Zechs Merquise: OZ

OZ Zechs, backlit with overcoat
OZ Zechs, looking up (at his father's portrait) OZ Zechs, pointing a gun, w/flaming background OZ Zechs: shattering mask 1 OZ Zechs: shattering mask 2 OZ Zechs lying unconscious Zechs in bed Close-up of sleeping Zechs Zechs sitting up in bed Zechs sitting up in bed, from a different angle Zechs' coat, glowing on a chair Zechs: close-up of face Zechs speaking to Howard Zechs looking a little like Yang Wenli Zechs: close-up of face (this is actually a White Fang pic)

[ OZ ] [ Ambassador ] [ White Fang ] [ Preventer ] [ OMAKE! ]

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