The Red Hared Heroine of Toyko 3
A tribute to Souryu Asuka Langley's
Fixed pages 8-10 Sep 3 98

Let me start off by saying that I never thought I would have a page like this. A tribute to, as have called her in the past, that annoying redhead. As you can see I have swallowed those words. I have come to like Auska as of late. There is really no reason for it, it just happened.
This is the reason that I have made these ten megs here home on the net. A tribute to all that is right in this world. A way to say you know, I was wrong. She is pretty cool, and deserves some more recognition. Now a little about the art. Dew to my computer crashing.... Dam Windows 95.... unstable..... but I degrees. The pics here were gotten off the net. Some of them are screen shots some are fan art. If I am using you picture without giving you credit LET ME KNOW and I'll do what ever it takes to correct the matter!

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the Gallery

Neon Genesis Evangelion and related images are copyrighted by GAINAX/ Project EVA, TVX, NAS. Used here for illustration purposes only! All information / Graphics were obtained from the Net. My Thanks to all of you, who one way or another contributed to this Site. And even gave me this disclaimer!!!
You are the
To make it here sence
May 19 1998

This Fortunecity Anime site is owned by Chuk.

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