
Welcome Looney Tunes fans!
Here are some Marvin the Martian Images 4U.
Marvin Taking a Look
Mad as a Mars Hare (1963)

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Marvin is looking through his telescope, watching a rocket launch from the Earth. The rocket soon crashes into Marvin with Astro-Bugs on board.
Marvin the Martian with Neanderthal Bugs
Mad as a Mars Hare (1963)

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171k 112k

While attempting to send Bugs into the future, Marvin accidentally changes him backward into a Neaderthal bunny.
Daffy Meets Marvin the Martain
Duck Dodgers in the 24th1/2 Century 1953)

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182k 119k

Daffy comes face to face with Marvin the Martian as the dispute heats up on planet X.
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THE OBLIGATORY FINE PRINT: Looney Tunes is the property of Warner Brothers Inc. and I encourage you to show your enthusiasm for these characters by buying Warner Brothers official products. I think you'd look great in a Tweety shirt about now. Anyway, the very limited Looney Tunes collection here is made available under the fair use provision.