The First of the New Fanmail!

Naia     I am happy to report, the fanmail backlog has been cleared.  I now present you with the first actual new fanmail ^_^v !  *hands letter over*

Seiya Taiki Yaten     *applaud*

Naia     *takes a bow*

Yaten     Now we finally get to answer something for someone who might actually read it!   

Seiya     I hope it's from one of my fans!

Hello Yaten Taiki and Seiya!!
I found it hard to choose a favourite, as there are definately things I like about you all, so here are a few of those things, and a few questions ^-^

Seiya     Pooh, it's another wishy-washy who won't pick a fave :-P .  Ah well, let's see what she has to say, anyway.

Taiki: Your tall and smart, and though you might not be the most emotional person your still someone to look up to.

Yaten     Ha!  Finally a tall joke, for once!

Taiki     I think she just meant she respects me ^_^ .  Arigato!

Your not ashamed of who you are, but respect that not everyone can like you as both male and female, though you definately look much better as a woman!!

Taiki     I'm not sure I fully understand the above statement, but I'll answer to the best of my ability.
I like who I am, both as Taiki and Maker.  I don't think I've ever met someone who only likes me in one form or the other.  However, if such a person exists, it is entirely his or her prerogative to feel that way.
I do find it odd you'd say I look better as a woman, as I've never noticed a difference, facially.  Are you seeing something I've missed, or are you merely stating a preference for my feminine body?

Seiya: I love how you can be playful and flirty but still can be serious when the time is right. You know when to joke, and when to be respectful.

Seiya     Er. . . most times ^_^' . . .  Sometimes I still manage to get myself into trouble.

You cared enough for Usagi to let her go, and that is something hard to do, but it shows how strong you are.

Seiya     Well, she was never really mine to begin with; Odango's heart belonged to Mamoru-san the whole time.  Yeah, it hurt. . . still kinda does. . . but what can I do?  *shrugs*  But even if it wasn't meant to be between us, romantically, I'm glad we got to be so close as friends.

Yaten: Last, but definately not least! Perhaps a little to hard on humans,

Yaten     *scoffs*  No more than they deserved.

your easily the best looking of all. I love your gorgeous hair,

Yaten     And it's all natural, too!

Seiya     I dunno, I've heard that you bleach it. . .

Taiki     Dear Gods, don't let that chat still be lurking online somewhere. . .

Seiya     Yup!  It lies in wait, ready to be used as blackmail material when we least expect it!

Yaten     Kowai!

and even though your not as tall as the others you make up for that in personality. Your definately my favourite Sailor Star Healer. (Luna sure can pick 'em!)

Yaten     Great, somebody else who acts like we were dating -_-; . . .  Ne, you people do know she's a cat, don't you?
Ah well, at least you're cool enough to appreciate my personality ^_^ .  And not to make short jokes. . .  Oh, and to tell me how pretty my hair is. . .  I guess that's gotta count for something.

Seiya     Wait a minute, I thought she said she didn't have a favourite.

Taiki     No, she only said she'd found it hard to choose.  Pay attention!
Okay, here are my questions!
1) Are your names male, female or both? I don't know that much about other cultures names, so I was just curious!

Taiki     The kanji we use to represent our given name is commonly used as a Japanese feminine name.  Though more commonly pronounced "Hikaru", I believe the pronunciation "Kou" does sometimes occur.

2)Do you have any other attacks other then the three most used?

Taiki     Takeuchi-san listed a number of possible attacks on the notes and sketches she made while creating us, but none of the others worked out.  You can see some of her creative process in the Materials Collection book.

Seiya     The ones she'd brainstormed for me were lame :-( .  Totally generic stuff like "Starfighter Punch". . .

Yaten     Sounds like a party drink!

Seiya     Says the one who was gonna get a "Starhealer Worm"?

Yaten     Bleh, I don't know what she was thinking!
3) If you could change one thing about your role in the anime what would that be?

Yaten     The gender-changing thing-- I'd like to keep my real body full-time, like in the manga, and just dress like a guy.

Taiki     I liked the air of mystery and eccentricity I had in the manga, so I would introduce more of that to my anime character.

Seiya     The way my hair was drawn during the scene in the van, back in ep 178 -_-;;; .

Always a devoted fan, Candice

Seiya     The lady who makes the illusions, from that superhero show?

Yaten     You know, if she's around. . . she could be anywhere, or anyone!  Maybe even me!  Or YOU!

Seiya     AAAAAAH!

Yaten     *shakes head*  Seiya, you're such a dork. . .

©2007 Naia Zifu  Addressee of this fanmail may link to this page, but all other use prohibited without permission.
Three Lights are Sailor Moon characters I own no rights to, and as always I'm not trying to make money off anyone else's ideas.
Naia Zifu, however, is my creation in name, image, and persona.

The opinions expressed in fanmail replies are my own, although I try to present them in a way the characters might if they were real.
I stand by all stated opinions just as firmly as if they were fact.