chest, pushing him down on the bed. "Wait, what the hell do you think you're doing?" He mumbled through her kisses. He tried to pull away from her, but only ended up pulling the sheets down. "My my." She sat straddled over his chest, staring at something beside him. Mulder turned his head to find a pair of eyes staring blankly at him. They were brown, like the man's hair, and were surrounded by pale skin. The man had a well defined jaw and most definitely dead. He turned back to her, struggling more. His arm ended up struggling more with the body beside him then with the woman. "Who is this man?" "Agent Mulder, dead men tell no tales." "But you do." He continued in his struggle, trying desperately to reach for his gun. She was much stronger than he had anticipated, and had him locked down to the mattress. "I guess Daniel decided he didn't want to be with us anymore." Kai's voice was unsympathetic. She lowered her lips so they were barely brushing Mulder's. "But his blood was warm and coppery, just the way it should be. Just the way yours will be." Mulder finally got a grip and threw her off of him then sprinted for the door. She hissed at him, bearing her teeth. He noticed that her canines had grown to sharp points much like a wolf's. "Shit!" Mulder stumbled against the door. She launched herself at him, throwing off his equilibrium. He fell to the ground with her on top of his chest once again. Her eyes were glowing red as she pushed her hand through his hair and pulled on it. Kai began to thrash, throwing his skull into the black and white tiles of the floor, screaming like a banshee. An insatiable fear gripped Mulder as he realized that there was no way to ell his partners what was happening to him. He was feeling desperate, wanting to live through his ordeal. He opened his mouth and screamed. XXX "I don't do deals." Melia told him. "Oh, I know." He took a lighter out of his pocket and lit the cancer stick at his lips. The smoke was sweet and musky as he blew it into the room. "But I have something to offer you in return." "I can't promise you anything." "All I want is your protection." He took another drag. "You see, an former lover and a honored member of the Tremere is out to get me." "Why?" She listened as he laughed nervously. "It seems she doesn't like the way I run the show. She thinks we've turned ourselves into a freak show, and she's killing everyone she thinks has helped make that delusion a reality. All those who were murdered were loyal to me, and very powerful. You see, she's challenging my leadership. She's going to try to kill me next. I want everyone on my side." Melia sat in a small wooden chair next to the desk and looked at him. "I need her name; a description of her, anything that you can give me." "Her name is Kailyn DeFrance." He began, then went on to describe her features. Melia took a pen and paper from the desk and wrote his words down. "Are you on my side now?" "It's my job to be one your side, Mr. Kinkaid." She admitted, picking up her jacket. "You're a target in the middle of a murder investigation, albeit the circumstances are a little odd, but you're entitled to protection. I need to get this information to my partners, start a search--" "But you're not going to do it for me?" He asked, there was hurt in his eyes. "I can offer you freedom from your pains, Melia. I see it in your eyes, it runs through my veins like alternate realities. I can take away your nightmares." "What?" She pulled her jacket back on, and headed toward the door. "Wait." He reached out for her, but was too late. He had sensed the other woman coming to the door, but didn't count on Melia being there when it opened. The door flew in and Scully came through it like a wild animal, knocking Melia to the ground. Melia shook her head to clear her vision and recovered in time to pull her partner back into a struggle before she reached Ruben. "Scully what are you doing?" She yelled at her partner. But Dana's eyes were blank and she looked as if she were a zombie. "Scully! Scully!" Melia shook the shorter woman and even tried slapping her across the face. Her partner only got mad and swung at her. She was hit square in the jaw and her grip eased for a moment. Dana wiggled out of Barker's grasp and went for her gun. Melia struggled to keep control over her partner, but ended up with Scully's heel in her face. "Ruben get out! Get out of here!" Melia ordered. She brought her hand to her head and realized that she was bleeding at the hair line where Scully's heel had caught her face. She brought out her gun. "What are you waiting for? Get the hell out of here!" Dana brought the gun up and aimed it directly at Ruben's chest. "Bullets can't do anything to me, little one." He mocked her. "They're silver!" Melia brought her fist into the small of Scully's back. She prematurely shot. "Damn it move out of the way!" Ruben's face fell when he realized that the silver could hurt him. He felt the bullet rip through the flesh of his stomach. He gagged and screamed, feeling the blood pour from his wound. "Oh, damn." Scully picked up her gun and scrambled from the room. "What the hell is going on here, Ruben?" Melia yelled at him. "My own partner just attacked us both!" "I told you, it's Kai. She has chosen