Imperial-Class Star Destroyer

Name: Imperial (Imperator)-Class Star Destroyer

Designer/Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Type: Heavy Destroyer/Cruiser

Users: Empire

Length: 1600 meters

Crew: 37,085, gunners: 275, troops: 9,700

Cargo: 17,000 metric tons

Speed Rating: (Cruise) 65 MGLT (Max) 90 MGLT

Acceleration: 4 MGLT/sec.

Maneuver: 13 DPF, Roll: 8, Pitch: 2

Power System: 3 (SFS) LF4 Solar Ionization reactor

Propultion System: 4 (Gaine) Gs1 Ion Engines

Hyperdrive: (SFS) Yn-6z Hyperdrive Activator

Hyperdrive backup: OT Standard Drive

Flight Control System: (SFS) 4z-94 flight avionics system

Nav Computer: (KDY) Nt-92t navcom computer system

Sensor Systems: Unknow?

Combat Computer: (Miradyne) Gf-2.3 Combat computer system

Hull: Composite Quadanium Steel Titanium Hull (Hull rated at 2,272 RU)

Shield: Forward/Read projecting (Novaldex Shields) SL-76 (shield rated at 4,800 SBD)


Starfighter complement: 6 squadrons

Other craft:

Ground Vehicules:


The Avenger is one of four Imperial-class Star Destroyers in Darth Vader's Imperial Death Squadron, led by Vader's own ship, the Executor. It was involved in more than 436 planetary supressions since its commission, and has had eight different captains since the Battle of Hoth. Its last known captain was Captain Needa, who died when he failed Vader in capturing the Millenium Falcon during the aftermath of the Hoth battle. The Avenger is believed to have been destroyed at the Battle of Endor, though this is not known for sure. Six years after the Battle of Endor, Dark Side Executor Sedriss commanded a Star Destroyer, unknown class, that was called the Avenger.


The Basilisk was one of four Imperial-class Star Destroyers assigned by Grand Moff Tarkin to Admiral Daala's Maw Installation Fleet. After Daala took it out of the Maw, it was the last of her ships to be destroyed. When the Basilisk and Gorgon retreated from their unsuccessful attack of Calamari to the Cauldron Nebula, Admiral Daala fitted the Basilisk with a skeleton crew for a final mission - to crash into Coruscant, the heart of the New Republic. Its hyperdrive engines were equipped with explosives for this operation, and its commander, Captain Mullinore, insisted on staying onboard. Before the Basilisk could do anything, however, Kyp Durron in the Sun Crusher conveniently showed up in the area and detonated the nebula, destroying the Basilisk before it could carry out its last orders.


This Star Destroyer was one of the ships in Grand Admiral Thrawn's task force. The mad Jedi clone Joruus C'baoth was assigned by Thrawn to coordinate a raid against the planet Tanaab onboard the Bellicose, and angered Captain Aban when he disobeyed Aban's direct orders by using the ship's turbolasers to fire on a New Republic vessel. In Thrawn's next assault, the Bellicose was sent to Ando where it attacked the planet and thereby diverted vessels away from the New Republic base on Ord Pardron, part of an elaborate plan to strip the planet Ukio of its defenses.

Death's head

The Death's Head was of several Imperial-class Star Destroyers in Grand Admiral Thrawn's task force, five years after the Battle of Endor. It was sent by Thrawn to the Palanhi system, where the Grand Admiral had expected Han Solo and Lando Calrissian to be, but they had instead gone to New Cov. For the Grand Admiral's multi-pronged assault to capture the planet Ukio, the Death's Head attacked and inflicted heavy damage upon Ord Pardron, which housed a major New Republic base.


Originally the flagship of Lord Tion's task force, the Devastator was involved in the destruction of many rebel outposts. It also saw heavy action in the subjugation of Ralltir, the Alliance- sympathetic planet which confirmed the existence of the Death Star. After Lord Tion's subsequent disappearance on Alderaan, it became Darth Vader's ship, and it was one of three Imperial Star Destroyers assigned to blockade the planet Toprawa, where raiders of an Imperial convoy had been traced to. When at-the- time Senator Leia Organa's consular ship appeared in the system and received illegal transmissions from Toprawa (later revealed to be the Death Star plans), the Devastator started after it. The consular ship escaped into hyperspace and came out over Tatooine, but the Devastator caught it there because a spy onboard had planted a tracking device. After the Battle of Yavin, Vader added the Devastator to his personal Star Destroyer task force. The Devastator may have been destroyed at the Battle of Endor, though this is not certain.


Known as the Accuser in Imperial hands, the Empancipator was one of two Star Destroyers captured by the Alliance at the Battle of Endor. It was used two years after Endor in conjunction with Rogue Squadron for orbital bombardment of Borleias, a planet which housed an Imperial base, and subsequently disabled by the base's ion cannons. After these battles, it was stored in the Hast shipyards along with its sister ship, the Liberator, and underwent space dock refitting. It was finally recommissioned six years after the Battle of Endor, where it was commanded by General Lando Calrissian in the Battle of Calamari against the cloned Emperor's fleet. Subsequently, the Emanciator was consumed by one of the World Devastators in the same battle.


