CM: We last left our intrepid heroes in a bookstore, where they had just bought the complete literary works of William Gordon.

Carla: "Looks like we have some reading to do." She checks her watch.

Benny: "You do that Carla. I shall do something else."

CM: So, you've got the books, what are you going to do now? Ishy is still missing, but may be back at the hotel now.

Carla: We'll head back to the hotel for now.

Carla squeaks back to the Jeep.

Benny follows. "What are the titles of the books?"

Carla begins to read the titles. "There's Hammer of Light by Gordon Williams, with a rather nifty cover of angel and sword. Lights in Heaven, God is My Shield, The End of the Road - the Beginning of the Journey, If'..."

Benny: "'If'???"

Carla: "and Grasping the Fire."

Carla goes back.

Benny: "That one doesn't sound right."

Carla: "Um, yeah. That's what it says. If'."

Benny: "Nothing grandiose or apocalytic or hokey pokey about that one. Give it here." Benny looks at the summary on the back.

CM: If apparently deals with the supreme possibilities for mankind if we each believe in the beauty of our own God-given potential, and paints a picture of the Utopian society we could build together.

Benny: "Hmm. Sounds pretty lame..."

Carla: "According to Rhonda, Grasping the Fire and Hammer of Light are similar

Benny: "Rhonda? Oh, the babe."

CM: Benny? Driving roll.

Benny: "So what about Lights and Journey?"

Carla checks her seat belt to make sure it is secure.

CM: Defaults to AGL

DICE for Benny: (1d100) = [ 93 ]
CM: You get cut up by a HUGE pickup truck and have to slam the brakes on. The SUV fishtails and screeches to a halt across two lanes. Cars honk at you as they pass, but other than that there's no damage.

Carla: And no one stops to check on us?

CM: Everyone seems to think this happens all the time (and it does).

Benny: Pausing for a moment, I drive us carefully to the hotel.

CM: You make it to the hotel without further incident.

Carla: "Are you OK?"

Benny: "I'm always OK, woman. How about you?"

Carla: "Always a woman."

Benny: "You can take it as a compliment if you want..."

Carla: (moving on) "I'm supposed to hear from Belle sometime tonight. And then tomorrow there's the meeting with Blackwell."

CM: It's about 3:45PM

Carla: "I'd like to give Blake a call and see what he knows about this Blackwell."

CM: There's no answer from Ishy's room, and no message at the desk.

Benny: "I'll call the bloody bugger," he says, mangling an English accent horribly. He looks in his wallet for the phone number.

Carla sits and removes her brace.  "I'm going to start going over these books then."

Benny: "Yeah. Blake... Blake..."

CM: You eventually find his number on the back of a fag packet.

Benny mutters under his breath, "Blake. Can't believe the fucker left me with a chick and the cowboy." He dials.

Carla: "I have excellent hearing!" she calls from the other side of the room.

Benny: "Whad'you say?"

Carla: "Nothing, just a chick mumbling to herself."

Benny blushes. "Nothing personal. Just old prejudices die hard."

Someone answers the 'phone.

Blake: "This had better be good."

Benny: "You!!"

Blake: "Benny?"

Benny: "This is a mess!!"

Blake: "Do you know what time it is?"

Benny: "Where the hell are you?"

Blake: "London."

Benny: "Yeah!! Four O'fucking clock!! What do you know about...Hmm.  Maybe we shouldn't be speaking of this right now. I'll write something and send it through a courier."

Blake: "Benny you tosser, I'm awake now. What is it?"

Benny: "Hmmm. Find out all you can about the well being Boston. God, that was really lame."

Blake: "Uhuh. I get your drift. He's a Dick. That help?"

Benny: "Capital Dick, huh?"

Blake: "That's the one."

Benny: "Send me all you can find, will you? And something about Gordon Williams. He's an author and a preacher."

Blake: "You're not hanging with the wrong crowd are you?

Benny: "Nope. Hope not."

Blake: "Okay,I'll do what I can."

Benny: "Just afraid someone is watching us. You know. Anyway, best regards to the missus."

Blake: "And yours mate."

Benny: "Yeah, right. Be seeing you, damn it."

Blake laughs

Blake: "Take care."

Benny hangs up.

Benny: "Well Carla. Toss me a book then."

CM: Carla, Lights appears to be about the existance of angels as physical beings around us. Or so it says on the back.

Benny: "Now let me have that If one."

Carla tosses it. Hard. "What did Blake have to say?"

Benny: "Nothing. As usual. Bloody Brits."

CM: Lights starts intriguingly. "I was eighteen years old when I heard the voice of God..."

Carla is hooked, and reads on.

CM: The opening chapter focuses on the transformative power of revelation, and hints at a 'Damascan conversion' experience for Gordon.

