Jobs => Job-hunting sites - Technology Companies in Ireland
Info => Electronics - Programming | DSP/embedded/Infra-red/SCSI

Main Electronics/Computing Companies in Ireland arranged by County (biased towards the ones I have looked into, in dots are ones I did interviews, oh)

Cork => �Alcatel, Bandon - �Apple Computers,Holyhill - Artesyn - Client Solutions,(Cork and Dublin) - �EMC,Ovens | Farran | Flextronics - General Semiconductors, Macroom | [ Henkel, Little Island | John Bean | M/A Com,Mahon | Motorola, Mahon - National Microelectronics Research Centre | Silicon Systems Design,(Cork and Dublin) | �Raidtec, Little Island

Limerick/Clare=> �Analog Devices | Tellabs - �Cabletron - Tecnomen

Dublin=> �Airtel ATN: data communications solutions for the aviation industry - �Allied Management Systems - Berlitz - Corel - Cognotec - � Cylon Controls - �DIGITAL Ireland - Job Search - �Ericsson (Dublin/Athlone) - Euristix - - �Ferrotec - IBM in Ireland Recruitment - ICL - Iona - Informix - Lucent - Logica Aldiscon Telecommunications Software Systems - Oracle - formerly Apion - S3 Spectel - Sun - �Visio - Xerox - Xilinx - �Zandar - small (6) Irish company making multi-window video- single screen systems (software and hardware)

ElseWhere : Aritech - Exact Software - Lake - ubinetics

Kildare=> Hewlett Packard | Welcome to Intel

West & North: Seagate

Austrailia: IT News

Cork Electronics Industry Association

IEI, The Institution of Engineers of Ireland

Teltec - Telecommunications research & development Ireland

Job-hunting ? ... check these
Irish Jobs - Jobfinder - detailed job descriptions from HR and companies
NiceMove (formerly
Recruitment Ireland
Irish Jobs Page - detailed job descriptions from HR and companies
Irish Times: Appointments
F�S - Training and Employment Authority, IrelandEnterprise Ireland - Forbairt, these two are one and the same. (There is job search facility, mainly smaller IRISH companies)

Human Resources agencies - Gerard O'Malley & Associates - Cork Human Resources (detailed job descriptions), techstaff, no description of jobs, Bond personnel - Rescon - Richmond -Mondial Solutions - IT & Telecoms Recruitment and Consultancy. - Professional Placement Group - Haynet - The Recruitment Business - HRM - ComputerPeople - Skillsgroup - Vantage

Immigration USA[email protected] - Electronics Academic mailing list basically the Lecturers but also the techs. in the dept.

Everyday Practical Electronics - "">Get Evaluation versions of Microsim's PSpice - LearnPIC, beginners guide to PIC programming - Pic Links - The Electronics Repair Center - Brill Electronics/Computing FTP site. - Technical and Scientific Information - eLib: Electronic Libraries Programme - Falstaff's Home Page - electric minds | home - IBM Patent Server Home Page - European Patent Office - EECS Instructional & Electronics Group Home Page - ANET Animated Electronics Tutorial - Interesting circuits - Electronics 214 - Alacron Imaging and Digital Signal Processing Solutions

Datasheets and other infomation availible from the followings =>

  • National Semiconductor, UARTs and general electronics
  • Maxim, interface ICs, RS232...
  • Texas Instruments, FTP site
  • Motorola
  • Intel => Developer Home - Embedded Intel Architecture

  • PSpice by MicroSim Corporation & OrCAD Home Page

  • AMP Incorporated
  • Radio Spares on the WWW

    Circuit Central, Electronics resources and links site (Brilliant)

    - Chip directoryHarris - Farnell

    SCSI stuff
    SCSI Trade Association -|- QLogic -|- Adaptec


    ACTiSYS Corp. - The Wireless Infra-Red Expert! - IrDA - Philips Remote Control Systems - developers of RC5,RC6,RC-MM
    Citizen IR receivers - official "One For All"

    Ericsson - - Network Programming with J2SE 1.4

    Embedded x86 Directory On-Line

    Microchip - Microcontrollers... Hyperstone - RISC/DSP microprocessors...
    Rational tools such as clearcase,Rose RealTime,etc..

