Disclaimer: They belong to Paramount, I'll give them back unharmed.
Author's note: Biology was too boring, so I wrote my first drabble. 11/23/99

Morning Sickness

by Karin

"Red Alert! Captain to the bridge!"
Kathryn Janeway was up and on her feet before she realized what has happened. But, what was wrong? Why couldn't she see properly? There was only a small point she could see and blackness around. Was the ship moving? Or were her legs trembling? Where came this nausea from? Sickbay. Yes the Doctor would know what was wrong. Communicator. Call him.
"Captain, are you all right?"
Chakotay, his voice, her lifeline. She needed to find her communicator. She felt building the nausea up. She saw blackness come and felt to the floor.
"Captain? Kathryn?!?"