Greetings! This is a small FAQ to help you get acquainted with this web page. If you have any other questions or comments, you can mail me here.
Now, on with the FAQ.
Dedcat's House of Plastic Fun is a web page which features customized toys and action figures that I have created over the years. It is comprised of seven major sections.
The Beast Wars section features custom made transformers.
The Collective is a collection of toys which I have assimilated ala Star Trek's The Borg.
Some of my favorite characters from film and television can be found in the Movie, TV, and Games section.
Spare Parts shows what some left over pieces, a little imagination, and a lot of glue can do.
The Super Deformed section features some familiar faces ? really big faces.
The 12" doll section features custom dolls and Barbie's.
Lastly, the Prop Shop displays some replica prop's I have contructed.
Also contained within, you will find recipes and links to other great customizing sites.
All to often toy manufacturers fail to come out with the toys I want, or they do just don?t do a good job in the first place. By customizing, I am able to not only achieve the product I desire, but I have fun doing it.