Private message from Benny to CM: Using Journalism, do I remember anything about Gordon?
Private message from CM to Benny: Make a roll
DICE for Benny: (1d100) = [ 27 ]
Private message from CM to Benny: You vaguely remember some fuss a few years ago when a tabloid ran something about Gordon having a criminal past, but that's all.
Benny: "I remember this nut now. He was a criminal, or something."

Carla: "Criminal?"

Benny: "Or so they said. I'll look it up. I'll check the library for the reference."

Carla: "Who said? What crime?"

Benny: "I can't remember. I'll look it up." Benny picks up a phone book and looks for library or universities.

Carla: "I just want to stay here and read until it's either time to meet Blackwell or go with Belle."

Benny: "Suit yourself. I'll take If and Hammer of Light with me."

Carla: "No, no.  Don't worry about me."

Benny: "I won't."

Carla: "Sweet."

Benny: "Should I bring you anything to eat?"

Carla: "I'll do room service later."

CM: Benny, there are several libraries in the area, the nearest one being the Parker Hill Town Library.

Benny calls the Parker Hill Town Library.

Carla: "Be careful though.  I'll leave a message at the desk if I do go out."

Benny: "Oh no. Please don't do that. No going out. I said I woudn't worry if you were here."

Carla: "I mean with Belle to talk to her mother. I promised her I'd go. But I don't know if it's going to be tonight."

Benny: "Damn it. What time?"

Librarian: "Parker Hill Library, can I help you?"

Benny: "Yeah, hi. My name is Benny Fitzpatrick. I'm a reporter. I wanted to know if you have records of newspapers."

Librarian: "Yes we do sir, we're linked to the Boston City Libraries Newspaper DataBase."

Benny: "Great!! What hours do you keep?"

Librarian: "We're open from ten 'til ten weekdays and Saturdays, and ten 'til six on Sundays.

Benny: "Great!! That is what I call service. Good job. See you in a few."

Librarian: "Have a nice day."

Benny: "You too." Benny hangs up. "So Carla. What is the arrangement with Belle? Maybe you can meet her at the library."

Carla: "Nothing real. If she needed me to go with her to tell her mom about Gordon, she said she'd give me a call. I don't think the library is the right place to break the news about someone's death."

Benny: "Why not?"

Carla: "It lacks that personal quality."

CM: The phone rings

Benny picks it up. "Hello."

[Voice]: "Carla Wilkinson?"

Benny: "Does this sound like a Carla to you?"

[Voice]: "Is Carla there?"

Benny: man or woman? "Hold on, I'll get her for you." He cups his hand over the mouthpiece. "Carla, it's for you."

CM: The voice is deep, but female.

Carla heaves herself off the couch and takes the phone. "Thank you." She speaks into the phone. "Carla here."

Belle: "Carla?"

Carla: "Belle?"

Benny mutters to himself. "I love libraries. My first wife dumped me in one."

Belle: "Hi. Who was that rude man?"

Carla turns to Benny. "Hush!" Then, speaking to Belle, "No one. Just the bellboy. How are you, dear?"

Benny: "What? Bellboy?"

Carla: "Sshh!"

Benny sits down and shuts up.

Belle: "Beat. You sure that wasn't your little boy toy or somethin' honey?"

Carla: "If you could see what I see, you wouldn't ask that question."

Belle laughs.

Carla smiles at Benny.

Benny frowns.

Carla: "Are we still on to visit your mother?"

Belle: "Actually, I was callin' to say that I've spoken to Mama, and she'd love to have you over for dinner. Bring a friend if you want."

Carla: "A friend? How about a rude bellboy?"

Belle: "Only if you let me spank him!"

Benny winces.

Belle laughs again.

Carla studies Benny before speaking again. "He might just like that.  But that's between the two of you."

Belle: "How does seven sound?"

Carla: "I'll see if he can join us. Hold on." To Benny, she says, "Can you be back from the library by six thrity to meet Belle and her mother for dinner? It'll be free food, and some possible spanking."

Benny: "Are you kidding me? I can make it there and back by then, but there is no way I'll have finished my research unless I'm staggeringly lucky." Benny thinks for a moment. "Who'll be doing the spanking?"

Carla: "It's up to you. But you didn't seem too keen on the idea of me going out alone. And besides, Belle is kind of pretty..."

Benny: "Oh really? I guess the newspapers can wait a bit."

Benny gets close to the phone and whispers, "Hello Belle."

Belle: "Hello Mr Bellboy. Hmmm, I like the sound of that. 'Belle-boy'." She chuckles dirtily.

Benny sits down again with a familiar look on his face.

Belle gives Carla her 'phone number and address, then hangs up.

CM: It's only 4:30 now.

Benny: "We could get ready and go to the library to put in some hours and then go to visit the hottie."

Carla shakes her head. "I'll stay here. My leg's killing me right now, and I'd like to rest it before we head over to Belles. You go on to the library without me. If you're not back by six thirty I'll take a cab to Belle's place. Don't worry, I'll be careful."

Benny: "Sure" Benny packs up his notepad and recorder and heads off to the library.

