What is a DJ without a show??? Well, I've got my net Radio show. You can listen in when ever My DJ Raven ICQ # is online (56728443). Just ask for my IP adress. I'll give it to you and then you should be set!!! To Listen to my show, you'll need windows media player. If you have windows, don't worry, you have the player. One little problem is you might not have a recent enough version. So, after getting my IP adress, open up windows media player(It's in the start button, programs, accessories, entertainment and windows media player). then click on: File, then open. A small window appears with a dialogue box. in the box you must enter this: msbd://THE IP ADDRESS:7007 Then click on OK. If everything is good, you'll start hearing the show. Otherwise you'll get an error message saying something like:"unable to connect" or "Address does not exist". Something like that. If you get an error message, you can download the newest version of Windows Media Player (I suggest you get it even if the show works). Now, for all you scheptical people out there, the player will not be on my site. The link bellow will send you to Microsoft's official windows web page. Your gonna get it from them, not me. Better for those of you afraid of contracting viruses. Well, that's really all I have to say right now. Hope all works out. Oh, and tell you friends!!!

(Don't got ICQ!?!?!? OH MY GOD!!! YOUR POOR THING!!! Download it here!!!)

Download the newest version of Windows Media Player here

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