Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty

Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty

Stage 12: ���ӂ̂��邵�@�`�}�[�W�E�W���}�E�}�W�E�}�W�J�`
Ketsui no Shirushi Magi Giruma Magi Magica
Mark of Determination

The Super Hero Time mark appears and shrinks into the corner, with Kai's face filling the screen. On the bottom it says "Super Hero Time" Quiz Campaign. Kai says cheerfully, "Guys, thanks for always watching Super Hero Time!" he's holding one of the Hibiki toys. Tsubasa's arm sweeps behind him and the camera moves to show him, too. He says, "Today there's a wonderful present!" The camera sweeps ou to show all fivce of them standing behind the toy boxes for Magiking, Wolkaizer, Hibiki's DX Henshin belt. Makito and Urara appear to be holding Hibiki and Magiranger posters, respectively. I'm not sure what Houka and Tsubasa hold. Urara tells us, indicating the toys in front of them, "Today there's a chance at all these presents!" Ah, Houka has the trumpet-toy. Tsubasa holds a signed mat. Houka tells us to answer the quiz. Makito adds, "Watch to the end," and more.

In our last episode: Nai and Mea are in concert! Billed as Bloody Friday Nightmare, they play guitar and sing for a crowd of young poeple. A drummer is behind them. Tentacles stream out and suck blood from the necks of the mesmerized audience. Houka is there, eyes glazed. Her mouth drops open to allow us to see the rather long fangs there. The monster, all jaws a leech monster, is giant and charges at Magiking. Our heroes destroy it with ease. But Houka is not free. Her cloak slips off her head as she straightens up. Her fangs are almost triple the length of her normal teeth. She snarls, hisses and whips around, trying to throttle Tsubasa while their dismayed siblings cry out and grab her. Tsubasa stands in shock as she snarls at him, snapping and writhing in the other three's hold.

Down in Hades, Vankyuria is pleased with herself. So is Branken, who laughs and says, "You did well, Vankyuria!" She is also happy to sing her own praises, about how efficient she is. Wolzard turns and walks away. Branken focuses on him. "What's the matter, Wolzard?" he calls, and the other stops. "This should be easy for you to do, too." Not looking back at them, Wolzard replies, "This is not the way I work." He moves on.

Houka snarls and leaps ot her feet. She stands on a gold and white magical sircle with their symbols. She lunges forward, and is repelled by a magical barrier. She keeps trying, despite the white lightning and electric crackles which sizzle the air until she falls with a squeak of pain. Mindless, she snarls and turns as Tsubasa passes a dismayed Urara who whispers, "Houka-chan!" helplessly. Tsubasa holds a red perfume bottle in his hands. He presses the button and a red mist engulfs her face. She twists, then falls like a lump of putty.

Stage. 13 ���ꂳ��Ȃ�@�`�W���K�E�}�W���i�` Okaasannara Jinga Majuna In case of Mother

Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty

Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty

Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty

Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty

Stage 16: ��̌��@�`�E�U�[���E�E�K���`
Mon no Kagi Uzaara Ugaro
Gate Key

The harbor, water rippling. A boat's horn sounds. The day is bright. A woman walks, blue and yellow skirt, tan jacket, white shirt, a bracelet on her right wrist. Her hair is soft, falling past her shoulders. She closes her hands into fists as she walks, but lightly. Her expression is one of worry. Her reflection follows her on the surface of a car she passes. Something pops up from around a corner, a puppet with goggling eyes, an x for a nose, yellow and red buttons on wing-like ears, white fangs in its mouth. It waves its arm at her and asks, "Where are you going, young lady?" The puppet is Nai's, and she bounces out to face the startled woman. "Found you!" she grins. The girl skitters back, frightened, and turns to run only to find another one, Mea, popping up from behind a black umbrella. They strut towards her and Nai mocks, "You can't get away..!" The girl bolts anyway, and the pair smirk as she flees, saying they know they're not wrong. For in our last episode: A building explodes, debris flying everywhere. Terrified people flee. One girl falls among the crows, left wrist scored by debris and weeping softly from the shock. Her. This girl. Nai grins and says, "We know your face..!" "We know," parrots Mea smugly. They laugh high and happily as they follow her. She flees to the edge of a dock, and finds herself cornered. When she turns to eye her pursuers, they are already merging. Soon one being faces her, the copper-skinned Vankyuria. "We've been looking for you forever," she comments, starting forward. But a snarl cuts the air and Vankyuria turns. Kai is leaping at her. She throws up her arms to shield her face, but his kick knocks her away. She lands and whirls angrily. Kai has already thrown himself protectly over the girl, arms holding her sheltered. She lifts her eyes to see him and then stares in blank shock. He asks her, "You all right?" not seeing anything odd about her expression. The bell on the bracelet she wears shakes itself and rings. He doesn't notice that, either, but helps her up saying, "Hurry, run away." She obliges without a backward glance, and Vankyuria gives an annoyed grunt and starts after her, snarling there's no getting away. The girl flees through the other incoming Oz siblings, who brace themselves aggressively to challenge Vankyuria. Makito shouts challenge to her as Kai joins up with them. They transfer into their battle uniforms. A little careless, for the fleeing girl has found a corner to duck behind. She looks back and gasps at the sight of them. Vankyuria snarls, "Why are you here?" and adds a line about them getting in her way. She blasts them, but they charge her. She strikes and kicks them back, then sees the girl watching. The girl sees she's been noticed, and flees on. "No running away!" Vankyuria growls, but when she makes to charge after, Kai is there, throwing his arms wide to stop her. Annoyed, she snarls at him to move. He asks back, "Why are you after her?" Irritated, Vankyuria replies, "Because that girl is the gate-key!" (minus-points for brains on the villains today, she could have just said "I'm bored, and she looks yummy") "Eh? What?" asks Kai. "Yes, not Tomogen! And she's getting away! I don't have time for you right now!" she gestures furiously at the other four, who are staggering back to their feet. Off she flies and Kai shouts, "Hold on!" which doesn't stop her. They stand and Kai stutters, "The gate-key?"

They remain at the scene of the battle, but have switched out of their armor. Tsubasa folds his arms and says grimly, "This is bad." Houka agrees nervously, "If they've found the gate-key, then all of the Infershia army can come out! That's what they said!" Urara agrees, "We've gotta find that girl before Vankyuria does!" Makito sets them all to it, they split up.

Kai runs through a lovely park, under trees with lovely spring leaves. People stroll in the spring weather. And of course it is he who sees a back that looks suspiciously right. For the girl stands in the park, looking up and letting the sunlight fall on her. She is humming softly, not words but melody of a sweet song. Kai stands entranced. Around her, green leaves fall in the breeze (why, I don't know. Obviously for effect, disregarding what a fall of leaves in spring means for the health of the trees). Birds flit around her and settle near her feet, lovely finches. One white one lands on her right shoulder. The smile suddenly leaves Kai's face. "That tune..!" he wonders. For it was one their mother had kept, a tune from Magitopia. "Why?" he directs the question to her, and the bird is gone from her shoulder when she turns sharply to look at him. The bell on her silver bracelet rings again.

And somebody's pissed. Vankyuria is being tossed about in Hades. She staggers to her feet, holding her sore stomache and protests weakly, "It was the Magi... they interfered." Branken isn't accepting that as an excuse. He grabs her by the throat and lifts her off her feet, lecturing furiously. "You promised me you'd get the key!" he snarls, steam venting viciously from his pipes. He hits her with bolts of energy and she screams in agony. Hanging limp at the end of his arm she whimpers for forgiveness. And then the pool glows brilliant red behind them. N Ma's eye appears, and his rumbling voice echoes. "Lord N Ma says once more!" Branken snarls, and he tosses Vankyuria agains the steps. A poof of smoke and she splits into Nai and Mea who look up, terrified as he stalks at them. They duck around to the edge of the pool, but he isn't striking, just snarling. They whimpers and tremble as he gives them whatfor. Would he kill one part of Vankyuria, I wonder.

And what of the girl who is the Gate-key? She is in the Oz family's secret home. She gently picks Kai's broom from the stand. With a soft, pleased sound she sets it back. The five of them watch her, Mandora-boy behind them. Kai said, "She's as serene as the sky and sea." They utter soft sounds of awe. The girl heads over to the painting of, presumably, one of their ancestors, and reaches her left hand to caress the canvas. Mandora-boy is convinced she's of Magitopia. Makito wonders if she's really the Gate-key like the Infershia said. Tsubasa utters something cynical, and Houka ponders, "That girl's a key? It's not that she's just carrying the key?" Urara points out wistfully that they haven't a clue. The girl has reached the ancient record player and smiles, touching it. Makito decides, "Well, let's go find out if she's real." Kai gets anxious as his brother heads towards her. Makito lays his hand on her shoulder, "Miss," he starts, but doesn't get anywhere for she shrinks from him to the protection of Kai, huddling at his back. Houka is utterly delighted and mimics the posture at Makito's back. "So that's how it is!" she laughs. Kai blushes uncertainly as his sister teases him. "Now Kai, didn't you say you liked Yamazaki?" "What are you saying?" he yelps. "It's not like that!" The girl behind him looks very uncertain. He senses it and turns to her reassuringly. "It's really all right," he says. He moves them around now, so she is standing between him and his brother, keeping his hands on her shoulders and staying close. Houka snickers. Urara and Tsubasa come over, but they are quiet and wondering. Kai tries to tell them, "Look, she told me. She doesn't even remember her own name." "Oh, amnesia," notes Urara. Houka pouts and steps away from her brother. Then she asks, "So, what do we do?" The girl looks over her shoulder, eyes pleading, to Kai. He smiles at her. The bell on her bracelet rings determinedly. He looks down on it, then an idea strikes him. "Hey, how's about for the time being we call you "Rin?" (the sound of the bell)". She raises her wrist, and then a smile blossoms on her face.

Wolkaizer, down in Hades, humming deeply to himself. Suddenly, he startles, eyes glowing. Beneath his feet, a portal swirls and blue energy feeds up into his body. He's filling with black magic, and there's just a little more. But then, the eye in his shield opens. Wolzard parts from Varikion. The circle wends up, and now he is at a human size. "Vankyuria?" he asks in surprise, turning. For she has sought him out. Weakly, she steps from tunnels. "Wolzard," she breathes. "Help me." She leans against the wall. He realizes she's asking him to help find the Gate-key. She steps forward, begging, something about the smell. He counters, "She's hidden with the five magi."

