
Yew's Friends

Ever More...

Juliet, Me and Reg hanging about.

Dustin at Reg's computer terminal.
More Adam
Erika and Me
Erika and Me at the airport before her flight to Japan.
Juliet as a Vampire
Juliet as a Vampire, Halloween, 1997
Aaron and Me
Aaron and Me, beers in hand.
Me and Aaron
Me and Aaron watching a movie.
Adam, in a picture taken by my camera.
Why doesn't he ever smile for me?

Erika as the Crow
Erika, dressed as a female Crow, Halloween 1997
Erika and Miya
Erika and her puppy pug Miya
Adam at Gameworks
Adam playing the Star Wars game
at Gameworks in Seattle.

Reg at OMSI with his Coffee People shirt on.

Juliet and Reg hanging out...

Dustin and Reg living it up...

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This page was last updated on May 9th, 2000.