You Know You Like "Sailor Naia" Too Much When...

Here is my list, in no real order, of signs to know when you like "Pretty T'sentrati Sailor Naia" too much. I wrote these all in one sitting, and on a whim, so if you can think of anything I missed to add to this, send them to me here. Enjoy!

  1. You read the story again and again to try to "get" all the jokes.
  2. You're a man, but you dress up in a sailor fuku and wig to be like Sailor Karv.
  3. You get into arguments with your friends over whose powers in the story are the coolest.
  4. You bought the Pizzicato Five album Happy End of the World just to hear the song Sailor Naia sang to defeat Tuyen.
  5. You find yourself quoting lines from the story...
  6. especially Sailor Karv's.
  7. You wish you had blue skin so you could look like Tuxedo Kamen Q, or Kaeisuan.
  8. You've kept a count of how many times the heroes called Tuyen "bat-boy," or used other such Batman-inspired insults.
  9. You set your Minmei doll on fire and throw it, shouting, "Burning Minmei doll!"
  10. You wish there were a real anime of "Pretty T'sentrati Sailor Naia"...
  11. and argue over who would draw this hypothetical anime, who would do the voices and music, and above all, whether it would be in T'sentrati or Japanese.
  12. You want Moonlight Jinas to have a bigger role in the next "Sailor Naia" story.
  13. You found out Naia has her ears pierced 2L, 1R, and often wears three different earrings, so now you do too.
  14. You actually know what's ironic about Tuyen's name.
  15. You obsessively stalk Karv Garst to find out what he really looks like.
  16. You wish there were "Sailor Naia" merchandise.
  17. You got an ant farm and take it on all your picnics because Kaeisuan does.
  18. You want to get your hair cut like Naia's, and dyed her shade of dark blue.
  19. You have dreams about "Sailor Naia"...
  20. in which you appear as Sailor Karv.
  21. You make a secret shrine to Sailor Maggie in your closet.
  22. You practise throwing Flowers of Life like darts, just in case you have to fight a penguin monster someday.
  23. You try to make up a theme song for the story to the tune of "Moonlight Densetsu."
  24. You have arguments with your friends over which cameo role has better lines-- Puck or Moonlight Jinas.
  25. You get as angry as Sailor Naia does when Karv lets Tuyen get away with Kaeisuan.
  26. You're anxiously awaiting the sequel to be put up on my page.
  27. You bought a penguin beanbag toy, and named it Groovy.
  28. You play "Sailor Naia" with your "Sailor Moon" dolls.
  29. You want to grow your hair to your waist and dye it dark purple to be like Magdomilla.
  30. You wish I'd just hurry up and draw the other characters so you could finally see what they really look like.
Do you like them? Have anything to contribute? Think any of this applies to you? Don't forget to leave your comments and suggestions at the clicky on top!

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