The Union of Planetary Republics:
    "I'm going after Lothair," you say.  Two other Spacers say they want to help you.  You lead them down the corridor, looking for Lothair.  At an intersection in the corridor, you see a tall muscular man run across your corridor.  You hardly see him, but one Spacer with you shouts:

    "Hey!  That's Lothair!  Get him!"

    You and the other two charge off after him, hoping to get him with your stunner and knock him down long enough to arrest him.  But as you run around the corner, the man drops a round object with a little flashing red light on it.

    "Hit the deck!"  one Spacer hollers.

    As you and the other two Spacers drop to the floor, the object explodes.  It isn't that strong of an explosion, but suddenly, you and the others begin to convulse.  You drop to the floor, coughing and choking on the purplish-green gas in the air.

    "It's nerve gas,"  you say.  Those are your last words.



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