It obviously took weapons to win and to battle a war. So on this page we give credit to the weapons and techlogy that it took to win this war. But this page takes a while to load, so give it time.

X-Wing fighters include a socket for an astromech droid, which handles in-flight maintence and repars. The X-Wing fighter carries a small payload of proton torpedoes in addition to it's laser cannons.

This battered and aging YT-1300 light freighter has had a long history in the hands of several captians. Han has made many modifications to the ship, making it one of the fastest ships in hyperspace(although not the most durable.).

Tantive IV

Princess Leia's consular starhip is a Corellian Corvette, a common and traditional design seen throughout the galaxy. Blending in anoymously amoungst galactic space traffic. So many Corvettes have been converted for smuggling or convert uses that they are sometimes called "Blockade Runners."