She is hiding, in fact, behind Kai, peering anxiously over his shoulder as Tsubasa mixes a potion. Tsubasa wears his black robe, hood down. He says that this will give the girl her memory back, and then they can find the answer to this Gate-key thing. Kai says happily, "Isn't that great, Rin? Once my brother makes this potion, you'll get your memory back!" Rin, however, doesn't look happy at all. Her eyes search his face as he adds, "Then we'll know your real name, you'll remember everything!" She looks down, now, and puffs an angry breath, lips taught. Startled by her clear anger, he asks, "What's the matter? You'll be back to yourself...?" Her gaze is fierce, and suddenly she moves forward and shove Tsubasa away from his kettle. She dumps the solution on him and he rightfully snarls, "What ARE you doing?!" Kai is startled, for Rin glowers at him. Then she flees, while Houka tries to help poor Tsubasa. Makito notes that if she goes outside she'll be in danger so he, Kai and Urara charge after Rin.

Wolzard is obliging Vankyuria's request. He channels power into her through his shield. It is painful, this charge. He claws triple in length. The spins on her body become sharp as razors. She clutches herself, stroking her smooth face, "My body is hot (as in burning, folks). What is this power?" She is feeling drunk with it. Wolzard tells her he's released her latent power. This is her at full strength. The power flows in her, and she leaps into the air, spinning gleefully. "Oh, this is lovely!" she delights. He sounds equally pleased, pointing out that however powerful the Magiranger are, they're still just novices. Vankyuria lands, for once she is curious about him and asks. He tells her it is all for N Ma. He's gathering power himself, now.

"Hari hari rai, hari hari rai, sora no ai wa, kimi dake mo, shinji... ii no ruka da..." The girl walks on the streets. Entranced by the sky above, she wanders in front of a truck. The driver slams on his brakes, frantically hitting his horn. By a smal miracle, the girl is not hit. She never notices, does not hear the man shrieking at her. Kai is dashing around looking for her. Skidding to halt he grumbles, "She's not anywhere!" And then he sees her. She stands at the very edge of wall above him. "Rin!" he gasps. And she does not hear. She raises her hand, pointing towards the sky. In a trance-like state, she steps forward... and falls, without even noticing. Kai has his wand out and transforms the car below her into a giant cushion. Rin lands and bounces into his arms. He sets her down and she looks blankly at him as he snaps, "What were you doing? That was dangerous!" Her gaze falls uncertainly. He adds, "Well anyway, we shouldn't be outside. Let's go back, and you can take my big brother's medicine, okay?" Her face scrunches up and she turns away from him. Startled, he begins to catch on, "Hey, won't it be better to remember?" When she doesn't respond he sayd, "Then you'll know about the key, the gates, all kinds of things!" She utters a small whimper as he complains, "That'll help us!" and reaches out for her shoulder to get her attention. When he pulls her around to face him, he realizes she's crying and is taken aback.

A giggle. A stone-dark crossbow held in delicate hands. Nai grins widely and loads the weapon. Her voice a ripple of joy, she comments that this is an automatic shooter. Mea smiles back at her. "I'm this!" She has an enormous seven-barrelled cannon she holds on a strap about her neck. Nai is delighted. "Shall we go then, Mea?" "Let's go, Nai!" Eyes gleaming, Nai says they'll show the Magi brats what for. Mea adds, "The Gate-key." Playing off each other as they go, the two are downright scary with their super-charged weaponry.

A train crosses a bridge over a river. Rin and Kai sit together atop an embankment, and he says quietly, "So you don't want to remember." He apologizes to her for not having understood her feelings. But she's gone off again, mesmerized by the sky above, and he realizes this. "The sky?" he wonders, remembering how he'd found her, standing in the park, then standing on the edge of a wall. And he asks her about it, if she is pulled or something to the sky. Dazed, she looks at him. The bell on her bracelet rings. Kai grins and climbs to his feet. "Let's go!" he says, and pulls her away with him. She gasps in confusion.

Makito hurries down an outdoor stairs to meet Houka and Urara. None of them have found her yet. "She's nowhere!" worries Urara. "Big Brother!" calls Tsubasa. They turn and see him jogging to them. He carries a vial in his hands and his brother grins. "You did it, Tsubasa!" He makes an affirming noise. Beforew they can say anything else, they hear the sound of a jet engine. No, not a jet. Kai in his uniform riding his Sky-Broom, with Rin clinging to his waist. Houka is the first to see and identify him. Up they fly, high above this part of the city, Below are a few skyscrapers, and two building look as though they have swimming pools. By the time they get above the clouds, Kai has switched into his civvies, and the machine to the appearance of an ordinary broom. Rin sits up and looks around. He calls back, "How's this, Rin? We're flying in the sky!" She agrees, and a joyful smile blooms on her face. When she starts to laugh, Kai is overjoyed. "First time you've laughed! Okay!" And he buzzes the city below, she hanging on and enjoying every moment of the ride. They curve around and head back up, above the clouds again, circling. Finally, back in his armor he brings the Sky Broom in for a landing, and Rin carefully dismounts. "Magine," says Kai, and his uniform disappears. While he's standing there very proud, that's cut short by Makito's shout of his name. He turns to find the other four bearing down on him. "Oh! Big brothers, big sisters!" he greets them innocently. Houka, of course, giggles and teases him about using the Sky Broom for a date. "Oh don't be stupid, it's not like that!" he grumbles and folds his arms. Urara, though, is furious and tells him so plainly, reminding him that Vankyuria is pursuing the girl. Makito interrupts this to call up Tsubasa, who has the vial of red liquid. He makes it clear, if she drinks this liquid, she'll remember. He shoves it into Kai's chest, and Kai uncertainly takes it. Kai is staring, when the girl takes it from his hands. He looks shocked. But, to his surprise, she casts him a smile, removes the stopper and drinks down the liquid. He realizes she's found her own courage, to face the forgotten. Looking worried, she puts the vail down and closes her eyes. Before they can find out if anything's happened, Kai hears something whizzing through the air. He grabs Rin with a warning shout and positions himself to protect her. The arrow embeds itself in the cement near where they'd been standing, and Nai's voice winds complaint. "Awe, that's too bad," she says. "But that's not all with Wolzard's magic!" Kai and they others stare at the weapons-heavy pair. "You'll get it soon," she mocks, and Mea echoes. The Magiranger form a protective ring about Rin. The two villainesses demand the girl, and Kai snarls defiance back at them. "Who's gonna give her to you?" They giggle, "Think so, do you?" "Think so?" echoes Mea. And soon it is she who starts firing on them. They change into their armor quickly. No time for posturing. Kai throws Rin down to protect her, then calls up a wall between them. Mea's weapon makes swiss-cheese of it. The other four fall, and Kai sends Rin off, while he fights. He leaps at Nai and Mea. Mea shoots him down. But just then... the potion takes effect. The vial it was in falls from Rin's shocked fingers and shatters on the cement at her feet before Kai hits the grounds. His siblings assemble around him, unnerved by the new power Nai and Mea exhibit. Tsubasa has his own bow out, and intends to defeat the pair with his arrow. Nai and Mea actually appear nervous, identifying what he intends. But that was just an act, for they start to giggle. "Let's do it!" and the pair merge. Tsubasa is startled, I don't know why. The two weapons in her hands, Vankyuria says "This'll be interesting. Fire!" Tsubasa obliges. The shining arrow impacts, seems to go in. Vankyuria is caught in yellow lightning. But the arrow is absorbed into her body, and she spits out the head. Then she stamps on it while the heroes gasp. She points out that she's far stronger now. And she starts firing on them with both weapons. She laughs as they lie on the cement, trying to recover.

Rin still watches, but now her heart is pounding slowly, she's hiccoughing. The bell rings with every beat. Vankyuria's laugh is cut off by surprise when Kai gets to his feet and comes after her. Having seen Rin's courage and all, he shouts. He knocks the weapon from her hand and punches her, which only annoys her and she fires point-blank, sending him back to his siblings. "You all just sleep there," she tells them contemptuously, and heads after Rin. They are frantic, but too injured to help. And Vankyuria approaches the hiccoughing girl. Her heartbeat is speeding up, the bell is a constant ring. Vankyuria is ready to recycle her, aiming her weapon at the girl. She does not notice how Rin's expression goes still and calm. She fires, shouting "Be gone!" The Magiranger are on their feet, and Kai screams for Rin. But though the gun fires, she stands as though nothing hits her. Smoke rises and she is gone, but as Vankyuria laughs and the Magiranger cry out, it proves to be an illusion. For light shimmers through the smoke as it dissipates. Rin stands there, untouched, eyes hard. And the sun quite suddenly sets, casting her skin in blood-red light. The bell on her bracelet rings, and the moon shines behind her, blue-white. A crescent moon appears on her forehead, grows straps, she developes an Arabian-style headdress, silken black as her clothes transform. She moves, motions, and behind her another image shimmers, the giant form she could attain, hands full of light. She wears leather clogs, a moon pendent on her neck. Blue white light coils in her eyes, in her jewels. She is something, Moon Light Elemental. Lunagel (some guessing is involved, here) of the Tenkusei. The Magiranger are stunned. Vankyuria shifts furiously and growls, "The what?" N Ma is furious, his eye filling the red hole at the bottom of Hades. His rage dismays Branken. And the disturbance reaches Wolzard where he gathers power. He looks up, interested.

The Magiranger stand, a wind has kicked up to make their capes flutter. "Rin?" Kai asks uncertainly, taking a step forward. Vankyuria decides to take the unknown in stride, and opens fire on Lunarje. But the woman under attack opens her hand, into which appears a staff she starts whirling. She counter-blasts Vankyuria, a beam of spreading moonlight. The terrible power sweeps across Vankyuria, and she writhes, her power broken. Satisfied, Lunagel whirls her staff to let its end brace on the ground. The five Magiranger dash happily over to her. Kai whirls around to the others, "Now!" he says. Under the full moon they leap as one, bearing on Vankyuria. Their kicks send her flying to the cement. Though she gets up, explosions go off and she cries out in pain, falling back to her knees. They crow with delight, and finally she covers her face with her hand as though to keep from throwing up, and takes to the sky to flee. The Magiranger stand proud. But Lunagel looks grim.

