
Seiya     Didn't we already answer this one?

Naia     Well, yeah, but it kind of. . . got lost when my old computer unexpectedly died.  You'll have to do it again.

Taiki     Of course, if you backed up your work a bit more frequently. . .

Yaten     Or at least bothered to get it online in decent time :-P . . .

Naia     Yeah, yeah, just hurry up and get this rewrite finished before your poor fan thinks we forgot :-P .

Dear Three Lights,
    Hi! I'm Rina-chan! I'm a great fan of yours of course! ^_^  Especially Seiya!

Seiya    I remember now why I liked this one so much. . .

Yaten     *sneaks up behind and bops her with a mallet*

Seiya     *swirly-eyed*  And you wonder why no fans ever write you. . .

Yaten     It's a mystery!

I have a question for Seiya!

Seiya     Hear that?  A question for me!  *puffs up, feeling all important*  Not you, not Taiki, ME! *maniacal laughter*

Yaten     *raises mallet at her again*

Seiya     Okay, okay!

1. If Usagi's shine reminds you of Kakyuu does it mean that Kakyuu is as strong as Usagi?

Seiya     At least!  *beams proudly*  Did you see how well she stood up to Galaxia in the anime, where they didn't even give her her Senshi form?  Now that's a true sign of sugoi-ness if ever I've seen one!

Also Taiki, you shouldn't mind other people that say something about your forehead being huge and not wearing bangs. I mean that it would be hard to see if your long bangs were always in your face all day.

Taiki     *shrugs*  Popular opinion doesn't concern me in the least.  So long as I'm pleased with my appearance, that's all that matters.

Yaten     *whispers*  The real reason is, she thinks people won't take her seriously if she doesn't do her hair like that!  When it's all unslicked, she looks just like a model and--  mmph!  mm-mmph!

Taiki     *covering Yaten's mouth*  That's quite enough out of you on that subject :-P !

Yaten, I like your hair! Including your voice too!

Yaten     *bites Taiki's hand*

Taiki     Itai!  *lets go*

Yaten     You almost made me miss my part!
*flips hair*  It is pretty, isn't it?  Yeah, it takes a lot of time and money to keep it looking this nice, but I think it's worth it!

Seiya     *peers at Yaten's hair*  Are those split ends I see?

Yaten     Impossible!  *frantically searches for them*

Seiya     *falls over laughing*  I love doing that to her. . .

Yaten     Why you-- *beats her*

Seiya     *shielding self with arms*  It was a joke!  A joke!  Can't you take a joke?

Yaten     Hmph!  *flips hair at Seiya, hitting her in the eye*

Seiya     *holds eye*  Aah!  That really hurt!

Yaten     *raspberries her*  Serves you right!
As voices go, I have to agree, Sakamoto-san has such a great, sultry quality about hers.  I really feel lucky to have her as my seiyuu!

Seiya, you are my favorite Light of the Three Lights ( gomen, if that sentance didn't make any sense) You are the coolest! I love your hair and eyes! Including your voice too! I love the solo part in the song Negereboshi He! That's the end of my letter! Bye!

Seiya     Niiyama-san was one of a kind, for sure; such a beautiful voice, both speaking and singing. . .  I feel really privileged to be one of the precious few gifts she was able to give this world in her short life.  I'm gonna miss her forever.

Taiki     *pats Seiya's shoulder*

 Seiya     *sniffles a bit, trying to pull herself together*
Well, I'm glad you've enjoyed watching me as much as I've enjoyed. . . well, being me. . .  *small laugh*  And if you need anything else, don't hesitate to write, okay?  *waves*

Love, Rina-chan
PS: I love you, Seiya!

Seiya     I so love this fanmailer!

Yaten     *seen in the background sneaking up behind her again with the mallet*

©2003 Naia Zifu  Addressee of this fanmail may link to this page, but all other use prohibited without permission.
Three Lights are Sailor Moon characters I own no rights to, and as always I'm not trying to make money off anyone else's ideas.
Naia Zifu, however, is my creation in name, image, and persona.

The opinions expressed in fanmail replies are my own, although I try to present them in a way the characters might if they were real.
I stand by all stated opinions just as firmly as if they were fact.