All About the Glasses

Taiki     Mail for you, Ami-chan!  Seiya just found it in Zifu-san's mailbox.

Ami     You're sure it's all right?  Stealing mail is a federal crime, you know.

Taiki     *sweatdrops*  I. . . guess so.  Seiya says it isn't stealing if it's addressed to you.

Ami     Well, if you think it's okay. . .  Stay with me while I answer it?

Taiki     Of course.  *sits close beside Ami and reads over her shoulder*

Hi, Ami!  Even though you're not my favorite, I still like you!

Ami     Well, I'm glad you at least like me enough to write fanmail.  You're my first one!

I like all the Sailor Senshi (with the possible exception of Yaten).

Taiki     Yaten and this fanmailer don't get along.

Ami     Doshite?

Taiki     She's a fic writer who makes a lot of changes.  Then she had to go and bring up the height thing. . . not pretty.  I'll have to let you read it sometime and see for yourself.

My name is Loretta, and I have some questions for you:
1) How come you don't wear glasses as Sailor Mercury?  Is it the stereotypical rule that superheros can't wear them?

Ami     I don't wear them often as Ami, either.  I just don't think they're very flattering.  But my vision isn't too bad; I can function pretty well without them unless I have to read or write a lot.  My friends say they can tell I'm getting serious when I put on my glasses.  I think they're right about that!

Taiki     Actually, I think you should wear them more often; they're quite sexy on you.

Ami     *blushes*  So desu ka?  Well, for you, Kou-chan, I might just consider it.
As to why superheroes don't wear glasses, I think it would ruin that "larger than life" quality if we showed ordinary human flaws like that.  But I do use a special blue visor as Mercury; it acts as a Heads Up Display for my computer.

Seiya wears glasses in my stories!

Ami     *giggles*  Kawaii :-) .  I bet she looks sweet in them.

2) Do you think the stereotype that people who wear glasses are smarter is true?  Because I'd like to see some dumb jock-type characters wear them!

Ami     It has nothing to do with intelligence.  Some people are born with misshapen eyes that can't focus properly, and many others lose the ability to focus properly with age, so they need glasses to see clearly.  But it's only one's vision that's affected, not one's ability to think or learn.
Perhaps that stereotype comes from olden days, when everyone had to read by candlelight.  Reading with insufficient light weakens the eyes, so back then well-read people would've been more likely to need glasses.  It's not so much an issue with today's electric lights, however.

Has Sailor Moon gotten her eyes checked recently?  I think she'd look cute in glasses too!

Ami     Gomen, I don't know how often Usagi-chan has her eyes checked, or what the results are when she does.  I only hope she won't cry if she ever finds out she needs glasses!

3) Does your Mercury Aqua Rhapsody attack involve ice or water?  I can't tell!

Ami     It's water :-) .

4) Do you have anything to say to the stupid people who say you are weak because you have defensive attacks?

Ami     I feel weak, myself, sometimes, but I try to remind myself brute strength isn't everything.  We Senshi are a team; each brings a different set of strengths and abilities, and we each have a part to play towards winning battles.  My powers may seem weak by comparison, but I make up for that with my analytical mind and perseverance.  In battles I'm the one to calculate the enemy's weak points and how best to exploit them.

Taiki     You're being too modest.  I've seen your special; you defeated a youma alone, and with one shot!

Ami     *blushes*  That was different.  I thought it was my academic rival!

Taiki     And we all know how passionate you get about rivals. . .

Ami     *giggles*  None bigger than you, of course!

I personally think they should watch Sailor Moon a little closer and see the true power of SHABON SPRAY!!!!
That's all, Miss Mizuno!

Ami     A highly useful attack in its own way, mind you ^_^ .  Always glad to hear from a fan.  Do take care!

 [email protected]

©2002 Naia Zifu  Addressee of this fanmail may link to this page, but all other use prohibited without permission.
Taiki Kou and Mizuno Ami are Sailor Moon characters I own no rights to, but as always I'm not trying
to make money off anyone else's ideas.  Naia Zifu, however, is my creation in name, image, and persona.
The opinions expressed in fanmail replies are my own, although I try to present them in a way the characters might if they were real. . . and feeling randy. . .  I stand by all stated opinions just as firmly as if they were fact.