Title - X Genre - action/paranormal Sub/Dub Pref - none Epps reviewed - 1 - 6 Storyline - Basically, there are two forces mustering for an epic battle. They are the Heaven Dragons (the good guys), and the Earth Dragons (baddies). The sides each consist of 7, all are superhumans with their own speacial abilities. Well anyway, the two forces are fighting over the future of the earth. The earth dragons want to destroy all 'normal' humans, in favor of superhumans like them, and the Heaven Dragons want to save humanity from them. Between that and that they all have "super powers" it reminds me a lot of "X-men". Plot - 10 While a bit confusing at first, the plot ends up making sense after the first couple of epps. The story builds up nicely to what i can only assume (from what I've seen so far) to be an epic battle, but it's not really boring in telling the story, except maybe a few times in the first epp, but rather incorporates the dialogue into the action scenes (in a much better way than dbz does *groans at all the epps in the frieza saga with nothing but dialogue*) The first epp gives a little insight into the rest of the series, without really spoiling anything (unless you watch it again after watching the rest of the dvd, then it all kinda clicks). Music - 8 X has an awesome soundtrack of instrumental music (at first reminded me of elevator music). The soundtrack blends greatly with the action scenes and the story. I'm ussually not the biggest fan of instumental, but this was superb. Animation - 9 The animation flows as close to perfect as i've seen before. The attacks are beautifully done, a feast for the eyes. Overall Score - 9.25 I've heard people talking about how great this anime is and now i know why. As far as action series go, it is one of the best. I would recomend this to people who liked Akira, Spriggan, et cetera.