your partners as her final victims." He held his hand up to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. "What do you mean, 'Partners'?" She questioned, afraid of his answer. "She needed the woman to kill me, and the man for his blood. Once she drinks his blood, and I'm dead, she becomes the leader of the Tremere." He explained. "And you let me leave Mulder out there?!" She screamed at him. "Stay here! And the next time I tell you to move, move for heaven's sake!" "What about this?" He pointed to his wound. "Put some towels on it, try to stop the bleeding. Can you get someone in here to call and ambulance? I need to find out where she's going." "Yes, you find her." He stumbled from the couch and headed in to a small bathroom just off of the study. She rushed from the room, trying to find any sign of where Scully might have run off to. "Shit." She realized that she had waited too long to go after her. Instead, she headed back into the reception room to find Mulder. She clicked off the safety on her gun. The guests began to scream and gasp at the sight of Melia running through the house, screaming her partner's names. The music stopped and they all began to rush for their coats then head out the door. Through her search she heard the screech of tires as the guests' cars pulled out of the driveway. "Did anyone see a short redhead run through here?!" She yelled. When no response came, she headed into the other rooms. She stopped in her tracks. She recognized the room immediately. She walked across the blood red carpet, taking notice of the fine art that surrounded her, and the golden draperies that fell over the walls from the ceiling. "The dream." Suddenly, she was there again. "Kevin." She whispered his name, knowing that what stood before her was only an apparition. She watched as it pulled back the material and waved her toward a hidden door. She ran to it, her heartbeat speeding up, her breathing becoming shallow and fast. She pushed through the door with all the force she could muster. Melia turned around. The sound of chimes were loud in her head. The room she entered was practically bare, save for a lone chair to her left and the whisps of material that hung from the ceiling. A blue light streamed through the white material and added an icy feeling, though the room was warm. "Oh my God." Fear gripped her instantly as she turned around. Kevin was gone, and registered the scene before her in horror. Mulder was tied to a chair, he was groggy and looked as if he had been drugged heavily or hit on the head one too many times. She rushed over to him and began slapping his face to see if it would bring him around. "Mulder. Mulder wake up." She switched her gun from one hand to the other. He was only moaning. "Dammit, this is not the time! Wake up!" She went for this binds, but couldn't get much done with only one hand. It would have to wait, she wasn't about to put her gun down, that would put both of them in danger. "Oh, he won't be waking anytime soon." Kai stepped into the room, Scully at her side. "In fact, I'm going to usher him into eternal sleep." Melia stared at Scully, wondering what was wrong with her partner. In an instant she knew. It was obvious that Dana was under the control of her companion. Her eyes were clouded over, her movements were slow. "Scully, snap out of it!" Dana could hear her partner calling her name, but she was in a dark room, there was no way out. She felt like she was trapped and she began to bang on the walls, hoping someone would hear her. But she knew that they wouldn't, she was trapped in the recesses of her own mind. She had to find a way back before she hurt anybody else. Melia realized that this was the woman Ruben had been talking about. She raised her gun. "Ms. DeFrance, I'm warning you, I am armed." A shrill laugh filled the room. It echoed off of the walls and mixed in with the chimes. It replayed in Barker's mind, inflaming her eardrums. She was living her dream. "My God." She looked back up, a realization had hit her like a ton of bricks. "You killed Kevin. It was you!" "If you must know, yes." She waved her delicate hand in the air. "He was insignificant, just meal like all the rest. I tell you, though, drinking through bullet holes is messy work. We have to keep some victims looking like accidents, you know." "You fucking bitch!" Melia began pulling on the trigger. "Kill her." She ordered Scully. "Kill them both. We can make this all look like an accident. Evidence is wonderful when placed in the correct patterns." Dana rushed Barker, knocking her to the floor. "Stop doing that, dammit!" Melia fumed. Mulder began to rouse, blood was flowing down the side of his head. His moaning caught Scully's attention, and she turned the gun on him. "Scully, NO!!" Melia looked up. "He's your partner! You've got to get control!" Mulder was staring at his partner in shock. Her face was so cold, and her gun was trained on him. "Scully...Dana, what are you doing?" Dana's head flew up, she was still trapped in the darkness. Did he realize that it wasn't her on the surface? She pounded harder on the walls that trapped her. "Mulder? Mulder help me!" Scully's face began to contort as she struggled within herself. Melia walked in front of Mulder, gun