The flagship of Admiral Daala's four-Star Destroyer fleet, the Gorgon and its sister ships resided in the Maw Installation for almost ten years. When Han Solo, Kyp Durron, and Chewbacca accidentally stumbled upon the Installation, Daala learned about the events that had occured in the last ten years and decided to take her fleet out of the Maw. She launched a series of attacks against the New Republic, which didn't amount to much, and in the end, all ships but the Gorgon were destroyed. The ship was thought to have been destroyed twice, once when the Cauldron Nebula was detonated by the Sun Crusher, and twice when the Maw Installation exploded. The second time, Admiral Daala took the damaged Gorgon into the Core Worlds region and was not heard from since.


This Star Destroyer was one of four under Admiral Daala's command in the black hole cluster known as the Maw. It met a quick death when Han Solo, in the Sun Crusher, flew through the bridge, disabling the ship and causing it to drift into the array of black holes in the Maw.


The Star Destroyer Judicator was part of Grand Admiral Thrawn's task force, five years after the battle of Endor. It was the ship deployed by Thrawn to raid Lando Calrissian's Nomad City mining operation on the planet Nkllon. Only a brief fight ensued, and the mission objective was quickly completed: to capture fifty-one mole miner vehicles. Because of Nkllon's hot sun, the Judicator sustained some damage while coming to and back from Nkllon, which took a few days to repair. After Grand Admiral Thrawn had captured most of the Dreadnaughts in the legendary Katana Fleet, the Judicator and the Peremptory were sent to ambush New Republic scouts at the location of where the Katana Fleet used to be. After that battle, the Judicator was sent to attack Filve as part of a complex diversion to draw forces away from Ord Pardron, accompanied by some of Thrawn's newly found Katana Fleet Dreadnaughts. The Millenium Falcon and Rogue Squadron encountered the Judicator task force during this attack, and the mad Jedi Joruus C'baoth willed the Imperial ships through the Force to go after them. Both the Millenium Falcon and Rogue Squadron's X- wings were able to escape into hyperspace.


The Liberator, originally the Adjucator in its Imperial service, was one of two Star Destroyers captured at the Battle of Endor. Two years after the Battle of Endor, it was used in conjunction with Rogue Squadron to attack an Imperial-occupied planet called Borleias. After that, it was put in the Hast shipyards with the Empancipator for retrofittion. It barely survived a surprise Imperial attack on the shipyards (where several other ships, including corvettes, Escort Frigates and Star Cruisers were destroyed), and was finally recommissioned just after Grand Admiral Thrawn's campaign, six years after the Battle of Endor. Hearing rumors that the various factions of the Empire on Coruscant had begun a civil war, the Liberator went to Coruscant space under the command of Lando Calrissian. There, it was almost immediately shot out of the sky by a planetary ion cannon and plummeted to the surface, but Luke Skywalker took the controls and saved all hands when the ship hit the planet. It took several days for rescue to come, while the stranded crew fended off the warring Imperial factions.


The Manticore was one of four Star Destroyers under Admiral Daala's command in the Maw Installation. In the second Battle of Calamari, Daala employed a tactic she had learned from Grand Moff Tarkin that involved the Manticore. Keeping the Manticore in the dark side of Calamari's moon, she took her ship, the Gorgon, and the Basilisk, to engage Calamari B-Wings, while the Manticore emerged from its hiding place to destroy the Calamarian shipyards. This plan failed when Admiral Ackbar, who recognized the plan, led an unmanned Star Cruiser that was under construction into the Manticore, destroying both ships.


One of the Imperial Star Destroyers serving under Grand Admiral Thrawn's command five years after the Battle of Endor. For Thrawn's elaborate plan to draw forces away from the planet Ord Pardron, it attacked the planet Crondre. The Nemesis also fought in the Battle of Bilbringi as part of a trap created by Grand Admiral Thrawn, but withdrew from the area after Captain Pellaeon signaled all ships to retreat.


This ship was one of several Star Destroyers in Grand Admiral Thrawn's task force, five years after the Battle of Endor. When the Star Destroyer Judicator needed backup while fighting against New Republic forces at the location of the Katana Fleet, the Chimaera was to go but the Jedi clone Joruus C'baoth delayed the ship. The Peremptory was sent in the Chimaera's stead, but was destroyed in the battle when Han Solo slaved a Katana Fleet Dreadnaught and led it into the Peremptory.

Rebel Dream

Three years after the Battle of Endor, Princess Leia's flagship was a captured Star Destroyer called the Rebel Dream.


Following the events of the Battle of Yavin, the Star Destroyer Relentless was assigned to find and capture Old Republic officer Adar Tallon. Captain Parlan failed at this task, and so did his successor, Captain Westen. Under the command of Captain Dorja, it fought in the Battle of Endor without a single casualty but retreated in the end. Five years after the Battle of Endor, the Relentless was active in fighting against the New Republic, but was not included in Grand Admiral Thrawn's personal task force because of bad relations between Dorja and Thrawn. During Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Lando Calrissian's mission to New Cov, the Relentless was conducting a periodical raid on the planet's stocks of refined biomolecules, and began a chase of the three when they left the planet. The timely intervention of three of Garm Bel Iblis's Dreadnaughts left the Relentless partially disabled, and allowed Luke, Han, and Lando escape.

Storm Hawk

The Stormhawk was one of the Star Destroyers in Grand Admiral Thrawn's task force. It joined with Thrawn's Star Destroyer, the Chimaera, to ambush a New Republic convoy near Corfai, and served as a backup ship when the Chimaera forced the planet Ukio to surrender.