Out of their armor, they approach her hopefully. She faces away from them, the blue over white, and silver decorating her body. Urara says shyly, "That was surprising. I mean, we knew she had some connection with Magitopia but..." she trails off. Makito clarifies, "It never occured to us she was a Tenkusei." Tsubasa, too amazed to be snide, comments proudly on her defeat of Vankyuria. Houka agrees, "That was fantastic!" Kai, grinning, trots over to the former Rin. He wants to introduce them anew. "We'll fight together from here on!" he says happily. Her back to him, there is a subtle shift of expression on her face, a fine drawing together of her brows in unhappiness. Or rage? When she says nothing, he holds silent uncertainly. But then she starts to speak, turning to face him. And she says with firm anger that they are not measuring up as Magi Warriors, and thus they'll won't be able to defeat the Infershia. They all stare at her and utter little noises of shock. She meets Kai's gaze firmly.

Sooty and unhappy, Nai and Mea have returned to Hades to whimper to us about the day they've had. Nai wearily mutters, "Todays spell is..." Mea finishes, "Uzarra Ugaro." The spell Wolzard had used to super-charge Vankyuria. And they had really loved that, but... they were still defeated. And they fall limp back out of sight.

Stage. 17 �D�����͂���Ȃ��@�`�E�[�U�E�h�[�U�E�E���E�E�K���` Yasashisa wa Iranai Uuza Dooza Uru Ugaro You don't need kindness!
In our next episode: The five Magiranger are out in the woods with Lunarje. She's either training, or punishing them, for she attacks with her staff. The five find themselves in a blank, white place. There seems to be an enormous Infershia to face. Either that or its a mobile cathedral transforming a mountain. Wolzard is after the Gate Key. While the Magiranger are trapped wherever she may have sent them, he's cornered Lunarje. Things could be bad for her, but she's singularly unafraid even of his blade at her throat. The kids are back, and Kai maintains his developed habit of grabbing that girl and trying to protect her with his body while explosions go off behind them. Wolzard will fight her, at what point in the show I'm not sure. They will fight the Cathedral Infershia. And She will fight Wolkaizer, too, in her giant form. Neat design!

Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty

Stage 17: �D�����͂���Ȃ��@�`�E�[�U�E�h�[�U�E�E���E�E�K���`
Yasashisa wa Iranai Uuza Dooza Uru Ugaro
You don't need kindness!

In our last episode: Kai attacked Vankyuria in a desperate attempt to defend the girl he named Rin, the one the Infershia said the were after because she was the Gate Key. Rin drank a potion made by Tsubasa that would restore her memory. Vankyuria came to destroy her. The blasts didn't seem to effect Rin, who transformed into a moon-themed soldier. Lunagel. The last thing they had expected her to be. But when Kai happily said they would fight together from now on, Lunagel had looked hard at him, and told him the five of them were far too weak to defeat the Infershia. Wolzard's shield opens, and power licks his feet, black magic swirls around him and then coils into his body. And he swears this will be the last day.

Lunagel is with the five, back in their hidden home. Mandora-boy is swooning, dancing around in front of her, delighted that the famous Lunagel is here. Houka hastily snatches him up, worried by the expression ont he woman's face, stone stillness. She was Rin.... Kai shoves Houka out of the way. Furious, he demands to know what she was... um, interfering with them for, calling her Rin. She reminds him that he had said she didn't have to drink the potion because he'd seen her crying. But, she points out, it had to be drunk by her. Urara moves to defend Kai's compassion, but Lunagel counters that such compassion is dangerous in battle. This sets off Tsubasa, who is smarting under the insult and he grabs her shoulder. She twitches free of his grip. And begins to tell them about their father, Braygel. He was never weak like this in a battle. Hearing their father brought up rather shakes them, Kai echoes. Urara repeates, "Braygel?" Makito says softly, "So that was Father's Heavenly Saint name." Kai gasps, "You know our father?" She nods solemnly.

Down in Hades, Branken is blowing a gasket. He bears down on Nai and Mea, They had promised, and now, which of them should be wiped out... he knocks them back. They stumble, then something like an enormous, red mouth lands behind them as though to swallow them up. The pair start to panic and clutch each other, wailing. They scuttle back towards Branken, look at each other in distress, then take a step back and point at each other. "Then it's together!" he snarls and draws back his blade to strike. They wail. And then Wolzard drops between them and the brown-toothed mouth. A flow of black and violet power sends the beast fleeing. Wolzard stands. Nai and Mea race to the shelter of his tall form, telling him how great it is he's here. Branken lunges forward, shoves them away from Wolzard and demands to know what he thinks he's doing. But, as ever, N Ma interrupts the male posturing. Branken and Wolzard move to the edge of the pool, saluting him. His power flows into Branken's sword and Wolzard's shield. Wolzard says what he's receiving, a command to go at the five wizard-pups. Destroy the Gate Key. Branken realizes that then the gate will open. And they will be able to go out of Hades, into the world above! He cackles with glee. Wolzard utters an amused snort and turns away. "For Lord N Ma."

Lunagel still speaks of Braygel. His power in battle. And the battle against N Ma wherein they lost him. When Makito asks about N Ma, she points out he is the ruler of the Infershia. Fifteen years ago, tentacles in a pool of thick, red liquid... to stop the enormous darkness, the gate closed. Braygel, in cape and helm, bearing a faint resemblance to the silhouette of MagiShine, heads into the deep red atmosphere. Alone, bearing his mighty blade, he turned and pulled the doors the rest of the way shut with his power. Lunagel had run frantically to help her fellow warrior, cried his name as the gates shut, and he had told her she'd only get in his way (be a drag on him). And so this, without care for the pain of those left behind, is what she holds to evidence that compassion is useless. And this weakness of theirs is why she thinks they can't be good enough. Houka still holds Mandora-boy, and is troubled by this image of their father. Makito notes softly that this is sterness is eternal. And that, Lunagel tells them, is how the Key-magic came to her. "Key magic?" asks Tsubasa. Mandora-boy clarifies, explaining about how someone's life can become the power of the key, but if she returns to Magitopia... he trails off. And Lunagel clarifies what had happened next. She had sealed the gate, locked it off. And as she took a breath and lowered her head in mourning for Braygel, someone stepped in front of her. Raigel. Heavily cloaked, another Heaven Saint, he swung his staff at her and she screamed. And then she forgot everything. She wandered Japan, or perhaps New Zealand, for fifteen years. Empty and alone in crowds. Urara points out that they must have been searching for her all this time. Why hadn't she run away? Before they can really get into that, a crackle of energy flicks painfully across Kai's mind. Lunagel has picked it up, too. As he, so she hears Wolzard calling, "Red Magi." "Wolzard!" gasps Kai. Lunagel notes that this is Enka(n) Magic. Makito asks, "He's coming again?" Lunagel responds before Kai can say anything, noting that the time has come. The Gate Key is being summoned. Out where he is, Wolzard continues to call his challenge. Lunagel's eyes blaze. "The Infershia wizard... it has to be Raigel!" She whirls away.

She strides through the forest, and the Magiranger hurry to catch up with her. Kai calls, "What are you going to do?" She stops and says coldly, "I'm going to fight the betrayer." Urara anxiously points out that perhaps this is not the best course of action for the key to take (paraphrasing seriously) and Tsubasa supporst that statement. Kai adds, "We'll fight him. But Rin, you have to hurry to Magitopia!" Houka nods firm agreement. Clenching her hands into fists, Lunagel snaps, "You're too weak! You can't defeat him." (shows what SHE knows) While four of them take breaths to dispute her statement, Makito decides to cut to the chase. "Then we're going with you. You aren't alone, we're with you." Lunagel turns to them. "You'll only get in my way," she says, quoting their father to her so long ago. They gasp in hurt, but Kai steps forward, snarling, "What are you saying? That's idiotic!" But she summons her staff into her hand and sweeps power out at them. They shield reflexively and fall to the ground under the impact of her power. Eyes burning, she calls a spell which reminds me of Wolzard's magic. With the power she summons, she centers them in her sights and outlines a shining rectangle in the air. She swoops it out, and it becomes a pair of white, double-doors which swing open. Sheer, shining whiteness, sucking the five siblings in. The doors shut behind them and vanish. She lowers her staff and comments, "There only strictness will get you out." And more about their father. The five shake themselves, looking around. There is only whiteness, unending. "Where are we?!" Houka whines.

Wolzard stands, patiently waiting. And then, blue-white bolts of light fall on his position. He doesn't move a muscle. He simply stands until the smoke clears. Lunagel, holding her staff high, looks coldly furious and breathes out angrily. "The Gate-key?" asks Wolzard, taking a startled step. "Alone?" "Betrayer Raigel!" she shouts at him. They face each other.

Trapped in the white space, Makito tries to use his MagiPhone to reach Mandora-boy. It doesn't work, there is only (hahah) white noise. He calls to the others, "It looks like we can't use magic in here." Urara is upset. "But if we don't get out of here soon, Rin will..." she trails off. Houka comes over to her and points out, "But there's no exit at all." Tsubasa utters a silent sigh and looks around. It is Kai who hears, or merely sees, a magical change. Something seems to rise out of the floor, a faint shadow in the brilliance. A silver item that at first glance seems to be a hammer, with four indents on the handle. But no, it is a lever. Kai reaches to grasp it, and Tsubasa yells a quick warning, causing him to freeze for a second. "You don't know what it'll do." Kai almost gulps, but says he thinks it turns. And so he takes hold of it, and does turn it. There is a click, and far behind them the doors appear and start to open. Green leaves and forest trail beyond the doors. Kai congratulates himself, and the five start towards the doors. But the doors begin to swing shut, and though they gasp and bolt for it, there is no time. "WHY?!" wails Kai.

Lunagel tries a more direct attack. Wolzard is forced a step or two back by her blasts, but retakes the lost ground. He seems to mostly be letting her go at him. Her staff elongates and she uses it to strike. He is again forced sliding back, and she's clearly beginning to get on his nerves. When he snaps at her, she shows him her true power in another blast the engulfs his position.