trained on Scully. "Put the weapon down. Scully, I know it's not you, don't make me do anything that we'll both regret!" "Kill HER!" Kai screamed. "Kill them NOW!" "NO!!" Mulder yelled helplessly. Scully pulled back on the trigger, and fired several shots. Melia felt the metal go into her guts as she fell to the floor. She was still holding her gun. "Barker!" Mulder yelled. "Shoot Kai! Shoot the woman! You can break the hold she has over Scully!" Melia pulled the gun toward Kai, and thought about her knowledge of vampire lore. She hoped that the part about freeing a human from mind control by killing their master was true. Otherwise, they were in deep trouble. Her vision was dizzy, and everything was fading quickly. Melia knew that she had to shoot now or never. She forced the trigger back countless times until the clip was empty. She felt weak and scared. Barker rolled on to her side to look at Scully. "Help me..." Everything was a blur and slowly turned to black as Barker passed out. Dana opened her eyes to find herself in a strange room, wondering how she had gotten there. She took in the scenes of Barker bleeding on the floor; Mulder tied to a chair, bleeding as well. She began to cry. "What have I done?" "Scully?" Mulder called her over to him. "Help me out of these ropes." She did as he asked, then looked up to see Kai on the floor. Her body was bullet ridden with wounds on her face as well as her chest. She pulled out her cellular and called the police. "Mulder what happened?" She asked, trying to check the vital signs of their partner. "It's a long story." He winced when pain rushed through his head. "I'll tell you on the way to the hospital." XXX Melia opened her eyes and the brightness of the overhead light made her flinch. She could hear the sounds of machines beeping, and the murmurs of people around her. There was someone holding her hand, and there was an oxygen mask over mouth and nose. "Where am I?" She whispered, her voice hoarse. "Turtle, it's me. It's Dad." Skinner brushed stray hairs back from his daughter's face, relieved that she made it through. He had worried; with the amount of metal she took to her stomach she should have died. Thank the stars he had his little girl back. "Daddy, I don't feel well." She looked at him, his fuzzy frame began to come into focus. "You're in the hospital, you were shot, Melia." He told her. Suddenly it all came back to her in a rush. "Mulder and Scully?" "Agent Mulder was released from the hospital over a week ago." He spouted. "Agent Scully only had a couple of bruises. The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene. All the proper reports have been filled out and filed. Everyone's been worried." "What about Mr. Kinkaid?" "He sent you flowers. Lots of them." Skinner smiled. "There were so many that the nurses had to start giving them to other patients because there was no more room for them in here. Mulder and Scully both sent flowers and they've been asking about you every time I turn around. This past week's been utter hell." "I've been out of it for a week?" She asked. "About two actually. You were always a slow healer." He touched her face lightly, love filled his eyes with tears. "It's good to have you back, Melia." "I wouldn't think of leaving you all alone, Dad." She smiled. "Who would you play piano with?" "You know, I sat in my office, I sat at home and worried myself sick that something like this was going to happen." He admitted. "You aren't going to make me quit are you? Everyone gets shot at least once in their career. It's a hazard of the job." "I know, but that doesn't make me feel any better. I'd like to take you out, but my problem is that I have no other reason to except my personal involvement. Melia, I can't take you out because you worked for this and it wouldn't be fair to either one of us to take that away from you. When you're released from the hospital, your desk in the X-Files will be waiting for you." "Thanks, Dad." She managed a half smile. "That doesn't mean that I have to stop worrying about you, and that doesn't mean that I can't keep tabs or that you don't have to call in anymore. It's been forever since someone has kept me informed on what's happening on these cases and I'm not about to give that up now." "I won't let you down." She promised. "I know you won't, punkin." He planted a kiss on her forehead. Melia pulled herself up with her father's help and they hugged, almost a little too tightly for her liking. "Ow." "I'm sorry, I should get the doctor, let him check you out." He released her and stood up. "I'll be right outside." "I love you , Dad." She laid back down against the stiff hospital sheets. "I love you, too." He opened the door. "And Dad?" "Yeah?" He turned back to her. "Could you do something for me? I want your name to be listed in my FBI files." She pulled the mask off of her face. "I want them to know that I'm proud to have you for my father." "I'd be honored to change those tomorrow morning. Now try to get some rest." He smiled, then went in search for a doctor. XXX "Mulder..." Scully stepped into the basement office of the X-Files, entranced by the file Skinner had handed her on the way down. "Have you read this?!" "You mean Agent Barker's paternity?" Mulder crunched