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All right people! As most online people, I do have a few favorite websites. Maybe you might like it or they might help you one way or another.

My favorites are:

www.ecircles.com - This is where you can have a place to gather all your friends according to your selections, let them be your classmates, relatives or ex-boyfriends.

www.malaysiakini.com - The online newspaper of Malaysia. Good alternative compare to all the mainstream newspaper. Most of all it's made in Malaysia. Give it a try.

www.soccernet.com - A good football site for all the football fans out there.

www.fhm.co.uk - Oh yes!! The online version of my favorite magazine. The official FHM website. You can see some nice photos of some pretty gals and more. Some of you girls might not like it, sorry :(

www.doodie.com/index.html - A pretty shitty website that make fun with your daily 'cake'. Yucky but bloody funny.

www.gospelcom.net/rbc/ - A good Christian resources. They have online version of Daily Bread and Campus Journal. Answers to some tough questions and doubts.

www.wwfmalaysia.org - Yes people, save our animals. They also have a shop that sells quite a number of good neat stuffs.

www.comics.com - A web full of your favorite comics! From Peanuts to Garfield, Rose Is Rose to Adam and lots more. Check it out!