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Here you vill find some information about Star Trek The Next Generation!

Here´s the main caractors:


Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Captain Jean-Luc Picard is the captain of Starfleet´s flagship vessel, the U.S.S Enterprise. Prior to his service onboard the Starship Enterprise, Picard served as a bridge officer and later captain of the exploration ship U.S.S. Stargazer. Picard is well known throughout the galaxy and deeply respected by his peers. In addition to his notable skills in diplomacy, he has a wide variety of other interest including astrophysics and archaeology.

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Commander William T. Riker

Commander Riker is executive officer and second in command of the Starship Enterprise. He is prone to emotional (and sometimes unconvetional) decisions, but is a very capable "Number One" to Captain Picard. Although he has been offered command of his own starship on numerous occasion, he prefers the crew and atmosphere of the U.S.S. Enterprise. His off-duty interest include cooking and jazz trombone.


Lieutanent Commander Data

Lieutenant Commander Data serves as the ship´s operations manager and usually mans the Ops station on the bridge, Data is an highly sophisticated android created by the legendary scientist Dr. Noonien Soong, who engineerd Data´s positronic brain. His basic programming forbinds him to harm living beings, but he can use force to protect others. One of Data´s unceasing quests is to understand what it means to understand what it means to be human.

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Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge

Geordi is the chief engineer of the Starship Enterprise, after serving a time on the bridge as flight controller. He has a brilliant mind for mathematics and engineering, and there is rarely a technical he can´t solve. Blind from birth, La Forge wears a vision device called a "VISOR" that provides him excellent vision, even in different light spectrums. His whimsial attitude is only match by his knack for different languages

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Lieutenant Worf

Lieutenant Worf is the chief of security and tactics expert on the Starship Enterprise. As the first Klingon in Starfleet, he has overcome a great deal to earn this respected position. Although strong emotions occasionally control his actions, his strenght and knowlegde of combat is unparalleled. In spite of his duties to Starfleet and the U.S.S. Enterprise, he has been heavily involved in Klingon politics.

Deanna Troi

Counsellor Deanna Troi

Deanna Troi is the Starship Enterprise´s counsellor and is able to use her empathic powers as a half-Betazoid to supplement her psychology skills. Her university training and Starfleet experience even allows her to read the feelings of aliens being. Not quick to anger, she can possess a fiery attitude when she feels someone is being wronged. Chocolate is her first love.

Dr. Crusher

Dr. Beverly Cruscher

Dr. Crusher is chief medical officer aboard the ship. She has expert biological training and is higly skilled at medical procedures, operations and diagnoses. Crusher is exstremly clear-headed and always matter-of-fact when on duty. A skilled dancer, she´s is very involved in theatre and playwriting.

Here´s The Actors:

Captain Jean-Luc Picard - Patrick Stewart
Commander William T. Riker - Jonathan Frakes
Lieutenant Commander Data - Brent Spiner
Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge - LeVar Burton
Lieutenant Worf - Michael Dorn
Councellor Deanna Troi - Marina Sirtis
Dr. Beverly Crucher - Gates McFadden
Guinan - Whoppi Goldberg

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