some sunflower seeds between his teeth. "I'd never have thought..." "I'm in shock." Dana admitted. "I wonder why she didn't tell us." He tossed a few more into his mouth. "I'll have to ask her." Scully mad a mental note to herself. "So, you ready to start our next case? After those two weeks off I feel like a new man." "I don't think so, Mulder." She handed him a thin file folder. "I just came to collect some things that I need to take with me while I'm away." "You're going on leave? NOW?" He sat up, startled. Scully sighed, she didn't want to have this conversation with him right now. Barker was being released from the hospital and Scully had offered to help her recover. "It's only two months, Mulder." "Yeah, but Melia is going to be on her feet in less than two weeks. It says here that you reasons are to help her recover." Mulder didn't know what he was going to do without Scully. She had become such a constant. "Mulder I need to do this." She slumped into her chair, she was tired and need a good rest. "Why?" He pushed. "Because I need to find out what happened to me. Mulder, I lost all self-control." She seemed a million miles away from herself. "I shot my partner in cold blood, and I would have shot you. We all could have died in that room and I did nothing to stop it." "Scully, you didn't have a choice." Mulder tried to console her. "That woman raped your mind and made you into something that you weren't. That's more of a reason to stay and find out what happened than to go and find nothing." "Mulder, there is no such thing as mind control." She rubbed her forehead. "Then how do you explain the Pusher?" Mulder asked. "I told you, I don't know!" She became agitated. "I didn't know then and I don't know now! Damn it, Mulder! I need to do this for myself. I need some time alone." "What can you get from yourself that you can't get from these cases, from your partners?" His voice raised slightly. "It's not about you and Barker. This is about what is going on in my life and my head." She turned to him, her blue eyes wide. "That's why I need this time. I need answers that can't come from our work. I need to reconnect with my family, with myself. I haven't felt like myself for a long time and I need to reevaluate where I stand. Besides, you'll have Barker here in two weeks, and until then you can handle yourself. You handled yourself quite well until I came onto the scene." "You're not going to leave the Bureau are you?" He leaned forward, worried. "I don't know. You're asking all the questions that I don't have answers for yet. I'll have to wait and see what I find before I make any big decisions. I can't keep putting you and Melia in danger. I need to make sense of what happened to me, what happened to my sister, what happened in that mansion..." There was an uncomfortable silence between them, but Mulder knew that Scully had to do what she felt was best for everyone. Even he would back away after hearing how she felt. "I hope that you find what you're searching for, Scully. The truth is hard to find." "I know." She whispered into her hands. "I hope so too." Mulder watched as she packed a few things such as files and pens into her satchel and then swung it over her shoulder. "Well, that about does it." "So what are you going to do?" He moved from his desk and got Scully's coat for her. "I thought that I might take Clyde camping. A nice wooded area. Maybe catch up on some reading..." She smiled. Mulder helped her with her coat, then she turned to face him. "Are you scared of what you might find, Scully?" Dana broke, she had tried so hard to keep up appearances for her partner, but right now she needed his friendship and support more than ever. She was about to find some answers and for the first time she let herself acknowledge that she might not like everything that she might find. Her face became a frown and she sank into Mulder's arms. He hugged her, wanting to let her know that he would always be there for her. She was his best friend. "Everything's gonna be okay, Scully." He whispered into her hair. "No matter what you find out there, I will always be here for you." XXX Scully walked into Melia's hospital room to find her packing up her things, ready to be released. She had collected her thoughts and had composed herself since she broke down in Mulder's arms. She needed to have a serious talk with her partner. Barker looked up and smiled. "Scully, spring me please. The faster the better." Dana was suddenly overcome with guilt as her mind was flooded with thoughts of what could have happened. "How are you feeling?" "Scully, I've never slept better in my entire life." Melia invited her to sit on the edge of the bed. She stopped packing and sat next to her partner. "Melia, I--" Scully started. "I know what you went through--and before you interrupt me--I also know that you'll eventually believe in what happened to you. You're a very sensible person, Scully, and you have every right to question what happened. But I want you to remember that it wasn't your fault. I made it through. You were there to call the ambulance when Mulder and I needed you there. I can never thank you enough..." "But, I--" Scully was tearing up. "I want to say so much to you..." "You don't have to say it." "But