At last, a micronian with the good taste to write me!
Hai hai! *beams* See? I knew you had fans! As for
the delay. . . for me, it's kind of customary, gomen. . .
*shakes head* The price of being dead, I guess, your mail is always
late! Well, let's get on with it. . .
Lord Khyron,
You are one of my favorite characters in the entire Robotech series.
Ah, I'm beginning to like this "fan mail" idea already! Go on, tell
me more about how great I am. . .
I just have one question:
*sigh* Well, I was hoping for more praise, but if you must. . .
if you had not kamikazed your Queadol Magdomilla into the
SDF's-1 and 2, do you think that you and Azonia would have had any
Never intentionally! Dreadful things, those children, always crying
for something! I haven't got time for it.
I ask this because you always seemed to be after the sensual pleasures
and I
was wondering if Azonia felt the same way.
Yes, I am all for the pleasures, just not the children that follow.
I've never asked Azonia's position on the subject, but knowing what a woman
she can be, I wouldn't be surprised if she'd considered it. . . Maybe
I should have a talk with her as soon as this "fan mail" thing is over.
. .
One more question,
I thought you had only one? But go ahead.
what was Azonia's last name?
That depends on whom you ask. T'sen Zifu favours "Laplamis," but
some use "Lamis" or "Lamiz." However, like most important members
of our race, Azonia is most widely known by one name, much like your "Cher."
Seventh Mechanized Division of the Botoru Battalion for Eternity.
Yes, Eternity was kind to our series, unlike the later Antarctic. . .
Knightewolfe. Loyal Supporter of Commander Khyron
Is that all? *pouts* I was hoping for more praise than that.
Oh well. . .
*wanders off to have that "baby" talk with Azonia*
©2002 Naia Zifu Addressee of this fanmail may link to
this page, but all other use prohibited without permission.
Khyron Kravshera is a Robotech character I own no rights to, and
as always I'm not trying to make money off anyone else's ideas. Naia
Zifu, however, is my creation in name, image, and persona.
The opinions expressed in fanmail replies are my own, although I
try to present them in a way the characters might if they were real.
I stand by all stated opinions just as firmly as if they were fact.