Return To Me

The Official Return To Me Website is now up atMGM Studios!

What is Return To Me, you ask?

Well go ahead and Click Here to find out! It is as close to a full script as fans can get until the movie actually opens (April 7th, 2000 from the official press kit) or the writers release a final draft for a peek or sale.

And why should I care about this movie? Well, just take a gander at the all-star cast!

DuchovnyNEt Presents the Return To Me Outtakes! Pictures and video of all the flub ups of this romantic comedy.
Previous additions:
The blessed Trailer has been found in Quicktime 4 .mov format. The trailer is also available for viewing at the Official RTM Site.
Download October Project's "Return To Me" Mp3 here.
Another song entitled "Return To Me" coming soon!



This is the sign that let us know we had stumbled upon a filming location for the upcoming Romantic Comedy "Return TO Me". A story co-written, directed and starring Bonnie Hunt.


During the set up, I asked a tech if I could get a picture of the Marker to prove that we had been on the set. Instead, his boss handed it to me and took a picture of us (from left: Mark, Kate and I) with it! He was so nice to us and even on his bad day! Thank you again TechMan! You ROCK!


A shot of the front of the restaurant where they were filming. It was dummied up. The actual name of the restaurant/bar used in the film is Twin Anchor(s). It is located at the corner of Sedgewick and Eugenie.

[Another Shot]

A long shot of an addition built into the middle of the street.

[Shot 2]

I wanted to make sure that I was getting enough pictures of the set. Too bad I forgot my camera the night we actually saw the cast and crew shooting!

[Shot 3]

The courtyard from many happy scenes in the movie.

Wanna go back?

Send me e-mail.

This page was last updated on February 20th, 2000.