She Keeps Using That "S" Word. . .

Naia     *slowly, sheepishly shuffles in and hands over the letter*

Haruka     Zifu-san, didn't I answer this already?  Er, like a couple of years ago?

Naia     Well, yeah, but I kinda neglected to put it up in time. . . and then lost it. . . and then never updated fanmail again before this, so. . .

Haruka     So I get to re-answer old mail for people who probably forgot they wrote to start with?

Naia     Something like that ^_^' .

Haruka     Fun -_-' .  Well, let's get on with it. . .

Dear Haruka Ten'ou:
     You have become my favorite sailor scout.but i have some questions i would like to ask

Haruka     *makes a face*  Funny how the passage of time doesn't dull the distaste of being called a "scout". . . but there's fanmail backlog to catch up, so I won't make a fuss.

1) How has your opinion changed of Usagi from the first time you met her?

Haruka     If you know someone for a while, your opinions and views of them will change and evolve.  That's just part of getting to know a person.  I guess what changed the most was that she proved herself to be stronger-- physically, mentally, and emotionally-- than I thought.  But she's also proven a bit too kind-hearted and trusting for her own good, which is part of why I'm still so protective.

2) Do you ever have doubts about being a scout?

Haruka     There's that word again -_- . . .  Okay, yeah, about that. . .  I wasn't gonna say anything, but. . . I really don't like it.  Calling us "scouts" makes us sound like ten-year-old girls selling cookies, which I think belittles what we do.  The word "senshi" means "soldier", and that's our job; we defend the planets of our system from threats.  If you have to use an English word, try to go with that one.
But to answer the original question. . . I don't have any doubt this is what I was meant to do, though at times I have questioned the methods necessary for the mission, or my own effectiveness at doing it.

3) do you ever want to express your feelings more openly to her (ex. in public, around friends)

Haruka     Her?

Michiru     I think that would be me ^_^ .

Haruka     Ah, that question. . .  Well, it's still not always accepted for women to have those feelings for one another, so it's hard to be open about it in public.  You never know how people will react.

Michiru     Haruka is more comfortable when everyone thinks she's a man.

Haruka     Allow me to state, for the record, that I have never once told anyone I was a man.

Michiru     She just never corrects those who think so ^_^ .

Haruka     With friends, you just have to be careful until you know how they'll react.  Fortunately, ours have been very accepting, so we've become more relaxed about that.
4) Did you get upset when in North America they made you and Michiru cousins? (I did)

Haruka     It helps to think of dubs as separate entities, and the people in them as different characters who just happen to look like us.  Whatever relationship the dubbers gave those charas, it has no bearing on us.  Michiru and I are not cousins, and no-one can make us that way.
With that said, I admit I don't think those dubbers' decision was for the best.  Children aren't stupid, and many can find the real meaning in the animation, no matter what the dialogue says.  The way they did it makes the relationship seem incestuous, and that is what I have a problem with.

5) If you could date any other scout who would it be?    

Michiru     This, I may be interested to know. . .

Haruka     Usagi-tachi are all great in their own ways.  I'm sure I could have fun on a date with any one of them.  For a relationship, however, I can't imagine myself with any other Senshi.

Michiru     Also known as, the "safe" answer. . .

Haruka     *cheesy grin*

6) What changes have you noticed in yourself from being a scout, meeting michiru?

Haruka     Before, I always ran away from responsibility.

Michiru     You tried to run from me, as well.

Haruka     Hai, but you caught up to me ^_^ .  You were the only one who could.  I don't know if I ever would've accepted my mission or my powers, were it not for Michiru.
Being a Senshi has taught me a lot about what real strength is, and it's not all about the physical.  It's helped me value life more, both my own and others'.  It's taught me nothing in this world is as black-and-white as it seems, and we shouldn't take anything for granted.  I think I've matured and changed a lot since becoming a Senshi.

Michiru     Though you are still impulsive, hot-tempered, stubborn, aloof. . .

Haruka     -_-;;;  So maybe I'm still a work in progress.

Michiru     *giggles and takes her hand*  You know, I wouldn't have you any other way ^_^ .  

thank you for your time and i will continue to be a loyal fan of yours and Michiru  

Haruka     If your loyal fandom has taken you this far, maybe you'll happen by and see this one day.

Princess Serena

©2007 Naia Zifu  Addressee of this fanmail may link to this page, but all other use prohibited without permission.
Ten'ou Haruka and Kaiou Michiru are Sailor Moon characters I own no rights to, but as always I'm not trying to make money off anyone else's ideas.
Naia Zifu, however, is my creation in name, image, and persona.

The opinions expressed in fanmail replies are my own, although I try to present them in a way the characters might if they were real.
I stand by all stated opinions just as firmly as if they were fact.