Sundog was created during the desolate aftermath of the last Great War, an era in which many Autobots believed that their survival depended upon finding a new leader capable of replacing Optimus Prime. Sundog is one product of their efforts to create the perfect leader: his programming protocol contains the vital lines of code making it possible for him to access and use the Autobot Creation Matrix. Thus, Sundog is technically a "Prime." Nevertheless, Sundog has never shown any interest in being the leader that he was expected to become, and for this reason, among others, he has long been an enigma to his people. He continually demonstrates the qualities that he was meant to have - the strength, wisdom, courage, conscience, intelligence and instinct for self-sacrifice that should have earmarked him for Autobot high command. In spite of all this, his primary motivation seems to have always been to avoid drawing attention to himself. Decorated many times for bravery and strategy in battle, he has consistently rejected promotions. He ended his military career abruptly and inexplicably in 2042 by requesting civilian reassignment on Earth. His contributions to the fields of engineering science, military strategy and Cybertronian history have been considerable, but all have been made from the shadows. He has refused accolades for his work, going so far as to publish his historical writings under a pseudonym to conceal his authorship. He has had only a few close friends, and none in whom he has confided fully; he has never shown a romantic interest in any other Autobot, male or female, and in general, he leads a life of the strictest privacy. Few have ever so much as set foot inside his living quarters. Rumours abound that he is hiding some kind of dark, shameful secret, though what such a secret might be, his fellow Autobots can only speculate. |