The five gather around the lever. Tsubasa turns it. The doors open. He releases the lever. The doors swing shut and vanish again. "Well, that's it," he says coolly. "Whoever opens the door has to get out quick. Or not at all." Urara anxiously notes that this means someone is going to have to stay behind. This idea doesn't please them. But there is a sudden negative flash, a hum of new power. They gasp as the stand beneath their hands shimmers blue-white, and then they are pushed back. The stand is engulfed in a column of pale, blue light. "What's this?" whimpers Houka. She tentatively reaches her hand out to touch it. Urara grasps her arm quickly. "Wait, Houka-chan!" She pulls a small handcloth from her pocket, takes a breath and throws it into the column. It is incinerated the moment it touches. All five of them gasp in horror at this new change. And Tsubasa notes what one of them would have to risk to get the doors open. Kai grumbles about strictness. Houka whines, then says eagerly that they can just wait, for after Rin battles Wolzard, she'll surely come back and let them out, right? Makito starts to agree that they have no choice, but Kai blows up. "Rin didn't change!" He's anxious about her facing Wolzard. "We have to get out and fight the Infershia!" Pride struck, Tsubasa grabs him and snarls the fact that one of them will have to risk this then, and they can't even use their magic! Houka worries about him.

Wolzard's hit pretty hard by Lunagel's blasts. He is driven to his knees. She tries a lunar-arc of blue light, hitting him again. "Did it!" she gasps. But then the blast and fire is sucked into the eye in Wolzard's shield. Lunagel is stunned. Wolzard is clearly getting pissed. "Is this the power of the Heaven Saints?" he sneers. Vankyuria, watching the battle from the sidelines, is starting to wonder about him. But now he goes on the offensive, sending the energy wolves from his body at Lunagel. She braces her staff and power to hold them off, but a flash from the shield enhances them, and she is blasted back. She falls, and he demands she show her power. And so she does. A swoop of her staff, and she becomes her enhanced form, which then expands to giant size. Wolzard is amused. He then calls for his giant form, by way of combining with Valkyrion. So it is that he is in WolKaiser form. Thus the two mighty warriors face each other. Birds fly from the field of battle, and they fight viciously. She's not bad. She catches him in an energy rope. Down below, Vankyuria calls, "What are you doing, Wolzard? Going to let yourself be defeated?" Lunagel uses her Moonlight Circle attack. The golden light flies at WolKaiser, but he channels his power and bursts free of the energy rope she held him in. Thus is he able to brace his blade to absorb the impact of her attack. It makes him slide a few steps back, but soon he is able to push forward, and slash the attack to pieces. Lunagel notes in shock that he's defeated the Moonlight Circle. And Wolzard is interested, now, in her power. He says he's finished playing. Now blackness crackles from his blade, and he strikes her with the dark power. She gets out of it the only way she can think to, by powering down. Their battle has taken them into developed areas, and she falls onto cement. She is injured enough that getting up is too painful. Wolzard draws his blade. "There's no escape," he tells her, bearing down on her. Vankyuria still follows the battle, landing above them to watch the action, happy that the countdown has begun, the Infershia will be free!

Able to monitor all this back home, Mandora-boy goes into panic mode. And the others? They are sullen in the whitenss. Kai stands near the pillar of blue light. He thinks about that time and their father. Makito glances around at Kai's muttering, but is not close enough to stop his baby brother, who snarls, "If father did it..!" Kai leaps forward into the blue light. "Kai!" Makito screams, lunging after him. The other three leap to their feet. Kai goes up in flames the moment he enters the field, screaming. But he closes his blazing fist on the handle and opens the doors.

Lunagel faces her death bravely, Wolzard's blade aimed at her throat. "Gate-key," he says calmly, "You go out." He swings back his blade to strike, her eyes go wide. But before he can connect, he is hit by a blast. "What?!" he snarls, turning his head. A pink ball with gold and black markings comes flying at him. He is knocked back from Lunagel. And the ball lands as a pink-armored girl. Four of the five Magiranger are there. "So you came!" Wolzard snaps. Lunagel is stunned to see them. "You must've..." she murmers. And the Red Mage suddenly leaps into the picture. The girls whirl, bracing their hands to give him something to bounce off of. He calls for the Magi Gloves and bounces next off his brothers' hands, flaming into Wolzard. Lunagel watches in complete and total shock and he pauses in mid-gloat about courage to turn and ask if she's all right. "Why..?" she wonders (as in them being there). He drops his armor and squats down in front of her, and explains with a tender smile, "Because I believe in gentleness." She does not understand. Kai, in the pillar of flame, turned the handle. The doors opened as his siblings cried his name and swept around them. All five of them had been released. The flames were out as though they'd never been, but Kai collapsed on the leafy forest floor. His brothers and sisters, once realizing they were out, tore over to him, Houka anxious about what he'd done. But Kai says this was what he's expected. And he explains to Lunagel that he remembered Rin and how kind she was. And how they couldn't figure out how to get out of that white world she'd put them in. He'd decided that that flame would not truly have burned him. "You thought we were too weak to take the risk, didn't you?" he asks her. Unable to meet his eyes, she affirms that with a sound. She resents, though, what she regards as an accusation about it being because she is gentle. He startles her by arguing that. When she is bewildered, he straightens to his feet and explains somewhat bitterly, "You told us our father had thrown out kindness, but you're totally wrong." For it was because he was a kind man that he'd acted for Rin's sake. She stares at Kai in bewilderment and asks in a small voice, "Braygel was kind?" Kai nods firmly and meets her gaze. "Because he was trying to protect your future, he was kind." Kai drops to one knee so he can meet her eyes again, explains more about what Rin had succeeded in, clapping her shoulder affectionately. It's sinking in as she mutters shakily, "Braygel was truly kind." Kai agrees, and clarifies. A tear rolls down Lunagel's cheek and hits her wrist beside the bell, which rings softly. She'd never allowed herself to think about that kindness. The Magiranger group confirm, and Kai reaches out his hand for her. She dazedly reaches to take it, when a howling blast cuts across her wrist, destroying the clasp holding the bell onto her bracelet and sending it flying. Up, into the air, where it shatters into bits. The Magiranger and Lanagel gasp.

The sky turns dark. Kai helps her, we might as well just give up and call her Rin, to her feet. And along the sky a dark mountain range rises. No, not a mountain range. The wall in which the Gate holding the Infershia in Hades sits. Our heroes gasp in shock. A skyscraper is torn in half, the upper part falls and crushes roads below. "Mefumon!" gasps Rin. Tsubasa whispers, "That's big. That's way too big." Urara calls it Mefumon, too. oh, I'll look it up later. The skies clear. The wall stands in bright daylight. Vanyuria, still content to merely watch, is delighted. She also identifies it. Urara anxiously asks if the gate is open, but Rin counters that it's not. "They don't have my-" she starts. But Makito shouts, "Look!" Above the gate, a stone beast glows, then is free. Silver, tailed, gargoyle or demon with great yellow eyes. Oh, it's a Gargoyle. It leaps down and shrieks a challenge. It's eyes flash. Kai and Rin dive one direction, the rest the other as a blast goes off behind them. And a purple-armored hand grabs Rin by the nape of her neck. It is Wolzard, and he has her pinned against his body as Kai climbs back to his feet. "Let Rin go!" Kai shouts and charges. Wolzard calmly shoves the boy back with his shield. The others gather around him, but Wolzard is not intersted. He is taking off with Rin in order to open the gate. A magic circle brightens under his feet, and the two disappear down into it. Right over it the Gargoyle stomps, preventing the five from getting close enough to do anything. Wolzard's voice in the air commands the Gargoyle to attack them. They change into armor and go giant to fight the beast as Magiking. The Gargoyle charges them, and they lock weapons with it. It forces them back. Houka notes it is a really powerful beast. So they use their best attack, but every time they try to strike, it moves so swiftly they miss. They don't have such luck. It strikes them, sending them back against the gate itself. When they hit, red lightning flashes in the place they pilot. Kai keeps them going, though. But when they are about to charge forward, something stops them. They whirl to find a blade familiar to them and us forcing the gate open. They are scared, for they know this to be tremendously powerful. Below, Vankyuria is practically ecstatic. "Lorn Branken!" He announces himself, and that he is after the Magi brats. Behind them, the Gargoyle approaches, while Branken is still forcing his way through the door They stare uncertainly back and forth at the two menaces, trapped between them.

Today Mandora-boy explains about the Element Power, the spells Magi Magical and Magi Magi Magical, which Kai had used with the boxing gloves to hit Wolzard powerfully. Mandora-boy then adds that the heroes are in quite a pinch! For we can see in the mirror how they stand, trapped between two powerful foes.

Stage. 18 �͂����킹�ā@�`�}�[�W�E�W���}�E�W�[�E�W���K�` Chikara o Awasete Maagi Jiruma Jii Jinga Gather Power
Mist broil on the ground. Rin is chained to a pseudo-cross and being menaced by Wolzard, who says this is the time her life ends. Our heroes fight Branken in the city while that one shots about wiping out the Magi brats. Our heroes, bruised and battered but alive, take counsel with each other in the dark night. Kai in armor fights Wolzard, and gives a good accounting of himself. Branken finds himself fighting the other Magiranger in their giant forms, and they aren't doing so well. But Magi Phoenix arrives on Valkyrion (!) to save the day. Magiking fights Branken again.

Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty

Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty

Stage 19: ���@�̃����v�@�`���[�U�E�U�U���`
Mahou no Ranpu Meeza Zazare
The Magic Lamp

It was a dark and stormy night... fifteen years ago. �n��E in the upper world (Magitopia? They don't say). Rain pours down, catches the light like fire. Blue-white lightning cuts the skies. A man in armor and a cape bolts, skids to a halt on muddy ground. There is another whose armor may be body, scaled up his legs. The lightning crackles on his hand. They face each other and throw bolts of energy from their right hands. The one in the cape throws red, the other white. Ah, the cape is a fireball, the other is yellow lightning. They snarl as they try to push past each others' bolts. "Raigel!" gasps the man in the cape, and goes on to accuse the other of being a traitor to Magitopia. "You're not a Saint!" He shifts his energy to his sword, and the one named Raigel shies back. In a voice not unsimilar to the man's he faces, Raijel mocks. He closes his palm around the power the other had thrown at him and the area grows dark. A flare of fire in his hand, and he calls down the lightning. It splits a tree and one half falls at Raijel's feet. He doesn't look like Wolzard to me at all. The face looks more like a puma in design, great red eyes slanted. He remarks upon N-Ma, and opens his mouth to reveal a row of fangs before he becomes living fire and bears down on the warrior facing him. Frightened, but brave, the man replies that Raijel won't live forever. He raises his hand now, and suddenly becomes a ball of light flaring high into the sky. The two glowing forms attack each other. They collide and bounce off and collide again, and one falls into a cliff. The impact pulverizes stone....

