Spoon Balancing--It's an Art!

These pages are currently undergoing construction. Please enjoy these modest links until more can be coded. Thank you.

New to the fold is Licking the Spoon Smartass.ORG's newest investigative piece into the human psyche and how the battle between the sexes really got started...

The Spoon Story:
So by the time you've reached this part of the page, you're probably wondering, "Who the hell is this girl?" and "Why is she so obsessed with spoons?" So I'm going to tell you the lovely little story of my pilgrimage to spoondom...
It all started one day at a little Vietnamese restaurant called Kim-Hong. That day I was out to lunch with a former english instructor and my best friend, Erika. So while we're sipping tea and waiting for our food David asks us, "If you could be any kitchen appliance or utensil, what would you be and why?" Then I laughed in his face. It was a moment. I have many of those. But hey, you've got to admit it was funny. Not funny-ha-ha or anything like that, but it was a funny moment. And he told us that he was asking "because it's a primo way to get to know and understand people's motivations in life. It says a lot about their personalities." So I complied. Most people want to be toasters or blenders, but me...I wanted to be a SPOON! Why? Because it has a great curvacious form, beautiful shiny finishes, they can be used for all sorts of scrapes and mixes in the kitchen, and if you find some good ones, they'll even cut stuff up for you! It's multi-talented and can still distort any image in the world!!
more later...
Spoon Links:
Spoon Bands:
  • Spoon
  • I am Spoonbender!
  • Big Spoon
  • Jam & Spoon
  • Naked Spoon
  • Spooncat
  • Spoonfed Hybrid

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This page was last updated on January 23rd, 2000.