    Telecommunications2G: OSE Systems
    3G: news - 3GPP - specifications, FTP specs archive - OSS Nokalva - ASN.1 decoder/encoders,
    4G: 4G intro =

    Software Language indepentant stuff
    Programming on the PC... then check out.
    Wotsit's file formats - Well organised, It WILL save you hours of searching for information. [Graphics,IR,mouse,keyboard,printers,file formats.. ]
    Help PC 2.10 by David Jurgens - so useful this copy on the fortunecity server Download now if your any PC, assembly or C work information on both hardware and software. Last updated 1991, but still the job.

    Craig Peacock's Interfacing the PC. - Everything to know about parallel ports, PC hardware interupts...
    Tomi Engdahl's PC hardware pages
    PC's parallel port

    Standardation bodies and info
    email: IETF, creator of networking,e-mail standards (RFCs) - RFC archive
    National Standards Association of Ireland - - ANSI

    If your doing any programming you'll need a great editor, here is my recommendations
    For Unix: nedit - stable, reliable, fully featured and more friendily and configurable then either EMACs or VI. (I've been using nedit everyday at work since jan 2001.
    For WinXX: Textpad, like a nedit for windows. It's shareware but well worth it. (I've been using textpad since in 1998 when I was in college). Other decent editors include MS Visual Studio..
    For MacOS: I've used mecrowork's codewarrior
    For DOS: Desk get it here.

    Programmer's Heaven - Archive of useful programs, source and tutorials. Sorted by language. 80x86 Assembler, C, Internet, Visual Basic / Q-Basic, C/C++
    Programmer's Lair - Programming, DJGPP, DirectX, Artificial Intelligence, Communications, Game Sources, Graphics, Sound, and more...

    Programming in C or C++
    DJGPP - Wintel version of GNU C/C++ compiler (used to write Quake. see '' for the source )

    Win Allgero (by Stein) - DJGPP MINE
    Programmer's vault - DJGPP - Tells you what you need from the below ftp site.
    Get it here => Simtel's DJGPP directory

    Assembly Language (x86) Resources
    Intel Secrets - Information and articles on Intel chips from an independent sources, includes bugs.
    - Radek Delphi Page -Yahoo! Computers and Internet:Programming Languages:C and C++

    Programming on
    Get Turbo C++ here

    Linux - The Open Source operating system for Standard PC, based on Unix and entirely FREE.
    Irish Linux Users' Group
    Freshnet - Brilliant Linux application search/description/status thingie -mirror
    Redhat - Wine Is Not a Emulator, of Windows - GNU Network Object Model Environment -GNU Project: DDD - Data Display Debugger

    JavaJava - Sun's definite resource,news,tips,downloads,tutorials..etc
    JavaSoft - Java Programming Resources. - JavaWorld - IBM Centre for Java Technology Development - - java
    Stuff I've used: NetComponents - Junit 3.7 API - Interface Java and C: Java Native Interface (Jini) - iText - Build tool: Ant - Sax

    World Wide Web [W3] Standards - includes HTML,XML..
    VRMLhtml_help's Home PageWelcome to JavaScript World!
    Back to society Back | Back to general links page

    Some useless info....Notes :- Modem, is the shortened from Modulator-Demodulator, since Analogue signals are normally with higher frequencies before transmitted over long-distance like on a telephone wire. It is signal needs to be demodulated before it can be Digital converted.WINE  - Wine Is Not Emulator (Recursive)USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsUSA,  United States of AmericaUN,   United NationsUAE,  United Arab EmiratesTLA   - Three Letter AcronymPCMCIA - Personal Computer Modem Connectivity Interface Architecture (or "People Can't Memorize mputer Industry Acronym" )PAGAN - People Against Goodness And Normalise (from the Dragnet "the movie")MOUSE - Manually Operated Utility Selection EquipmentLSD,ISA   - Industry Standard ArchtitureIIE,IEEE,IEE,HTML  - HyperText Mark-up LanguageGNU   - Gnu Not Unix  [Recursive, that ((GNU)NU)NU)NU... ]GAA,  Gaelic Athletic AssociationEU,   European UnionEMF - Electro-Motive ForceECC,  European Common MarketEC,   European Community/CommissionCJD,CIS,  Commonwealth of Independent Socialist RepublicsCAO - Central Applications Office, CIA Central Intelligence Agency, CSO Central Statistics OfficeBSc.,BE,AIDS,In Greek 'kilo' means 1000, but computer speak ha