The present, a lovely day over the Ozu Family house. We hear Mandora-Boy's happy voice, "And this one is Venus Mist!" Ah, a book in the hands of young mages. Venus Mist. Greening Hand of God. Musky perfume/C-something. A shrill whine of joy, probably from Houka, as someone flips the page from left to right. Midas Glove. Bacchus Jar. Ah, it is Kai turning the pages. Houka is at his side, while Makito and Tsubasa hover at his back, very interested. Kai is rubbing his hands with glee. Houka is particularly interested in the Venus Mist. She demands of Mandora-boy, snatching him from Makito's arms, that he get that from Magitopia. "But that's impossible!" he protests. He goes on about Magitopia, but behind them is Urara, concentrating on her crystal ball. And suddenly, a shrowd of blackness falls across the reflections. Urara is surprised. She suddenly utters a small cry of fear which brings her four siblings' attention to her. Makito comes over firt. "What's the matter, Urara?" She explains what she's seen in a nervous voice, but that she couldn't actually see it because of the blackness. Makito asks if it's an Infershia attack. Houka whines that she thought it'd be over with Branken gone. "Wait!" Urara demands of them. She considers the ball and says, "I don't think it seems like something bad. I can see a light." Kai, cradling the book, comes forward. "A light?" he asks. We can see the title of the tome in his hands, "An Illustrated Book of Magitopia treasure". She doesn't really not but tells them, "It's really dazzling. Beautiful. Like the sun." And it's something of great worth to them. Kai considers this, then realizes "It's a treasure! A great treasure!" he and Houka are giddy with excitement. It is Tsubasa who wonders where this thing might be.

Out in the woods, a cave cut into stone. In front of it stand Nai and Mea. Nai says, "Here." "Here," agrees Mea, they are both pointing. "To get this for Lord N-Ma we have to break down the Magitopia magic," Nai adds, stepping over and shoving Mea hard towards the cave. Mea stumbles until she collides with a barrier, a Magi spell guarding the entrance. She is caught in a crackle of blue lightning. Nai grumps about that as a pouting Mea comes back to her. "How to get it," she wonders.

Back at their home, the Magiranger stare in surprise as one of their artifacts begins behaving very strangely. What appears to be a box is reshaping itself, practically dancing. And so our heroes have a mystery to pursue.

The woods, the sun moving down in the sky.

Nai and Mea stroll through the woods, guitars in hand. Nai's voice sweet and rich filling the air. "Itsu demo choppiri daikutsu na no" Mea: "Kanpeki sugiru futari nakara." "Always, just a little, great pair," "Too perfect, the two of us." "We are Nai to Mea" (hahah) Nai sings, "Sugi ni Asoba ite" "and soon we'll go play." together they sing, "Jitsu wa tachimachiche(?)" Could be "truly we are waiting," tricky. It is at this point the Magiranger arrive. When they call, the two finish, "Vankyuria." "Why are you singing?" snaps Kai. With a giggle they turn and play, Nai singing "Mou sugu sutekino mono ga te ni hairu no yo" and Mea finishing "Dakara oiwa ni na no yo." Kai echoes uncertainly, "Something great?" Grinning with delight Nai continues her part of the song, "Dakedo goyoseki no" and together "doukutsu ni arute koto wa" then they yelp and cover their mouths whining, "Oh nonono! It's a sec-ret! We're not telling!" they grin with delight and dash off. "Hold it!" yells Kai. He and the others transfer into their armor. Having the time of their lives, the laughing pair glance back over their shoulder and cheerfully laugh, "Let's run away!" Of course they lead the Magiranger straight to the cave. When you want something done right, sucker the heroes into doing it. "They're gone!" snarls Makito. Kai happily says they should go in, and they oblige. Tsubasa worries and calls warning. The magical barrier flickers as they run through it, Tsubasa reaching after them even as he goes through, too. Outside, Nai and Mea peer in and giggle. The Magiranger skitter to a halt, colliding with each other in the blackness. "Hold on, I can't see a thing in this blackness!" protests Kai to Houka's whining. An exasperated Tsubasa lights up the cave with a spell on his wand. Urara finds to her shock a sweet, gorgeous little frog sitting on her writst. It ribbits. "Yiiii!" she screaches and shrieks for Kai as she spins in a circle, stamping her feet yet and flailing around until she trips on a loose rock and falls over. The little frog jumps for safety. Kai and Makito tumble with Urara into another part of the cave. Tsubasa and Houka come in after them, exasperated. Kai scolds his middle/big sister for having hysterics over a little frog. She whines miserably that she hates frogs. But Houka notices something beyond them. It appears to be a mummified creature. It looks to me like the one called Raigel. Houka shrieks with terror and leaps for the safety of Makito, whom she shoves towards the thing. Whatever she said she thinks it was, Tsubasa sighs and pats her shoulder telling her it's not. "It's a mummy," he says. She is still freaked and hangs behind him, clutching his arms, as he and Makito move in for a closer look. Makito wonders, "What kind of a mummy is this?" "Bro, Sis! Look over here!" Kai yelps. He bounces away and they turn to look. He's found something nearly buried on the cave floor. Something blue, with gold that reflects Tsubasa's light. "It's a Magitopia-thing!" Kai crows. He pulls it out of the dust, and it instantly flares light. Under their feet a Magitopia circles, with a sun-theme, appears. The cave shakes beneath them. The glow bathes the mummified Raigel, making him look grotesque. The little frog croaks, watching the excitement. Outside the cave the same glowing symbol flares to life, then shatters. The shaking is over. The glow is gone. The Magiranger stare around in confusion. "What just happened?" Kai asks, coming over to Makito. Who knows? Darkness starts to gather around them. "Ah, that," says a familar voice. Vankyuria has come in, now that they've so kindly destroyed the barrier. They yelp in surprise. She remarks upon their part in this and that she wants the thing Kai is holding. Instinctively, he clutches it close. "I'm not giving this to you!" he yells. So she charges them. The others try to stop her but she knocks them aside. She tries to wrestle the object from Kai's hands but he won't let go and gets tumbled aside. The others gather protectively around him. But what does Vankyuria do? She snatches up the mummfied body. "Thanks!" she says and blows a cloud of smoke at the startled five. They are knocked over painfully by explosions. When the smoke clears, she is gone. "She's gone," gasps Makito. Houka wonders, "She took the mummy. But why?" Kai, however, isn't worried about that. He's giddy with delight for he has the... the lamp.

He's not the only one giddy. Mandora-Boy is ecstatic. "That's the Magic Lamp! Magilamp!" "Magic Lamp?" Kai delights. He cradles it. The others appear not to have been able to get it from him since the cave. In the background, Mandora-Boy is excitedly explaining about the lamp, but no one is listening and his voice is lost. Kai has decided to shine it up with his sleeve. Naturally, after a moment of rubbing the lamp flares golden. Then it pops from his hands and starts shaking the dust of years off by itself. It flies willy-nilly about the room, bumping blindly into objects. It knocks Mandora-Boy into Houka's arms and swoops again, it seems bumping Kai's eye, before skipping to a halt on top of the table. They all lean down to stare at it. Suddenly, smoke rises from the spout. It soon coalesces into a shape. A grinning, blue-eyed white cat with golden teeth and a humanoid torso who is facing away from them. Puzzled, the cat wonders why it sees no one. "Hey!" Kai says sharply. "Eh?" the cat turns around and sweeps towards them. Kai stutters a startled, "Who are you?" The cat leans in and sniffs him, then wonders, "You aren't my master. Who are you?" he asks, and pokes Kai's forehead. "What is this master, and what are you?!" With a startled whine, the cat pulls back. "You don't know about me?" he half-wails. "That's no good!" Well, eh will teach them. With a snap of his fingers, he starts the music going. A microphone appears in his hand and the first line is, "Glorious me, named Smokey." "Smoky The Magical Cat" appears in the air trailing his fingers. He sings about the lamp, how it had travelled by boat from Egypt. The magic of wishing. For jewelry. For a feast. For a crowd of expensively dressed tall blond foreigners. In the background is a page of writing that seems unrelated. ""I don't build model r- don't tinker with hot rods own a sailplane or do a lot some people I know do" The Magiranger find themselves seated around the table of jewelry and foods, gold piled below, each with a tall, gorgeous blonde foreigner of the opposite sex catering to them. Houka giggles at hers. But everything changes into multiple little Smoky cats. He gets back to singing, "But you only get one wish!" He whips around Kai until the boy is dizzy and collapses in his arms. Their brooms dance around him, his lamp floats about, too. The number ends. The lamp lands back on the table with a thump. The Magiranger gape at Smoky. In the long moment of silence that follows, the brooms swoop back to their stand. Smoky looks at the stunned five and asks what's with them. He's waiting for them to make their wishes, and Kai goes giddy with excitement. Houka and Makito shove past him and start trying to make their, Makito for his farm, Houka surely for her career. Kai babbles above them until Smoky furiously shrieks at them. "I said only ONE WISH!" he bellows. They startle back. Tsubasa has had enough about this, and sternly scolds them. Urara points out there's only one thing they should wish for. And they all agree. As one they turn, even Mandora-Boy, and announce "Defeat the Infershia!" "Impossible," he states firmly. As they startled group collapse, Smoky retreats to his lamp. Kai throws a fit and starts trying to shake him out. Finally, Smoky pops his head out the lamp's cover and glares, says something which surprises them.

Down, down, at the bottom of the world and down... Raigel's mummified body sits on top of the red pool bathed in N-Ma's red glow. Black fire rimmed in red flares up, slashing around. Nai and Mea cringe and cry out. Raigel's body floats, rotating above the red eye now glowing white. His body expands, stretches out until he lands... a sweep of feather lined, white cloak. Golden and blue clothing. Mummy-like wrapping (but more like thick ribbon) hanging from clawed hands. "Thank you, mighty Lord N-Ma." Raigel seems to have undergone a sex-change operation. "I am new!" She holds a feathered fan in her right hand, and strides along beside the pool now glowing white. "I throw out the name Sky Saint Raigel and now... now I think I shall be �����_���@���[�~�B um... Madou Shinkan Meemi. Priest Conductor of Magic.... And her next comment annoys Nai and Mea, who come over to confront her. "Hold on just a minute there, newbie," Nai says. "Surely you're not going it alone?" Mea echoes her. And Nai continues, "Branken was defeated. Wolzard hasn't returned. WE are Infershia's number two!" "We are!" Mea agrees. "Dousa Mezara," Meemi says softly. And the pair are shrunk in a ball of light, until they become big red centipedes with their own heads. They whine and plead, apologizing, until the amused Meemi tolerantly restores them to their natural forms. Nai grumps, "I hate Mages." "I hate 'em," agrees Mea. They grumble, "She's just like those five mage-brats!" That, Meemi hears. "Five mage-brats?" she asks. And she ponders, "Perhaps those are his...." Dismayed by her attention, Nai and Mea assure her she is correct. Meemi is intrigued.