I do." Dana wiped the tears from her cheeks and composed herself. "I can never thank you enough for what you did in that room. If you hadn't been there who knows what I would've done to Mulder. He's my best friend, he's my partner, and one of the people I care about most. In the beginning I have to admit that I didn't trust you. We had previous experience when working with others and I'm afraid that it influenced the way I thought about you. "But what you did in there. I know now that I can trust you with my life, and with Mulder's. That means a lot to me. If you can ever forgive me for what I've done--" "Scully, stop." Melia set her hand on Dana's shoulder. "It means everything in the world that you trust me after all that has happened. There's nothing to forgive. I was only doing my job. We were all doing what was destined to happen. We were all just doing our jobs." "No, we weren't." Scully insisted. "None of us had a clear head in that room, in that house." "We were all doing what we could, what we knew to be right at the time." Melia explained. "No one can be blamed for anything in this case except those who instigated the crimes." Scully gave up trying to fight with her. Both women obviously had their own thoughts about the case. 'Who knows,' Dana thought, 'maybe I'll feel different when I come back.' There was a silence, and Melia and Scully both took the opportunity to breathe. "So why didn't you tell us about your father?" She asked. "We didn't want people to think that the only reason I was getting assignments was because the Assistant Director was my Daddy. I wanted to gain a name in the Bureau on my own." "What about Sharon?" "My stepmother?" Melia asked, surprised. "Yeah, she's great...almost like a real mom, you know? My Dad met my mother when they were younger, and when he was about twenty, I was born. My mom left about a year later; they were never married. I admire my Dad a lot for sticking by me, for raising me. I respect Sharon for accepting me, even though I was just about half-grown when they married. She's more like a friend than a mom. When I went into the academy Dad frowned on it, but Sharon convinced me that I should go for it. I'm glad that she did, but I hated the fact that I had a lot of hurtles to jump. Being the daughter of a prized agent makes others expect more from you or expect too little because they don't think you got in on your own merit." "That must have been hard on you." Scully played with her hands. "I think it was harder on my father. I love him more than life itself, and when I asked him to take his name off the file, I think it hurt him a lot. My Dad was always there when I needed him. I just want to make him proud." "I'm sure he is proud. The news is all over the bureau, even the security guards are talking about what happened to you." Scully looked her partner in the eyes. "They think you're a heroine." "What about you?" Melia asked. "What do you think about what happened?" "I don't know what to think about it. Mulder wrote in his reports that he believes the Tremere do have the abilities of blood magic and mind control, but I don't see it. I never see what he sees." "So you blame yourself for what happened?" "There's no one else to blame." "Scully, you can't do this to yourself." Melia protested. "Did you go over your bloodwork when you and Mulder were checked out?" "Yes, but--" "And were there abnormal amounts of oxygen going to your brain?" "Yes, but--" "Scully, I think that says it all." "You are so like Mulder!" She sprung from the bed. "You don't understand! There is a rational explanation out there! I have to forget about the X-Files and focus on my mind, focus on where I slipped up. I'm a danger to you and Mulder until I know what's going on." "Scully, if you refuse to believe the truth, then you're always going to think that you're a danger to those around you. You're a good person, in control, obviously these people had a power stronger than you or I and they got the better of us. They made us fall." "I could have fought it." She looked down at the floor. "I'm sure you tried, but there's so much that you and Mulder have been through together on these cases--emotional distress makes it easier to get into someone's head." "I need to get strong again." Scully settled next to the doorway. "I need to think about everything that has happened...I've experienced so much and I just need to evaluate what I think I've found." "Then do it, Scully. Obviously there are answers that you're seeking that you can't find while you're working. Do what you need to do. No one can blame you for wanting to be at your best while you work." "Thanks." "Now go get those papers so I can get out of here." Melia could feel the angst building and she wanted to be rid of it. Changing the subject seemed to work. "You got it." Scully gave one of her prize-winning smiles as she headed out the door. Melia got up, a dull pain rushing through her stomach. She walked over to the water pitcher and poured a glass of water for herself. She lifted the vessel to her lips, the liquid was cool and soothed her parched throat. "I'm glad to see you're better." A man's voice sounded behind her. "We were all worried about you." Melia knew who it was. Just the sound of his voice