Okay, One Last Time. . .

Seiya    *pouts*  Looks like Naia-san's been hiding our mail again. . .  Look what I found in her mailbox; more mail from that weird fic girl!  Looks like it's been there at least a week.

Yaten    Her again?

Seiya    Yeah, and she wrote one for Ami-san, too.

Taiki    *leaps from her chair excitedly*  I'll take it to her!

Yaten    *knowing look*  Gee, I wonder why. . .

Seiya    Easy, lover-girl, you've gotta stay and help answer ours first.

Taiki    *pouts*  Oh, all right, let's get it over with.

It's Loretta, the weird fan-fic writer again!

SeiyaYaten Taiki    *singsong voice*  Hello, Loretta!

Now, Yaten, I have nothing to do with you, but I do have some important explanations for Seiya and Taiki.

Yaten    Thank the stars!  Enjoy your letter, guys; I'm off to the mall!  *slips away*

Seiya    *grumbles*  Lucky little--

Taiki    Get on with it; I've got fanmail to deliver!

As far as the idea of changing the series, I like the original okay, it's just that there were some things that I felt should be different.  And instead of just being lazy and whining about the things I disagreed with, I took action and decided to write my own version of the series.

Seiya    *shrugs*  If the anime writers can make a new version, I guess the fic writers can, too.

Just like you girls, I mean, when your princess disappeared, you didn't just sit around and whine about it, did you?

Seiya    Hell, no!

No, you took action and set out to find her!

Seiya    Damn straight!

Taiki    Enjoying this a little too much, are you, Seiya?

Seiya    *sweatdrops*  Gomen, gomen.

Now for each of you:
Seiya: I'm sorry you were so upset about me placing you with Hotaru, but I'm not going to change that.  I can explain some other things, though.  As far as the glasses are concerned, well, I have always tried to create characters that don't fit stereotypes.  It has annoyed me that the characters who wear glasses are always the weak brainiacs.

Seiya    Not Taiki!  You just try arm-wrestling her sometime, you'll see how strong she is!

Taiki    *blushes*  Arigato. . . though I'm afraid I'll have to plead guilty to the "brainiac" part of the description.

Seiya    *shrugs*  Smart is good.

Since I did NOT change your love of athletic activity, and also made you stupid as well, I decided that for non-conformity's sake I would write you as wearing glasses.  For this same reason I decided that Taiki would not wear glasses.

Taiki    So, does applying stereotypes in reverse make it any less of a stereotype?

Seiya    Nani?

I DO write you as a very sensitive and affectionate girl, too.  As far as making you a weak little nerd, well, I never said I write you as being weak.  The Seiya in my stories loves to run around and play sports and other active games, and she also wears glasses.  What's wrong with that?

Seiya    Well, you did say I cried a lot and needed protection.  That's weakness.

Taiki    I hate to say it, but that's like Tsukino-san.

Seiya    Ah.  *sweatdrops*  I guess it seems different when you're used to being the protector.

Taiki    *cute giggles*  Daijoubu.  *pats Seiya's shoulder*  I'm the strong one now; I'll take care of you.

Seiya    *laughs and pushes Taiki away*  Hey!  Cut that out!

Finally, what's wrong with looking like Harry Potter?  I t! hink he's a good person for a magical Sailor Senshi to resemble.

Seiya    Nothing wrong with Harry Potter.  I kinda like him.  But if I looked too much like him, Warner Bros. might try to sue.  We don't want that, do we?

Taiki    You're sure there isn't more to it than that?

Seiya    Okay, that, and I'm paranoid of glasses.  See, I've always been the cool kid, and I try to avoid anything that might damage that rep.  I think glasses would, therefore I don't like them.

Taiki: The reason for the huge muscles is this: I wanted to break stereotypes, once again.  The common stereotype of someone with large muscles is that they are stupid and a loud braggart.  Since I write you as a very shy, reserved, and modest girl with an IQ of a million, it would be unstereotypical for you to have large muscles.  They are not meant to be a compensation for a weakness, unless you think shyness is a big weakness.

Taiki    Of course I don't mind being written shy and studious; that's who I am.  I don't see any part of my personality as a weakness.  I don't mind the exercise, either.  But you don't have to change our physical appearances to break stereotypes; we break stereotypes just by being ourselves:  Athletes aren't stereotypically smart, but Seiya is, when she applies herself.  I might be shy, smart, and wear glasses at times, but I have many admirers.  And Yaten, though she sometimes acts uppity and knows she's beautiful, values honesty above all else, and doesn't judge others based on appearance.  It's just a matter of which traits writers focus on, as to whether we seem like stereotypes or not.

 As far as the weird heights go, I have always made up characters with abnormal traits like that.  Since I write fantasy stories, I can give characters traits that wouldn't be possible in real life.  I hope that clears some things up, girls.

Seiya    *shrugs*  Like we care about impossible traits no-one has?  We change genders, for heavens' sake!

One last note about the glasses, I wear glasses myself,

Seiya    Erm, yeah. . . I kinda guessed that by the obsession.  Naia-san likes to write people in glasses, too.  I just tell her, "anybody but me!". . . so she does it to Taiki instead.  *evil grin*

and I have never been called a nerd, geek, or any of those stereotypical insults.  I think any of you would look good in glasses, it's just that it would be too stereotypical for my tastes to have Taiki wear them.

Seiya    Then put Yaten in them!  It's also a stereotype that girls in glasses aren't pretty, stylish, or popular for dating.

Taiki    With the karma you're building, Seiya, you're sure to need glasses for real someday.

Seiya    *swats at Taiki*  Don't even joke about that!

Taiki    If this is her biggest concern, I guess you should consider this mail a success.  Good luck on the writing, then!  *pantomimes thick, Umino-like glasses, pointing to Seiya*

Seiya    Hey!  Quit it!  *chases Taiki out of the room*

[email protected]

©2002 Naia Zifu  Addressee of this fanmail may link to this page, but all other use prohibited without permission.
Three Lights are Sailor Moon characters I own no rights to, and as always I'm not trying to make money off anyone else's ideas.  Naia Zifu, however, is my creation in name, image, and persona.
The opinions expressed in fanmail replies are my own, although I try to present them in a way the characters might if they were real.  I stand by all stated opinions just as firmly as if they were fact.