"Aaah!" says Houka. She has a piece of raw fish from sushi in her chopsticks, and she is offering it to a very happy Smoky. "Delicious!" he cries from his lamp. Makito offers up something from his own farm. Delighted, Smoky goes into a spin. "Oh, it's been a long time!" Tsubasa and Kai sit across the table commisserating. But he hears them and turns. "You still upset because I can't grant your wish to defeat the Infershia?" Kai is upset and challenges him, for all the people the Infershia have hurt. This should be his work. And Kai will not forgive the Infershia. For their mother... their father's memory. Smoky sighs and points out quietly, "You know the Infershia are terribly strong?" Kai almost sighs back. "It doesn't matter how strong they are. We have courage and conviction. We will defeat them!" "Courage?" responds Smoky. He sneezes explosively and his lamp spins in Kai's hands. Kai is suffering a face-ful of spittle. Smoky lands on the table and then tells him that he can teach them. But then he says something about from the beginning. They are puzzled, but the conversation is interrupted by a mad whistling sound from the box on the table beyond. "What's that noise?!" gasps Tsubasa. As something explodes, Mandora-Boy quickly explains. Smoky notes that this is bad, and ducks down into his lamp. Kai picks it up. Kai is trying to charge off with the others, and Smoky struggles to pull free. Kai manages to drag him out.

In the city, a black cloud boils near the sidewalk. Lightning crackles from it. There are no people around. The Magiranger arrive in their armor, Smoky struggling to get out of Kai's hands. They stop and stare, unnerved. Smoky pokes his head up. "That smell...! It must be Raigel!" he is trembling. That name gets their attention. "Raigel?" Makito echoes. "The traitor Sky-Saint!" His hands ball into fists. The air fills with high-pitched laughter. Smoky cries out and ducks back into his lamp. "Oh, I've thrown away the identity Raigel," announces a voice from the blackness. Meemi settles down in front of them and introduces her/himself. "And I am the new leader of the Infershia." Kai growls a furious, "And that's magic? You and Wolzard," and something about using magic for evil. Meemi explains happily about the joy of giving that power to N-Ma. About giving the whole upper world to N-Ma. The Magiranger, Kai their voice, will not let this happen. "Za-zaado," Meemi says calmly. A blast of power from her staff knocks the group off their feet. Kai quickly turns to Smoky for help. Smoky does not want to do this. Kai demands it of him. "I said impossible, impossible!" and Smoky slips loose of Kai's hold. He flees and Kai decides to go it without him, charging Meemi, who vanishes before his strikes. "Come out!" he shrieks in fury. "I'm here." She touches his helmet when he whirls and blasts him back with a spell. Makito goes at her next, calling on vines which whip out and pull Meemi off her feet. "How's that?!" he yells. "Me mejira," she says calmly. The vines fall apart off of her. Makito is stunned as she settles down again. "Me megaro," she says. The vines this time come at Makito and bind him. She blasts him down. Now it is Houka, who transforms into a fan. Amused, Meemi says "Meira mazaado." She, too, is now a fan and a taller one at that. She blows Houka away. Urara attacks with a blast of water. Meemi turns it into a tornado which sweeps Urara high in the sky and drops her. Tsubasa calls down the lightning, but Meemi catches it on her staff and strikes him with it, enhanced by blackness. Kai, though, in a fury, calls for the fire and swoops in at her with blazing wings. This only serves to amuse. She puts out the fire the moment his blade touches her staff. "What cute magic!" she laughs. She blasts him away in the ball of fire he was. He lands painfully with his siblings. Smoky is watching from dubious safety. He thinks they're fools. Meemi isn't really impressed, and decides for now to bring an ending. She sweeps herself into giant form and Smoky shakes with terror. But our brave heroes transform into MagiKing. Only they find that Meemi towers over their own mighty form. Heck, her foot is bigger than they are. She kicks them across the city. They land painfully. Houka cries, "Too big!" but Kai directs the battle, getting them up and calling for greater power. They take flight and come at her. She bats them out of the sky like a fly. There goes a building. And now she calls down the lightning upon our fallen heroes. Will they die here? Of course not. "Magiranger!" cries Smoky. But they are getting back up, driven by the courage of five young people. Smoky gazes intently as they engage their power and take flight again. Meemi prepares to smash them from the sky. Smoky says "Well, I guess that's it," and ducks back into his Lamp. Out billows the smoke. He has come in answer to their courage, growing into an enormous being. "Smoky!" gasps Kai as he looms over them. "You!" gasps Meemi. She is startled when he raises his clawed paw and ducks reflexively with a gasp. For he opens his hands and out swoops the tiny MagiKing, slashing Meemi in the eyes. She is startled, and quite pissed, but when she tries to strike, finds she can't. Her integrity has been damaged. She leaves the field of battle, and Smoky giggles smugly.

Now the Magiranger walk home, Smoky's lamp in Urara's hands. He is amused by them, and Makito turns and thanks him gravely for coming to their aid. Kai asks, "But why did you keep refusing to fight?" Smoky responds that he could hardly fight when they didn't really need him. He tries to pull loose of their hands, points out that their wish cannot be for him to defeat the Infershia. With a delighted grin, Urara points out that Smoky must be the sun-like glowing being she'd seen in the crystal ball. He is stunned to hear her say that. "Sun?" he stutters. Realizing he is shocked, they are intrigued. Tsubasa notes, "Well if that's not you...." Houka remembers he'd mentioned a master when he'd first come out of the lamp. "So, who's are you?" He is in no way going to tell them, and they have again a battle on their hands to keep him with them. They are half-pulled, half-jogging away. They have not noticed the tiny green frog watching them from the edge of a fountain.

Nai and Mea are here today to explain the spell "Meeza zazare". It was all about Meemi. But the pair are in agreement. They really don't like her at all. When she arrives near them, though, they are quick to pretend they do like her. Not that she's fooled at all, I'm certain.

Stage. 20 �L�X���ăP���@�`�S�[���E�S���E�S���f�B�[���` Kisu shite kero Gooru Goru Gorudiiro Kiss Me, Ribbit
In our next episode, Nai and Mea flinch as confetti rains down upon them. A new creature with squeezebox blue and silver arms. It bashes Kai back into his siblings, Magi Gloves rendered useless. Kai feuds with Smoky, Makito glowers with arms folded. The tiny green frog climbs atop Urara's crystal ball causing her to shriek and leap back. She has a glass of water she holds out in a shaking hand. The frog sits disconsolate on the wet ground. Urara looks like she's come ot a horrified realization. And a new face appears on the show. One with a card. The face of the man who is Magi Shine, last seen fighting Raigel fifteen years ago. Looks like the Magi Lamp doubles as a powerful gun. Urara holds the frog on her fingers, gravely staring at it. "I have to kiss it?" High Zobiru out in force to fight. The monster sends them charging. Magi Shine rubs the Lamp. In gun form he fires it at the enemy. Urara in her civvies stands with her armor-clad siblings to watch him fight. He whirls and kicks among the High Zobiru.

Poster for the movie, starts September 3, 2005.

Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty

Stage 20: �L�X���ăP���@�`�S�[���E�S���E�S���f�B�[���`
Kisu shite kero Gooru Goru Gorudiiro
Kiss Me, Ribbit

Another sunny morning over the Ozu home. Inside, however: "Hey! You third-born boy!" demands Smoky, who is poking his head out of his lamp. The five are in front of him, Makito and Tsubasa sitting down, Kai standing betwen them, the girls standing behind him. Orange juice is the order of the day for each. Makito looks up at Kai and points out, "I'm the first-born boy." Houka notes, as Kai follows slowly (he must not be a morning person) "First-born girl here." Urara says "Second-born," and Tsubasa says of course, "Second-born boy." He indicates Kai with a spread hand. Kai touches his chin saying, "Third-born." It hits him then, "Ah, that's me!" The other make agreeing sound. Kai sputters at Smoky, "Call me by name!" Smokey wriggles and says "Whatever. Pick me up a bit!" Kai grumbles, "Why?" and comes sullenly around to oblige. "Okay, picked you up." With a click, the lamp suddenly switches down. Out of the end pokes the fine barrel of a gun. All five gasp in delight. Smoky explains that they can use him in this form to fight the Infershia. They all gather around to get a closer look. "This is the Magi-Lamp Buster!" he tells them. Kai gasps, "Oh this is great!" handling the weapon with fascination. Smoky adds more, then drop down inside, closing the lamp. "Right," says Kai. "Let's go!" He lightly rubs the silver area below the cap, then raises the weapon and takes aim. At what? At his banner. He squeezes the trigger. There is a roar, and then the lamp convulses in his hands, expanding and shrinking to normal. Smoky pops his head out er, smoking and coughing. Kai winces at the smoke and asks, "What happened? You're broken!" An indignant Smoky snaps, "That's not it! You don't have the magic to use me yet!" That hits Kai's temper, and he pushes Smoky's lid shut with a click. He rubs the lamp again, takes aim with a smug smile. His siblings watch nervously. Again there is the frightful impact. We see that the whole house puffs out with an unsettled response and hear Smoky's shriek. A delicate, green frog watches the house from the stem of a leaf. He croaks worriedly.

