What Voyage Means to Me
My heart belongs to the Seaview,
With her brave officers and crew.
They gave a short refuge to a
Sad child who had nowhere or
No one to turn to.
My heart belongs to the Seaview.
As each week I watched to see them
Defeat the bad guys and assorted monsters;
I always had hopes that I would
Defeat my own personal monsters, too.
My heart belongs to the Seaview.
You can have your slick shows of today
With all their fancy computer effects,
Which seem to overshadow the actors
And the story they are trying to tell.
My heart belongs to the Seaview,
For she still provides me refuge from
the new monsters that I face today.
I will always find the time for a
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.
Sheree Elsayed
12:04 18/05/99