Java Utilities Collection: API (in javadoc), Jarfile : utils.jar,, src
MP3 file ID3 tag reader ID2v3,ID2v4 and ID2v1 supported.
Replace String(s) with String(s) for file(s) in directory(s)
Java GNU and other classes
ml - Music List -

DSP animation tutorial, written in Visual Basic, John Hanley. A electronics degree final year project, it covers these area of Digital Signal Processing Theory:
Shannon-Nyquist Theorem
Convolution, Coorelation
FIR Filter Mechanics, IIR Filter Mechanics
Pole Zero Dynamics

Electronics tutorial - Electrical prinplces, A useful DOS program, covering
Atoms, Currnet, units
Resistors, Capacitors, Inductance
Resonance, Q-factor, Transformers, Transducer

Electronics tutorial - transitors, A useful DOS program, covering
Semiconductors basics, Diodes
Bipolar Transistors (BJTs), Intergrated circuits, Field Effect Transistors (FETs)
Power amplifiers, Power supplies

Electronics tutorial - Microprocessors, A useful DOS program, covering
History of computers, Hardware
Microprocessor, ALU, Memory, Interfacing
Early Intel and Motorola Microprocessors, Software, rolling screensaver (Win9x), PC hardware and software guide from 1992 but still the business. (DOS), a nifty little DOS editor. (DOS), resistor calucator

browse directory - does not work on some servers.