At the bottom of the world, down a deep, ringed hole to the bottom of Hades we go. There we see Meemi, recalling happier days when er... he'd fought Bragel. But now HE is the leader of the Infershia! He spins lightly. Nearby, Nai and Mea sit with their chins on their palms, watching every move. "Douzane, Mejira (could be na)." From his fan/wand springs a magical circle, violet. From that circle slowly falls another Infershia. Nai and Mea watch with their mouths hanging open as this one falls to the floor. Blue and silver, strange arms. Gasping, taking in the solidity of the cavern floor, he gasps, "Where am I? I... I've been reborn!" He has indeed, Meemi informs him, for he'd made a contract with the darkness. He is Meijuujin Gremlin, Garimu. Smallish, gray eyes, no nose to speak of but a jaw full of small, sharp teeth. He gladly greets his lord. Nai and Mea are delighted. Nai gasps, "Isn't that Garimu!" Mea and she hop up and mince over to him, "Long time no see!" He turns and we see he wears or has tails. "Oh, why this is Lady Nai, and Lady Mea!" He reaches for Nai's proferred hand and shakes it. But when they do that, his own hand pops off. The girls are startled and dismayed. They squeak and hop back together. Then his hand squeezes Nai's and pops! Colorful confetti andces around their heads. The realization that nothing horrible happened hits them slowly. Garimu laughs gleefully. Nai and Mea are pulling the confetti off of their heads muttering, "I'd forgotten," it seems, that he's a practical joker. He seems a little surprised that they aren't laughing. Meemi turns away saying softly, "Garimu." He comes at once to attention. Orders, for his strategic talents are needed. Meemi utters another spell and Garimu's right hand is surrounded by shining light. When it flares and vanishes, he finds he holds something rather pen-like. "Of course," he says firmly. "This'll be interesting." "Mei zazare," says Meemi, and a portal appears above Garimu. It swipes down and he is gone. "Come back after," Nai and Mea call. They don't sound enthused. Meemi moves to the edge of the pool, which now shines white. He goes down on one knee and speaks of Branken, and of plans for N Ma's perfect restoration? And also of prophecies... N Ma responds, a distant rumble and the pool turns red. "It is my strategy," Meemi says.

Garimu in the upper world, is very pleased with what Meemi gave him. It is indeed a pen, and with it he will... need ink? Uh-oh. He goes off now. An unsuspecting woman crosses a walkway. Something suddenly hit her shoulder and she turns. It is a hammer, the end now of Garimu's right squeezebox arm. He swoops down behind her, pulling the frightened woman close. Before she can struggle, he'd grabbed her ankle and drops her so she hangs precariously above the road she was just crossing over. She screams. "HELP ME!" A driver sees her hanging in front of him and gasps, starting to hit the brakes. But a sea-green hand with red claws touches his arm. Garimu is in the car with him, making it swerve out of control. But the woman is hanging high enough the the car passes under her safely. However, it collides with a light pole and someone utters a cry. Garbage bags fly everywhere. The light-pole sways and leans. Garimu is proud, for the pen is filling with ink. Human terror? For neither person is dead, just terrified. With a crow of delight, he reaches out with one arm the end of which has become bolt cutters. He snaps a powerline in two. One end falls perilously close to the shaken driver, who'd crawled out of his car. There is liquid on the ground, perhaps supposed to be gas. Electricity crackles along the ground. Garimu is gleeful, enjoying the chaos. The man cringes and curls back. We don't get to really see the explosion as they switch over.

The lamp puffs out again, for Kai is still trying to get it to fire. This time it falls to the table, and Smoky is not a happy camper. Neither is Kai. He's trying to fire again when he realizes his hand is empty. Stars swirl around Smoky's head. Mandora-boy, watching from a shelf, says "He's fainted." Kai notices and looks somewhat guilty. But then his MagiPhone calls. He opens it, magic sparkling.

Out in the city, construction works flee the approaching Garimu, who dances along. He happily settles down on the cement and starts to write or draw something. The ink is red, like blood. A symbol which could vaguely be called the Katakana �G e. "Right! This is okay, Wow!" Garimu delights. He bounces and starts to strut off when we hear Kai shout, "Infershia!" Garimu seems a bit surprised by the five people rushing towards him. They skid to a halt and Urara demands "Why'd you write that?" "Huh?" asks Garimu. He glances down at the symbol and replies gleefully, "To make it easy!" Makito utters a stunned, "This one can talk!" Garimu replies that this is totally fun and something. Kai, though bewildered, snaps back that they won't let him get away with whatever he's up to. Into their armor they transform. Suitably unimpressed, Garimu says, "So you want to play with me? Ah, but I'm busy now." He indicates the pen with a flick of his hand. Kai calls for the MagiGloves. He chards Garimu, who spins in place. And when Kai punches, Garimu drops out of reach, disappearing into the ground. Kai is caught in the explosion of the cannister he'd hit. The other four gasp in surprise. Snarling with fury, Kai leaps back to his feet and whirls, but not fast enough to stop Garimu from grabbing him by the throat with his right extended arm. Garimu cackles as Kai struggles, then pushes him back, through the others who fall and finally drops him. Makito and Tsubasa leap at the giggling Garimu, who uses his hammer this time to knock them back. The girls race to them. Urara leaps in front to attack, but Garimu dives into the cement ground as though it is water, reality rippling behind him. The four are startled and look around. They can hear his voice, "Looking for me? Here, here!" He bears at them, only torso above the rippling ground, knocking the four willy-nilly. Kai races back to them. "You all right?" But here comes Garimu again. With his hammer, he bops each one of them on the head, making them see stars now. They sqaut, rubbing their poor helmets and looking back indignantly at him as he lands. He giggles and calls, "This way, this way! Come on!" He leaps away. Always his right arm is the one that changes. In cutter-form he uses it to grab a girder hanging from a crane. But someone fires at him, his hand breaks loose and he falls. They charge after him. Kai shouts, "This is as far as you guy!" He replies, "Well that was dangerous. BUT all five of you together still can't catch me!" As Kai snarls, he mocks them. Furious, Urara and Kai lead the charge towards him. Before they can get close, the green frog drops out of nowhere on top of a small pile of broken glass. The sun reflects off of it with brilliant light that blinds them briefly. Thank heavens, for Garimu's claw up above snaps the wires holding the girder. It falls where they would have been, landing with such an impact it splits in two. The startled Magiranger realize what almost happened. Well, that hadn't worked. So Garimu reaches out, always his right arm, and leaps away. They all are angry, but Kai is most vocal about it as they release their armor. Makito breathes, "That was dangerous." Urara asks softly, "But where did that bright light come from?" Kai suddenly gasps and calls to them, pointing. The small scattered bits of broken glass. The delicate green frog atop one piece, watching them. It croaks. "A frog?" wonders Kai. Urara shrieks, startling the others but she is only having hysterics. "I hate frogs!" she cries, ducking behind Makito for protection. Kai grins and trots forward, Houka on his heels. Tsubasa behind them frowns and complains, "You trying to say that frog helped us?" Houka is picking the frog up. "He's so cute!" she says happily. Kai is also getting a better look. "It's a frog!" Houka tells them. The frog sits calmly on her fingers. Suddenly, Urara hears a distant, distorted voice that, though garbled, seems to say "Kiss me." She straightens up and looks around. Makito turns to her, "What's the matter, Urara?" Still nervously clutching his arm she replies, "No, it's nothing." But she is confused.

Back at the house, Mandora-Boy is telling them "That was not a monster. Perhaps it was a human-monster." The three boys are puzzled and echo, "Human monster?" Beyond them, Urara has her wand out and is concentrating on her crystal ball. She is taking notes while Mandora-Boy explains about the greater intelligence of this type. Kai mutters, "Human monsters. So they have those, too." Smoky pops his head up. "That's the power of Meemi's dark magic." Mandora-Boy requests him to go on. He tells them that the Infershia are getting stronger, expanding their powers. "That's why you're going to need to use the Magi Lamp Buster." Houka is dancing around in the background, carrying a plant. Kai, upset, grabs the lamp and gets in a short exchange. But they still can't use it yet. They don't have the magic. Ah, Houka is prettying up the tank for the frog. He is currently hanging onto the wall. And when Smoky sees him, the genie utters a shriek of its own and tries to pull away from Kai, who hangs on tight. "It's a frog!" cries Smoky. Houka looks over cheerfully. "From today, this frog is a member of the family, his name is Hikaru!" The frog croaks. Tsubasa's lip twists. "Hikaru?" he asks. Houka confirms and talks to the frog. "When you helped us, that showed you're our patron (like mascot?)! So from now on you live here." She turns back to them and says, "So you know it was that flash of light that helped us, and therefore he is Hikaru!" Smoky ducks his head and glowers from beneath the lamp-cap. "This is a disaster," he hisses softly. Mandora-Boy is curious. "What's wrong?" Smoky squeaks, "Nothing!" and dives inside. Puzzled, Kai shakes the lamp. Makito decides to try a different tack. "How's it going, Urara? Did you figure it out yet?" She silently hands him her notes. Kai asks if it's all the clues or something, and she confirms. Makito considers the notes. Urara tells them she's trying to figure out what the Infershia Human-monster is up to. Makito passes the notes on to Tsubasa. There are three symbols. On the first, looks more like at arrow with two back ends. The second a bit like a Z. Thie third vaguely like a backwards 6. "So there are three," worries Tsubasa. But Urara still cannot see what the plan is. Houka suddenly finds that Hikaru has vanished. He hops across the room to land on Urara's crystal ball, causing a predictable round of hysterics from the girl. She flees and grabs Madora Boy as though to throw him at the frog. Mandora-Boy is quick, offering her a glass of water to calm her nerves. She takes it from him, but before she can sip, the frog hops inside. Houka is delighted, "Why Urara, Hikaru really likes you!" When the frog hops onto her forehead, Urara pulls out her Magiphone. She frantically calls a stream of water, which washes over poor Houka, then the boys and Mandora-Boy. The room begins to fill with water. Not good for the books.

Thus a furious Urara carries Hikaru in his tank outside round the back of the buildings. She is not going to put up with this. "You're going back outside where you belong!" she snaps. She tries to dump the tank out, but Hikaru clings to the floor and croaks. She upends the tank and shakes it violently until he falls out onto the wet ground. "I don't want to see you again!" she snaps, and walks away with the tank. The frog croaks miserably, and she starts to feel guilty. She turns around. "Oh, don't look at me like that!" He continues to do so, though.

The day continues. Peole walk along on their way to work, or lunch, or whatever. Garimu lands amidst them. Startled, the people scatter and run for it. He greets them happily, and the screaming starts. "Well, this is bothersome," he says amusedly. Then he gets down to the business of writing another symbol. Down in Hades, Meemi watches him in the fan. Vankyuria is also watching. Meemi urges him to hurry.

