Duncan MacKenzie -
guitar, vocals
Bob Ego - drums
Wayne Nicholson- lead
Bob Walker - bass
guitar, vocals
Bob Deutscher - guitar,
In the fall of 1976 I felt my playing had been suffering and I was somewhat despondent about being without a band for the first time in nearly 10 years. I needed some sort of shot in the arm so I packed up my gear and headed back to Winnipeg to just hang for a bit. Upon my arrival at a particular bar I bumped into some fellow musicians amongst them being Bob Fuhr, keyboard player and vocalist with the group Zdenka. He invited me to jam with them which I did at their rehearsal space. It was great. I got to play with others who felt the music like I did and I found my confidence renewed. I returned to Edmonton ready to play again.
Herb, as Bob Ego had come to be known, called me up to sit in with a group he had been rehearsing with called Granfalloon. They had been learning a Little Feat tune called All That You Dream. He asked me if I could learn the electric piano solo on my old Wurlitzer and sit in at rehearsal. I suggested I learn the solo on guitar instead since I wasn't that much of a keyboard player and the piano was somewhat of a hog to haul around being an old cabinet model. Thus I joined Granfalloon with Herb, Wayne Nicholson (formerly of a group called Horse) and Duncan MacKenzie, two ex-maritimers and Bob Walker. This was a raw ballsy rock band and the first one in which I shared guitar duties in a long, long time. It was refreshing. It also could have been called "The Bobs" because everyone except Duncan's actual first name was Robert! However, being somewhat mismanaged, we disbanded in late '76.Mercenary Territory Grand Central Station, Edmonton, Alberta on October 29, 1976. Part of the songs tail-out vamp. Sound - Guy Scott.
Patience A composition of mine also recorded at Grand Central Station and later recorded by Crowcuss