made her cringe. She turned to face him. He looked significantly different without a cancer stick hanging from his lips. "I know you found out certain things on this case. Now that you're all better, I want to know what it was." "I don't think that this is the time or the place." She gritted through her teeth. She wasn't in the ideal state to deal with him today. "Then when and where? I'm here, you're here. Why not now?" "Scully's just down the hall." She pointed out. "Oh, worried about your cover are you?" He mocked. She looked at his wrinkled face, anger mounting up in her. She tried to breathe for a calming effect but it didn't work, she just got angrier. "I want out. I want nothing more to do with you or your precious Majestic 12. I don't care if you take me out of the X-Files, I don't care if you have me killed. I can't live a lie the way you can. It makes me sick to look at myself in the mirror when I wake up in the morning, I want to be able to be honest with people. I want to be able to trust without fear. I can't do that while I work for you." "Are you joking?" He laughed. "Your performance on this case was immaculate. Not even your father would let me take you out the X-Files. I know that you'll change your mind soon enough. We have ways..." "I won't. Lying in that bed; looking up the barrel of Scully's gun..." She explained. "I knew that if I made it through I couldn't do this anymore. You see, there's a difference between me and you. I have morals and a conscience." "Morals are dangerous in this business." He took out a cigarette and put it behind his ear. "Have you ever heard the term that there's nothing more dangerous than a man with nothing to lose?" "Yes." "You trust people and you have more than your life to lose. That trust commits them to death. You committed yourself to the cause, you can't just walk out now without taking innocent lives with you." He raised his voice. She stared him down, her eyes as cold as stone. "I haven't told anyone yet, no one else has to get hurt or die." "How do we know that they don't anything?" He asked. "Do you really think that we'd trust a traitor?" "No one has to die. I'm getting out!" "You're not joking are you?" His smile faded. "I hope you know that there is no way out other than six feet under. You've chosen the wrong people to double-cross, young lady. No matter where you go, we will find you. No matter what you do, we'll know what it is." "You couldn't touch me with a ten foot pole right now without everyone knowing. You'd expose the entire group. Not even they could agree to killing me off right now. There's too much involved; too much at risk. What about your precious work? Have you ever stopped to think that maybe it would be more beneficial for the public to know what we do instead of keeping them in the dark?" "If we exposed our knowledge it would cause a wide spread panic. My job is to protect Americans from their worst fears come true. If they knew the truth the world as we know it would fall into chaos, and cease to exist. We'd be forced into technological advancement before our time. Millions of lived would be lost in wars over what we know." "I'm willing to take the risk of getting out. Maybe someday you'll understand why. If you ever get emotions." "Well all have emotions, Agent Barker. When your friend Mulder shoved a gun into my face, I was scared. But I also knew that without me, there's a wealth of information that could never be known. It gives me a certain power." "Don't count on it." She returned to packing her things. "I'm warning you now, little girl." He opened the door. "I'll be there when you make a mistake. We'll know every move you make from now until your death. We'll always be watching you. I'll be your undoing." "Not unless you want to make a martyr out of me. My death would only rouse suspicions. You know that, don't you? I have the advantage for now." "The first time you make a mistake, I'll be there to watch you fall." He took the cigarette from behind his ear and put it back in his mouth. "Leave." She pointed to the door. "NOW." Melia watched as he fled into the hallway and kept her eye o him until his figure disappeared from view. She chastised herself for letting it go as far as it had with the Majestic 12. She wished that she could erase that mistake from her life. Hopefully Cancerman had gotten the message that she didn't want to be contacted in any way ever again. Maybe she would have to give up her new job faster than she realized. Why had she been so hopeful that they would just let her go? They had others on their lists, but she was the one they had used most. Where was she to go from here? She supposed that she would have to take everything one day at a time. She sighed and realized that no matter what happened, she would be living in constant fear. How could she have ever been so naive about these people? Her frustration overtook her as she sank onto the bed and a single tear ran down her cheek. Scully came back into the room. "Barker, I have your release papers, you have to sign them--what's the matter?" Melia wiped her eyes dry and look at her partner. "It's a long story, and someday I'll be able to tell you about it. But right now I have some thinking to do myself." XXX The End XXX