The frog looks up at Urara, croaking. Urara half sighs and gently uses a stick to force him to hop away. "I know it's bad of me, but I just can't live with you. When we were kids, my little brother used to wander off and tease me with frogs. And so I've hated them since." As he hops back towards her she hears that garbled voice again, pleading "Kiss me." Puzzled, she looks around. And it slowly occurs to her... "Perhaps that's you?" The frog croaks. "Oh, I don't like you, can't kiss you," she says sympathetically. Then she laughs sheepishly. "Oh, I look like a fool. You're only a frog." She gets ready to go back, then looks at the symbol she'd traces in the much chasing the frog around. She thinks, it's a square, with four sides. "That's it!" she gasps aloud and charges off.

Garimu is painting another symbol. He pauses in the midst of his work to gloat. "Hold on!" calls Urara. He looks up. She has arrived at the head of the group, all in armor, and uses her wand to send a blast of water forcing Garimu away from the symbol. The water washes the symbol away. Urara points out as he clambers to his feet, "I got it, your secret. It's a puzzle." He is surprised, but she says "I remembered. Just like Wolzard used to do. Four symbols." And they'd located where he'd planted the other two, and so figuring out the location of the fourth was easy. He's been preparing the four corners of a lauge magical circle. And she wants to know what would happen if he finished it. Well, he replies that it would allow Meemi to annihilate all the humans (within that area). "What?" gasps Makito. Kai starts to lead the charge when Garimu says urgently, "Now wait a minute!" For he's got still more to say. Out springs his right arm towards Kai, "Shake my hand!" Startled, Kai looks at the others "What - " he starts, but Garimu changes his hand to hammer form, and bops Kai atop the head. Then Makito, Tsubasa, Houka and Urara. They all squeak in pain. Kai snarls, "What's WITH this guy?" Of course, Garimu cackles. He thinks beating them again will be no trouble. From his left hand, now, he sends out a bolt of blue-white lightning to hit the group. They fall painfully and he laughs. "Oh you are totally unforgivable!" snarls Urara, getting back to her feet. She charges, leaps with her wand but before she can connect, he swings his hammer-hand up to hit her and she cries out in pain, landing hard on her back. He grabs her throat quickly, lifting her up. The other four struggle to their feet. Garimu tosses her towards them. Boy, Urara's really getting it this time. For her armor drops and she coughs in pain. Before she can get up, though, Garimu has his cutting hand out and pointed at her head. "Sis!" yelps Kai. Garimu draws his hand back to strike! Urara closes her eyes. And Hikaru the frog comes flying in and lands on Garimu's head. The startled human-monster staggers back, reaching for the little thing to tear it off. "What's with this frog?!" he shouts and tosses it down. A flash of magic as it lands. Urara stares in amazement. Houka gasps, "Eh, it's Hikaru?" But the kids are getting their wind back. Kai leaps and starts fighting Garimu. Urara, however, pays no mind to the battle behind her. She crawls over to Hikaru and lifts him carefully. He's been injured by the fall and sits limply on her fingers. "It was because you tried to help me. Hikaru." He twitches. The other four tussle with Garimu. He is getting some good licks in, though.

She hears again the voice, but it is fainter now. "Kiss me." "I'm sorry," Urara whimpers. She closes her eyes, a tear squeezing out, and moves as though to do just that. She is unaware of Garimu, his cutting hand heading for her head again. She kisses the little frog, and he begins to glow. She gasps and opens her eyes as the golden light brightens. Garimu gasps, too. The others are all startled, looking towards Urara. Meemi, watching, knows what's happening. The glowing frog rises into the air above Urara. The glow flares brighter, extends golden light down. And a form takes shape within it. Gold braid, a blue and gold ring on a finger, strong eyes. Left hand holds a card. Right hand holds a device. Right slips the card into the device's reader with a click. Shoes of black with pink and black soles land on the cement. He turns, "Gogorojika!" he seems to call. The card flares with light. Garimu is caught in it and blasted back. The Magiranger gasp in surprise. Urara turns her gaze up to the man who was a frog. I have to admit, he's on the fine side. He doesn't have the unreal fineness of Gao Silver, but he's good enough. He looks down at her and says, "Your kiss" something something, brushing his hair from his face. Urara gasps, then covers her lips uncertainly as her siblings dash over, still in armor. Houka stutters, "This is the frog?" Tsubasa settles down to make sure Urara is all right, while the other peer at the tall man. He smiles and tells the stuttering Houka, "I am the Sky Saint Sungel." "Sky Saint..." she repeats uncertainly. Her brothers add, "Sungel?" He turns and moves way from them slightly, explaining about the traitor Raigel and the battle, fifteen years ago when he turned the other into a mummy, and had been turned himself into a frog. He'd seen when Vankyuria took Raigel's body. Known when Raigel was reborn as the Infershia Meemi. Added that he'd needed to be kissed by the Blue Mage. Tsubasa utters a knowing sound, while Urara is feeling very shy. Sungel touches Urara's hair to bring her gaze to his. Something about awareness and perfection. But there is something else. He turns, glowering, while the Magiranger stutter in confusion. He is looking through the mirror in their home, very stern. Smoky utters a dismayed sound and starts to slink away past Mandora-Boy. "Where are you going?" asks our plant. Smoky is whimpering, "Just wanted to be free, not caught again." Outside, Sungel utters a firm command. Smoky squawks as his lamp disappears only to reappear in Sungel's hands. "Smoky?" asks Kai in surprise. Sungel smiles, "So, you're looking well, Smoky." "Um, Master," Smoky says weakly, trembling. "Master?" Kai echoes in surprise. Smoky stutters, "Oh, what a long time it's been." "A long time?" Sungel asks. "Oh, no no no. Why, we just saw each other in the magic room." Smoky is trying to beg off, pretend he hadn't know exactly who that frog was. But Sungel is pissed, though not showing it drastically. "So for punishment," he begin as the five Magiranger peer at them, and utters a spell. The lamp takes off like a rocket. They watch it go. However, Garimu is getting annoyed with all this.

Returned from being blasted, he wants a reckoning. He's brought a crowd of High Zobiru with him. The five Magiranger, even though Urara is still in her civvies, position themselve to fight. Sungel has some things to say first, though, about the real form, about using their power, and courage. According to TV-Nihon's translations and I paraphrase, he tells them they are inefficient and too all-over the place to fight effectively. They need to learn. He wants them to watch him fight. And now he transforms, using a card, into his battle form. Quite alovely trnsformation sequence, he snatches the sun from the sky. "Sun Element!" and identifies himself as Magi Shine. The others repeat the name. Smoky falls back into Magi Shine's hand. Garimu sends the High Zobiru in, and Sungel replies by using his blaster. The bolts evade the lesser enemies and blast Garimu, who finds that upsetting. Then Sungel fights his way through the High Zobiru. He is powerful and efficient. Their blasts bounce off of his cape, and he recharges the blaster with rubbings, using different blasts. The others are amazed. Urara, though, looks thoughtful. Garimu tries to escape into the ground, but Sungel's blast finds him anyway and knocks him out of it. Charging Smoky again, he utters a spell "Smoky, Shining Attack!" This time it is the genie itself bursting from the gun, and Garimu is destroyed. "Checkmate," says Sungel. The five Magiranger are impressed. He turns and, with a slight bow, informs the watching Meemi that today's operation is over. "Who IS that guy?" stutters Vankyuria. But Meemi knows very well who he is. He gets up and snarls, "Damn you Sungel no, MagiShine!" For Meemi has his own resentments about having been mummified.

So, they've brought Sungel home. He tells them happily, "From today on, I'll be your magic-teacher." After a moment, all five of them utter a protesting "EH?!" Well, except Houka who looks pleased. "Magic-teacher?" But he continues. "Point one: in order to fight the Infershia," and some more stuff but just a reiteration of the fact that he's going to teach them. Kai is reacting indignantly, about him just moving in like this. He says that "Well, it's what the girl said," looking at Houka. She says, "Who, me?" He smiles and reminds her, "You said, From today, this frog is a member of the family, and his name is Hikaru!" Houka grins and says, "Ah!" Kai growls indignantly at her. "Of course, my real name is Sungel but..." he nods and winks at Houka, "Hikaru is fine." Urara, half-hiding behind Makito's shoulder, is not happy. She closes her eyes and turns away. Curious, he steps forward "What's this? Urara, you don't look happy." She shivers and faces away from him, arms clutched to her chest. He lightly remarks her saying (TV-nihon, good folks) to the frog that she can't kiss someone she doesn't like, SO she must like him. Then asks if that's not the problem. Perhaps it's not, for she turns towards her, expression furious and tries to slap him, but he's slides back just enough and poor Makito is the recipient. Smirking slightly, Hikaru moves away with insincere apologies to pick up Smoky. He tells them it's all good and to please welcome him. Houka is happy. Kai, Tsubasa and Makito upset. Urara, still utterly furious. He brushes a lock of hair off his face again and pets Smoky's lamp, ignoring their upset.

It is Sungel, or Hikaru, who introduces the spell this time. Gooru Goru Gorudiiro. "My transformation command," he explains. He uses the Magi Ticket in his Grip Phone. This brings him the power of the sun and turns him into MagiShine. Behind him, the Magiranger are gathering. They are, along with Mandora-Boy, not really happy. Mandora-Boy's distress is that he did not know the spell Hikaru introduced. Houka pats the dismayed Mandrake's head.

Stage. 21 ���@���}�ōs�����@�`�S�[�E�S�[�E�S���f�B�[���` Mahou Dokyuu De Ikkou Goo Goo Gorudiiro Ride the Magical Express
The arrival of MagiShine's train! Into battle he goes with his Grip Phone! Our five ride in the train, playing cards. Wolzard is back for a reckoning, and he is well matched with Magi Shine. Hikaru seems to have pissed off Makito. Somehow, the Magiranger end up as cave-men and women, covered in dirt, clad in animal skins, Kai in a necklace of beads, Tsubasa in one of teeth. Houka with a pink flower in her hair. A mammoth and Makito pounds his chest and roars! Hmm. That train can time-travel. The monster of the week appears to be a Minotaur. The train has a robot-form, as well. Mandora-Boy will be with the five in the past. Meemi looks upset, Nai and Mea stand opposite sides of the throne, and I'm betting Wolzard is involved.

Episodes 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-??