CM: As you walk out to the car, make a PCN roll.

DICE for Benny: (1d100) = [ 29 ]
CM: There's a big black limo at the far end of the parking lot, near the entrance. As you reach the car you catch a glint of something reflective, like binoculars or a camera lens. Then the car drives off.

Benny: License plate? Or any other detail?

CM: Other than the fact that the limo was tinted glass all round, no. It's too far away.

Benny: "Damn!" Benny drives to the library, trying not to worry about Carla.

CM: The Parker Hill Town Library is a neat two storey building, modern in aspect and design.

Benny walks inside.

CM: Inside, the gentle hum of air-conditioning just covers the whisper of turning pages.

Benny breathes in hard. "Ahhhh"

CM: At the reception desk, two young ladies talk quietly.

Benny walks over to the desk. "Hello, ladies." He puts on his most charming smile.

Librarian: "Can I help you sir?"

CM: Charm roll

DICE for Benny: (1d100) = [ 25 ]
Benny: "I know so."

The librarian smiles prettily.

Benny: "I'm a reporter and I need to research something."

Librarian: "We have an extensive reference library..."

Benny: "I have heard that the service here is impeccable, but I didn't expect the staff to be impeccable too."

The librarian giggles, thoroughly charmed even though you're obviously talking crap. "What exatcly is it you're looking for sir?"

Benny: "Newspapers. Anything on a Gordon Williams, late of this parish."

Librarian: "Walk this way, I'll help you..."

Benny: "Thank you, miss..."

The librarian sways out from behind the desk and wiggles into the library. "Fiona." Around nineteen and dangerously pretty, she leads you to a row of computer terminals. "Here you are sir." She points to the screen. "Do you know how to use a search engine?"

Benny: "I have been known to dabble... but I would love the pleasure of your company teaching me the finer points."

The librarian giggles, and pats the chair in front of the terminal. "Sit down here, and I'll give you a hand."

Benny: "Thank you. I didn't quite catch your name the first time."

Librarian: "Fiona."

Benny: "Pretty name. I'm Benny Fitzpatrick. Charmed to meet you, Fiona."

Librarian: "Well then Benny, just put your hand there..." She points to the mouse.

Benny: "Whatever you say." Benny dutifully performs as requested.

Librarian: "Now then..." She stands behind you and leans down, so that you can feel her breath on your neck. "Just move this over the box like so," she whispers in your ear. ""

Benny clicks as told.

Librarian: "Then type in what you want to look for...What was it? Gordon Williams or William Gordon?"

Benny: "Nice places for dinner"

CM: She is very close.

Benny: "Romantic dinner for two"

The librarian laughs softly. "Maybe later," she says, smiling.

Benny laughs. "That would be nice, Fiona. Yeah....William Gordon."

The librarian types in "William Gordon" and hits <enter>.

Librarian: "Just click on each one of these headlines, and it'll display the story. Then hit 'back' to get back to this screen."

Benny: "Thank you."

Librarian: "Just call me... if you want me," she whispers, her lips brushing your ear. Then she sways back to the front desk.

Benny: "I will...Fiona." Benny wipes his sweaty palms on his pants, then studies the screen.

CM: There are a number of stories on William Gordon. Together, they allow you to build up a dossier on the man.

Benny: Can I print it out?

CM: Yes. The computer works for a moment while it forwards the ropt you've compiled to the nearest printer.

Benny: I'll bite into a few pages of If while I'm waiting.

CM: In it's opening chapter and overview, If makes a few odd statements...

Benny: Like?

CM: It claims that human belief shapes the world around us, and that by believing in a perfect world, we can actually make it physical.

Benny: "Hmm. Sounds even more loony than usual. I wonder..." Any indication on how to make it physical?

CM: There's a certain logic in the way it's described, making references to the observer effect in quantum mechanics...

Benny: Just believing?

CM: The way Gordon describes it, it's more than just belief. It's like faith; absolute belief in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Make an Occult roll

DICE for Benny: (1d100) = [ 85 ]
Benny: Missed by 9.

CM: It all sounds vaguely familiar, but you just can't place it.

Benny: "I really have to learn to use a computer."

CM: PCN roll

DICE for Benny: (1d100) = [ 48 ]
Benny: Made it

CM: On the desk is Hammer of Light, Gordon's novel, written under the name Gordon Williams. The cover shows an angel, armed with a sword. As you look at it, you realise that the wings of the angel form an arch over it's head, stretching from outstretched arm to outstretched arm.

Benny: Give me a few more seconds.  I think my train of thought is derailed. It doesn't look like a plane, does it. It looks like an indalo? Oh yeah it does!! It's a frigging indalo!!

CM: Correct.

Benny: "Oh my God! He must have been in SAVE!" Benny does a little dance, then pack up the books, grabs the report off the printer and heads back to the motel, and Carla. "Carla!! Have I got some news for you!"

Session ends

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