X-Wing Alliance (XWA) a space combat sim
of Star Wars. It is a game where
you fight for your family, against the
evil Viraxo and with the Rebel Alliance against
the masses of the Empire. The story is
long and the finale is against the dreaded second
Death Star itself while you are flying
the Millenium Falcon.
I have had XWA for almost a year now and
I still like to play it. I lead a XWA squadron (clan)
which is called the Intergalactic
Pilots Clan or IPC. IPC has exsisted for about nine months now
and we have had our ups and downs. For
more information, check the website.
Pictures of X-Wing Alliance and IPC
Inside the cockpit of a X-Wing
Outside picture of a YT-1300 Corellian
transport leaving home.